My Evil System

Chapter 84 Ugh . . . Breasts?

The women\'s bras were vaguely visible under their thin undergarments. It was like looking at breasts in all shapes and sizes. Sheryl\'s were small and cute. Emi\'s were modest and proud. While Megu\'s were huge and firm. Not saggy at all.

"Hey," Sheryl called out to me.

"Y-yeah?" I said, looking at her face, and looked away before my eyes could travel to her body.

"Do you have a dryer around here?" she asked.

"No," I choked from answering too fast and cleared my throat. "You can dry your clothes by the fire if you want."

<Way to go, Host. You couldn\'t be even more obvious. That\'s alright, though. With the Evil Accessories, you can blackmail them into doing whatever you want>

Shut up! I\'m not a hooligan!

<Or, Host can finally buy the Handsome Elixir. With it, the women would definitely scramble to your feet and line up to your bedroom.>

Don\'t put funny things inside my head.

<But Host got to admit that you have thought of it.>

I couldn\'t help it anymore because you put the idea in my head!

<If you don\'t want to buy the Elixir, then you should just ask them for their underwear, right?>

What are you saying?!

<Just think about it, Host. It\'s payment for the hospitality. They must offer something in return for shelter, food, and medicine. There is no such thing as free lunch in this world.>

I sighed to the side. System, if you have a physical body, I\'ll throw you out in the wilderness and leave you there. Maybe you\'d learn what it\'s like to be kind to others.

<Too bad that the System don\'t have a physical body. And the System doesn\'t die either, so Host\'s efforts would be futile.>

I grumbled under my breath.


I blinked rapidly when Emi called my name.

The women all weirdly looked at me as if they were staring at someone crazy. Did they see me muttering to myself just now?

<Seems like it>


"W-what is it?" I said and forced a smile.

"Didn\'t you hear us?" Emi frowned.

I looked at her as if it was my first time seeing her.

Emi rolled her eyes and repeated, "The medicine? For our skin?"

My eyes rounded. "Oh, right. Sorry." I handed the basket full of potions and ointments that Ulysses made for all kinds of skin sickness.

That guy made a bunch.

The girls immediately surrounded the ointments and applied them to their skin.

Sheryl\'s eyes rolled up to the back of her head as she sighed in relief. "God! It\'s like hot water poured to an itch on your foot. It feels so good!"

Emi\'s tight brow loosened as well.

"The minty sensation felt wonderful," said Megu. "The itchiness disappeared too."

"Is my face back to normal?" Sheryl immediately asked Megu.

"There\'s still a bit left . . . but I think they\'re working. The warts are getting smaller and disappearing as well."

Sheryl\'s hand went to her face, and her smile went up to her ears. "Thank god! I thought the warts would leave a permanent scar!"

Emi was checking her face as well.

As I watched them rejoice, a smile appeared on my lips. Seeing others happy also made me happy.

<You\'ll be happier if you give them the Evil Accessories.>

True happiness and satisfaction comes from the smiles of others. I said to the system in my mind.

"These medicines are incredible." Emi inspected the jars and ointments in the basket. "Did you make this?"

Of course, she\'d be suspicious. Medicines here were expensive. Everything was expensive. How could I afford to buy it, right?

So that left the option of making it or . . . stealing it.

Sheryl batted her eyelids at Emi. "Can\'t we just thank Cross for the medicine and not ask him anything unnecessary?"

Emi scoffed. "Are you sure that you want that mind set in a world where players kill players?"

"Y-you . . ."

"It\'s fine," I said before a fight could break out between them. "I have a token that made them."

"Really?" Megu clapped her hands together. "It must be an Apothecary. You know, those people who make medicines with herbs and such."

Emi asked, "Where is he?"

"He is in his lab outside," I said. "Though he doesn\'t like to be disturbed."

Sheryl and Megu believed me, and Emi changed the topic. "How many tokens do you have to build this place?"

I looked over the ceiling, pretending to think. What number was safe anyway?

"I think around . . . ten or more," I answered vaguely.

"That many?"

Was it too many?

"The players the monster killed during its rampage were too many to count, and a lot of tokens were left scattered on the ground when they disappeared. There are even other players who got more than I did."

Emi seemed to be interested in the Tokens as she asked further. "Are there any tokens left in here?"

". . . I don\'t know." I shrugged. "Maybe?"

Emi only nodded, and she placed her fingers over her chin, thinking. Her expression told me that if there was no Blood Rain going on, she would be out of the house and searching for those Tokens.

<Everyone\'s the same. They know how valuable Tokens are.>

At this moment, the guys appeared. I wondered why they were late, though. Shouldn\'t girls take longer than guys to take a bath?

<Maybe they were busy exploring the upper floors and checking if there was anything worth stealing.>

The System snickered, and I ignored it.

The guys applied the medicines on their skins as well, and Edgar wasn\'t shy at all, pocketing a few.

Augh . . . its fine. I said to myself. I could just ask Ulysses to make more.

At that exact moment, Florin popped from the archway and beamed. "Dinner\'s ready!"

"Oh! Finally! The thing I have been waiting for!" Edgar didn\'t wait for the others and went straight to the kitchen, even brushing Florin\'s shoulder along the way.

"Hoi, Edgar! Watch where you are going!" Ford hollered before he stood in front of Florin, scratching his head with a shy smile. "You okay?"

( . . . continuation on NOTES)

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