My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration

Chapter 747: Longevity (2)

This name sounded a little strange.

However, its achievements were almost peerless in the legends of the Journey to the West.

That was a terrifying divine art that had once swollen Tathagata’s middle finger and pierced through the stone monkey’s flesh. It was specially used to break through the Indestructible Vajra Body and made even top-notch Buddhas feel pain!

These guys had taken out the Immortal Binding Rope earlier and used the powerful yellow light screen earlier. Now, there was actually such a divine item that was considered first-rate in ancient times.

Where did they find the treasures?

What method did the ancient mighty figures use to keep so many powerful treasures until now?

However, because of the Cultivationless Age, these treasures had all suffered huge irreparable damage.

Some could barely be used and were extraordinarily effective.

For example, this Horse Poisoning Needle was even more fragile. If it was used with all its might, it would probably shatter on the spot.

Therefore, they sealed it with a brilliant method and only used the bit of power that leaked out to cause damage.

However, this bit of leaked power easily pierced through the Golden Duke’s body.

If it was not for the seal, even Jiang Li would probably suffer extremely terrifying injuries.

“How many good things do you still have!?”

After putting away this dagger, Jiang Li became more and more curious.

Up until now, with Jiang Li’s knowledge and experience, there were only three types of supernatural power that could still exist in the Cultivationless Age.

One was the black stone monument that Jiang Li had seen before. It was the largest plan carried out by those ancient mighty figures.

They sacrificed the Dragon Race, demons, and a large number of low-level Immortals and Gods without status and strength to preserve a chance of survival for themselves.

Although it was really only a chance of survival, most of the reincarnated Immortals and Buddhas in the current cultivation world came from here.

The second was the lowest level of the Nine Nether.

When the world first opened, the clear qi floated up and the turbid qi sank. The Cultivationless Age mainly targeted the clear qi.

The higher one went, the faster they died. The deeper one went, the longer they stayed.

In the deepest depths of the Netherworld, there had always been a wisp of Yin qi that had not dissipated. This also allowed the Spiritual Root of Heaven and Earth, the Nine Nether Wood, to live from ancient times until now.

The third was the providence of the human race condensed from the billions of lives of countless ordinary humans. This power was ethereal and invisible, and it really existed.

This providence would condense in places with human merit. Jiang Li had gone to several places related to the human race.

The things inside were far more intact than in other places.

This group of people could leave behind powerful immortal artifacts like the Immortal Binding Rope, the powerful yellow membrane of light, and the Horse Poisoning Needle until now.

Moreover, from his words, he clearly knew that the title of the “Human Emperor” which was almost only used in the Primordial World and had disappeared after the Divine Investiture Tribulation.

Retaining knowledge of such an ancient name, in a sense, was even more difficult to preserve an immortal artifact.

He did not know what method they used to do this.

Who could create such a huge plot behind the scenes?

“Let me see who you are!”

Jiang Li reached out and grabbed Alfred’s armor.

Slowly exerting strength, fine cracks quickly appeared on the armor.

After shattering, a wrinkled face was revealed.

He looked like an old man.

However, that Armored Troll appearance was not disguised. It was the first generation Original Armored Troll.

In the early days, the ancient lingzhi would not corrode creatures into Armored Trolls as thoroughly as now.

This was Alfred’s face before he became an Armored Troll. It was only for decoration now.

Jiang Li’s right hand grabbed the old face, and his fingers transformed into roots that twisted and entered his head.

The Nine Nether Wood countered souls to begin with. In the past, whenever there was anything like searching souls, he basically handed it to his two Nine Nether clones.

After fusing with the Nine Nether root, Jiang Li’s ability in this aspect also quickly increased, and its might had already surpassed the two clones.

The Nine Nether roots ruthlessly broke through his soul defense and took root in his mental world.

A large number of colorful dream spiders crawled out and wreaked havoc in the other party’s mental world.

He weaved the power of dreams to reduce resistance.

The roots began to extract the other party’s soul power without any fear, causing this mental world to visibly wither.

Some fragmented images surged into Jiang Li’s mind.

Alfred was the earliest Armored Troll born from the birth of spiritual qi.

His life was really too long. It was the longest Jiang Li had ever seen. His long life of nearly ten thousand years caused him to have too many memories.

Most of them were trivial lives without much meaning.

A long time ago, he had already joined the Armored Troll Court and started to live a repetitive life.

In his long life, the only change might be serving different masters.

He quickly skipped these useless memories.

Jiang Li gradually began to discover that his memories were always blank for a period of time every day.

It was not obvious for a day or two, but as time passed, it became quite suspicious.

During that period of time, what Alfred had seen and done might be the secret of those people with longevity.

The mental cultivation of the Armored Trolls was generally extraordinary, and their control over their memories was even stronger.

It seemed that there was nothing useful in the outer area.

The most important secret must be hidden in the deepest depths.

With a thought from Jiang Li, the brown roots quickly spread out and coiled towards the center of his mental world.

The five roots suddenly stabbed into the core area of the mental world.

Some different images finally appeared.

Those were his memories before he became an Armored Troll.

Wait… how could those images have happened in the Azure Cloud Continent!?

Jiang Li discovered something quite wrong.

“The birthplace of this group of people with longevity is actually not the Prosperous Ox Continent, and it’s also the Azure Cloud Continent like me.”

“Long before the Qin Dynasty became the Immortal Qin Dynasty, their people were already active in the Azure Cloud Continent!”

No wonder they were so proficient in using artifacts. Most Armored Trolls did not know this.

Runes, alchemy, and weapon refinement. Perhaps they had more.

This faction might be even more terrifying than he had imagined.

“Gasp! That stitched beast was actually their doing!”

“So they were behind the rise and fall of the Immortal Qin Dynasty!”

“They can actually do this. Who are they?”

He became more and more shocked. He continued to go deeper and continuously dug out more things violently.

His soul-searching technique was actually very brilliant. After being searched by him, Alfred’s outcome was either death or stupidity.

This was the result of soul searching. In the cultivation world’s righteous sects, unless one encountered a great villain, they would rarely use such sinister methods.

No matter what, Alfred could not be considered innocent.

However, just as his roots touched the deepest secret, a pale old face suddenly appeared in front of him.

This was the first time Jiang Li had seen this face, but it was not the first time the owner of this face had seen him.

At that time, the phantom that appeared under the inverted Nine Provinces was this person.

Obviously, Jiang Li’s actions under the Nine Provinces Cauldron had already fallen into his eyes.

The reason why the identity of the Human Emperor’s successor was exposed was also because of this person.

The pale old man with white, eyebrows, beard, and hair, waved his sleeve in Alfred’s mind.

Golden lotuses surged out and suddenly repelled Jiang Li’s Nine Nether roots.

In the next moment, Alfred’s head exploded.

Jiang Li, who had his palm on the other party’s head, took a few steps back. He held his head and a line of blood flowed out from his nose.

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