Start By Becoming A Mangaka

Chapter 730: Rules of The Game

"I\'ve heard that she has defeated 100 people alone before."

"Ha? Isn\'t it 70?"

Yuuki listened to their conversation and asked, "Umiko, are they talking about you?"

Umiko nodded, "Yes, most people in this place have known me as \'The Eagle\'."

"That\'s a cool nickname!" Chitoge said.

"Alright, let\'s sit down over there and I will tell you about the rules of the game," Umiko said.

They nodded and sat down on the bench waiting for the organizer to enter the field to announce the game to start.

"Is it only me or is everyone looking at us?" Chitoge suddenly asked.


\'You just realized it now?\' They were speechless and didn\'t expect this girl to be this clueless. They saw Chitoge still had this happy expression on her face.


"Well, it\'s because we\'re one of the top contenders who will become the winner for this tournament," Umiko said.

"Oh, one of the top contenders?" Yuuki asked.

Umiko nodded, "There are three teams that we need to watch out for, there are ToyGunGun, Hoshishiro, and Nine Tails."

"Now that you mention it, what is the name of our team?" Yuuki asked.

"Our team name is \'The Predator\'," Umiko said.


"It\'s a very fierce name," Tsugumi said.

"Still, that name is very cool," Chitoge said.

"Yeah, this name is very cool," Umiko nodded and seemed happy that they could understand the coolness of this game, "Alright, let me tell you the rules of this game, I have said earlier that the first rule is to avoid the bullet that is trying to hit you since once you were hit you will die and you will have to get out from the game."

"In simple words, if you\'re shot, you lose."

They nodded and understood.

"Also, you always need to use your goggles during the battle, it will be bad for the bullet to enter your eyes, worst case your eyes will become blind because of this," Umiko said.

"....." Chitoge was speechless, "Is it that serious?"

"Yes, the power of bullet of airsoft gun is quite strong and eyes are very soft part of the body, once it hit the consequence will be very hard, that is why we need always wear our goggles to protect our eyes, do you understand?" Umiko asked.

"Yes!" They nodded in response.

"Once you\'re hit, you need to shout \'hit\', you can\'t continue or else you will break the rules," Umiko said.

"There must be someone who will continue after being hit right?" Yuuki said.

"Yes, there is a lot of trash who still continue to play the game even though they have been hit by the bullet, in this community we often call them \'zombie\'," Umiko said.

"Zombie, huh? A suitable name for someone who was still standing even though they had been hit," Tsugumi nodded.

"Then, what should we do during that time?" Paula asked.

"So you don\'t need to worry, just keep shooting them without mercy," Umiko grinned.

They also grinned when they thought that it was a suitable punishment for the people who had broken the rules.

The bullet that was shot from the airsoft gun was quite strong, and when someone was hit directly it would create a bruise on the part of the body that was hit by the bullet.

"Those are the basic rules of these survival games but there are three other special rules here," Umiko said.

"There are sure a lot of rules here," Paula complained.

"Yeah, since the prize of this tournament is very big, anyway, let me continue first," Umiko said and continued, "First, the numbers must match up."

"Numbers? Do you mean the number of our team?" Chitoge asked.

"Yes, the team that faces each other needs to have even numbers, the team with more members has to match the team with fewer members, for example we are a team of five people and our opponent is a team of three people, we need to match them and fight them with three people," Umiko said.

They nodded and thought the rule was quite fair.

"Second, there is no calling \'freeze\'," Umiko said.

"What is \'freeze\'?" Tsugumi asked.

"\'Freeze\' is a word that you use to say when you have cornered your opponent during that time your opponent will shout \'hit\'. You will win the game without even shooting your opponents, but that thing is forbidden here to win the match you need to shoot them," Umiko said.

"So what if you\'re close to your opponent? Isn\'t it dangerous to shoot them close to the distance?" Yuuki asked.

"Good question, during that time, you only need to aim at their gear or shoes, it won\'t be dangerous to shoot that place," Umiko said.

"So what are the last rules?" Paula asked.

"Finally, there\'s the most dangerous and unique rule," Umiko said while raising her three fingers, "Hand-to-hand and knife attacks are allowed."

"Knife? Is it really a knife?" Tsugumi became worried.

"Of course not, we will use a plastic knife that has a bit of a similarity to the real one," Umiko said while showing the knife to them.

"Hmm," Yuuki bent the knife and knew that it could hurt people.

"Normally, touching an opponent is not allowed but in this game, it is allowed, you can kill your opponent with anything that is why this game is dangerous, people will try to push or trip you, so watch your distance," Umiko said.

They felt that it had really become something similar to a real battle.

"You can touch your opponent\'s guns too, you can grab their weapons and make them weaponless," Umiko said.

"Lastly, I\'d like to advise to call \'hit\' as loudly as you can, there are some cruel fighters who keep shooting their opponents even though they have beaten them so be careful," Umiko said.

Yuuki might have changed his image of this survival game soon.

"It\'s to announce when you\'ve been hit, right?" Chitoge asked.

"Yes, that one," Umiko nodded and asked, "So do you have any questions?"

Paula raised her hand.

"Yes, what\'s wrong, Paula?" Umiko asked.

"Should we use an alias during a battle?" Paula asked.

Umiko nodded, "That might be interesting, so do you have an idea what kind of nickname for everyone?"

"Yes," Paula nodded and said, "You\'re an Eagle."

Umiko nodded.

"Black Tiger is Tiger," Paula said.

Tsugumi didn\'t have trouble with her nickname.

"For Ojou is...." Paula thought for a bit and wasn\'t sure what to say.

"How about Gorilla?" Yuuki said.

"I\'M NOT GORILLA!!!" Chitoge moved very fast and punched his face.

Yuuki didn\'t expect her to suddenly hit him. He hurriedly dodged her attack and hugged her to stop her attack, "I\'m sorry, I don\'t know that you hate that name that much."

Chitoge was blushing and tried to escape from his hug, "L - Let go of me!"

"I will," Yuuki released her but he felt two guns on his head.

"Yuuki, even if we\'re dating, I won\'t forgive you for playing with Ojou," Tsugumi said while pointing her gun.

"Yeah, me too," Paula said.

"....." Umiko nodded in approval when she saw both of their movements.

Yuuki wanted to cry when he saw no one had helped him.

"T - Then your name is a wolf! You\'re a big bad wolf!" Chitoge said while pointing her finger at him.


Yuuki wasn\'t sure whether he should be happy or not with this nickname. Even though the name was cool, the meaning was very far from cool.

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