I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 222 Someone like you

Chapter 222 Someone like you

On top of the rock, Yu Chen and Xiaolei were sitting there, gazing up at the moon. Yu Chen’s arms were around her, hugging her from behind, pressing his face against her hair.

Big Dark was lying right next to them as Xiaolei gently stroked its head with her free hand.

\\"All these are really overwhelming. Can I ask how you came up with all this ideas?\\" Xiaolei asked, curiously.

\\"They were your ideas to begin with.\\"

\\"Huh?! Mine?\\"

Xiaolei moved and looked at him in confusion. \\"Well, the idea of chocolate bars was indeed mine but that was all –\\"

\\"It wasn’t just the chocolate bars. Remember when you snuck out from your house that night? You told me you wanted to watch the blood moon that night so I helped you sneak out.\\"

Upon hearing him, Xiaolei’s eyes slowly widened as the memories from that night flashed in her head. She remembered them walking hand in hand in the forest. The moon was bright but because they were walking under the shade of thick trees, it was pretty dark. Xiaolei even stumbled many times despite having a flashlight.

\\"You said it would be nice if the trees were covered with fairy lights, creating a magical path towards the meadow. You were so happy when you were telling it to me.\\" He added and Xiaolei was again rendered speechless. She couldn’t believe that he was still thinking about those little things and even made them come true.

\\"I was hesitating before because you might not like it since you are not a child anymore,\\" he paused and scratched the back of his neck. \\"But I couldn’t think of anything else. Bro Zaki suggested a lot but...\\" he paused again as he shyly looked at her.


\\"I decided not to listen to them even though I was the one who asked for suggestion. I ended up listening to you.\\" he hid his face in the nook of her neck. \\"It’s not that childish, right?\\" he mumbled against her skin, causing her to shiver.

\\"It’s not. Honestly, this is unlike anything else I have ever seen or experienced. You don’t know how touched and happy I am right now, experiencing all these surprises.\\" She felt him lift his face and then he tilted his head and leaned over to look at her face. Their eyes met and his gaze was beautifully tender.

\\"I’m glad,\\" was all he said before he hid his face again. She felt him take a deep breath, as if he was extremely relieved, as he gazed at the sky again.

They sat like that for another immeasurable moment until Xiaolei’s attention returned to the chocolate bars on her lap. She stared at the three words on them and she smiled.

\\"You want to eat them?\\" Yu Chen broke the silence and Xiaolei immediately shook her head.

\\"No! There’s no way I’m going to eat these.\\" She protested as she moved away and looked at him. \\"I’m going to keep these just like this.\\"

Yu Chen just nodded, completely giving in really quick despite him still looking a bit confused.

Suddenly, Xiaolei knelt on both her knees facing him. She inched closer, stretched out her whole hand and traced the contours of his gorgeous face.

\\"Those words written on the chocolate bars...\\" The word hung there for a moment in the cold breeze. \\"I want you to say it. I want to hear it.\\" she trailed off and Yu Chen’s eyes burned into hers.

She expected him to blush and get embarrassed but surprisingly, he didn’t. His dark eyes scorched from under his lashes, hypnotic and intense.

The sudden change in his expression caught Xiaolei off guard. The force of his stare seemed to be blinding and she was unable to look away or think about anything else.

And then, with no hesitation at all, he said it.

The words \\"I love you\\" echoed like mystic music in her ears and it tightened the muscles in the pit of her stomach, sending her pulse hammering through her veins.

Xiaolei almost forgot to breathe. Somehow, she was thankful that this man used written messages to convey his confession and proposal a while ago or else, the impact on her would be utterly lethal. She felt like her knees weaken and she let herself collide on him, hugging him. Ah, this man really knows how to kill me tenderly...

\\"Are you okay? Are you tired now? Should we go back home?\\" he asked and Xiaolei sighed, not pulling away.

\\"Let’s stay for a while.\\"


\\"How long did it take you to prepare all these?\\"

\\"I already ordered my men to put the lights on last night and the rest was prepared just today.\\"

\\"Why did you chosoe to wear your panda outfit tonight?\\"

\\"Because you like it.\\"

She chuckled, still not letting go of his neck. \\"How about the falling white things a while ago?\\"

\\"Drones. Little Rui and Ran’s idea.\\"

\\"Really?! Wow, I’m surprised. You also got them as your accomplices, huh? That’s super cute.\\" She giggled. \\"How about the idea of using Big Dark and company as well as the cardboard?\\"

\\"I know you like my fluffy pets and... I didn’t want to use my men to hold them.\\"

\\"Eh? Why?\\"

\\"I just... wouldn’t like it if other people were around. I want to be the only one before you.\\" he sounded shy and Xiaolei chuckled again.

\\"God, you’re so cute. How about those words written in them... who wrote it?\\"


Xiaolei pulled away in surprise. She finally looked at his face and the man was blushing.

\\"Sorry, it’s not that good. Gu Wei offered to do it but... I thought I should do something too and not just order my men to do the things for me. I purposely made them delay you so I could write it before you arrived.\\" He explained and Xiaolei bumped her forehead to his. This was really too much... she didn’t even know what to say. How could this man be so... so damn... Ahh, I just want to squeeze you now! What did I do in my life to deserve someone like you?

\\"Yu Chen, I also want to keep those cardboard signs.\\"


\\"I want to hang them in our room.\\"

\\". . .?!\\"

\\"Okay, let go back. I have to give you a reward for making me the happiest person on earth tonight.\\"

\\"Reward? I... don’t need it, making you happy is more than enough for me.\\"

Xiaolei narrowed her eyes and leaned in closer to him. Her finger traced his lips as she looked at him like she wanted to devour him. And then, she whispered sexily in his ears. \\"Are you sure you don’t want it?\\"

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