What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 568 - Sometimes You Have To Test It On Yourself


I know nothing about it at all.

Or rather, it\'s impossible to figure out what it actually does.

The effect of the Origin liquid seems to be entirely random too.

I gave another wolf monster some of it and it turned into a cute puppy instead of the mountain sized wolf that the first one had transformed into.

Dropping it on a few trees changed them into different kinds of things too. One became a giant Treant, another changed into a wooden puppet, one became an Alraune, and just when you thought they would stick to the same motif of being plants, the last one changed into a sword.

Giving it to the first mountain sized wolf changed it to a fish that could float on air and the fire bird changed to a water lizard monster or whatever that thing is.

What even…

Nothing makes sense with this thing at all, it\'s even more random than rolling dice.

"Ehehe~ This is so fun! Master, Master! Let the spider try next!"

Well… At least Akari is having fun…

Despite all that is happening, none of the monsters seemed adverse to drinking it for some reason.

I mean this could already be seen as a punishment game right? So why does it look like the monsters were treating the drinking of this Origin water like it was the highest honour they could have?

Look, they\'re even looking at the tree that got turned into a sword with envy, even the wolf turned puppy looked especially proud of himself.

Whatever, I\'m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I obliged Akari\'s request and gave the spider a sip of the Origin liquid.

A minute passed and the spider\'s body started to glow, its body\'s outline shifting to collapse within itself before expanding again.

When the light subsided, standing in front of me was a white horse with a long, black mane. It actually looked quite majestic even if I do say so myself.

It neighed happily and even nuzzled me before taking a step back reverently. I\'m not even sure why it\'s so happy to be turned into a horse.

"Ehehehe~ Master is so cool! Should I try it too?!" Akari suggested.

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Do you want to?"

"Can I? Please? It\'s so fun! Please, please, please?"

I expected Shiori to stop her but it seems like her thinking is the same as the other monsters and made no move to stop her sister.

I\'m not sure how any of this is \'fun\' but since she asked so desperately, I gave her a drop of it as well.

Just please don\'t transform into anything weird… If she does, I would need to find a way to change her back since I still want the fluff… I\'ll be really sad if she lost her fluffiness

A few minutes passed and Akari\'s body began to glow like how the spider did, her body undergoing the same transformation process that I\'ve seen multiple times now.

When the light finally faded, Akari had transformed into… Eh? She didn\'t change at all? Could it have been a dud?

No wait.

"Wow! I got another tail! Thank you Master!! I wuv you!"

The fox began licking my face while wrapping her tails around my neck. Uwaaah~~ So fluffy~

I felt a prod on my other shoulder and turned to see Shiori looking bashfully at me.

"Umm… If… If it\'s not too much to ask, Divine One… Could… Could I have some too?"

Ugh, why are you suddenly so cute.

"Here…" I gave her a drop of it too.

I guess Shiori felt left out and wanted an extra tail too, hopefully she gets what she wants…

The white fox drank from my palm and a little while later, she too was enveloped in the bright light. When the light subsided, words cannot describe my relief when I saw that she was still a fox.

She looked behind her and indeed, there was an extra tail now.

"I am forever grateful for Divine One\'s generosity. This Shiori pledges to live and serve Divine One for all eternity."

Come on now, the tails are indeed really fluffy but I think that response is a little too overboard don\'t you think?

Oh well, at least she\'s happy.

I gave both the foxes a pat on the head.

Looking from just these two, one might have thought the Origin Liquid allows the drinker to transform themselves into the being they wish for the most. Unfortunately, that hypothesis is rendered moot when the same monster who drank the Origin Liquid multiple times transformed into vastly different things each time they did.

Even the most fickle of minds should roughly have the same idea of what they want to transform into right? So that can\'t be what\'s happening here.

At the end of the day, I still have no idea how this thing works.

You know what? Screw it, I\'m just going to drink it myself and see what happens.

As though sensing my intentions, Shiori gave me a worried look, "Is Divine One sure of this? It may affect Divine One differently since you are not a monster. Perhaps it might be wise to capture a god and test it on them first?"

"I don\'t even know where to start on what you said… In the first place, I won\'t just go kidnap a god to try this out on them. Second of all, I am most definitely not a god so even if I want to try it on someone, it\'ll be a fellow human."

"I think Master is already beyond the realms of being a normal human though?" Akari commented, still busy nuzzling my face.

I ignored her of course, bringing out the vial of Origin Liquid once again.

I took out a small cup from my storage ring as well, pouring just a small mouthful of it into the cup.

Hopefully, I don\'t transform into anything weird. Heck, I don\'t even know if it\'ll work on me.

"Here goes nothing," I shrugged, knocking my head back and pouring the contents of the cup into my mouth.

I waited for a few seconds before, unexpectedly, I felt a rumbling sensation coming from my stomach.

And it wasn\'t just that, my entire body was shaking, my muscles tensed up and it looked like I might be having a stroke.

Something warm swirled around my belly, travelling upwards towards my throat at an intense speed.

Before I could stop it from happening, my mouth had opened up involuntarily and a loud "BUUUURRRP" escaped from my lips.

Everyone just stared at me, seemingly shocked by the unexpected scene.

"... Ahem… Excuse me…" I muttered, stifling a laugh at the unexpected situation.

"Gosh Master… I thought you were going to explode or something there…" Akari pouted at me.

"Don\'t jinx it," I scolded her.

Well, from what we\'ve seen so far, it should take about a minute or more to take effect, so let\'s just wait patiently for now…

I won\'t explode, will I?

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