What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 648 - Plans In Motion

I\'m not sure why but I felt like the classroom was a little bigger than usual, was the back wall always that far from me? Somehow I felt like the empty space behind the class wasn\'t there before lunch time.

Also, Manami was seated in front of me which felt a little weird too but I just can\'t put my finger on why.

Should it be weird? Wait, why would it be weird? Since she transferred to this class, it should be natural for her to take a space in this class right? Yeah… It\'s not weird at all.

But yet why can\'t I shake off this uneasy feeling?

Probably sensing my stare, Manami turned back to smile at me, one of her tails slithering behind to wrap her tail around my thigh possessively.

I smiled back at her and she turned back, although she did leave her tail where it was for the remainder of the day.

Lian Li probably felt a little jealous since she had later claimed to have forgotten her textbooks for every class afterwards and stuck her table next to mine, allowing her to lean close to me and entwine her fingers with mine.

School continued on normally and soon the bell signalling the end of school rang.

Tsuki was quick to appear by my side the moment class was dismissed, "Aniue, let\'s go home!"

By now, we all know why she\'s so eager to get out of here, but of course the Takeda boy appeared at our classroom\'s doorway at the very next moment.

I\'m seriously wondering how this boy hasn\'t gotten the hint to leave us alone by now, his delusions are seriously out of this world. His chuuni tendencies was even worse than Elaria\'s.

He made an exaggerated bow towards our direction which I knew was not meant for me, "I\'m here to escort you home, my ladies."

I sensed my disciples twitching when he said the word \'my\'.

"If I told you to leave us alone, would you?" Lian Li inquired, a slight edge in a voice.

"Of course not, my lady," The boy answered her immediately. "Such words from you were definitely forced out of you by that degenerate there. I\'m here to make sure you are safely escorted home."

Either the boy didn\'t notice the underlying tone or chose to ignore it.

His idea is already flawed since he doesn\'t monitor us when we\'re at home anyway. Even if I really was some kind of evil villain mind controlling these girls to do my bidding, I would be doing whatever I want to them in the confines of our home and he wouldn\'t be able to do anything about it.

Does he believe any \'evil\' actions can only be done outside the house or something? I honestly wouldn\'t be surprised if that\'s what he thinks, giving how intellectually challenged he was.

All of us turned our attention to Tsuki to see what her opinion was since he was technically her problem.

My little sister sighed and shook her head, an indication that we should just put up with him once again.

Obviously Lian Li and Manami were not too happy about that fact but acquiesced to her request.

As for me, I\'m not too bothered by him as long as he doesn\'t do anything to the girls. As delusional as he is, he at least has the decency to not force himself on girls. At least for now.

Thus, our motley group made our way towards the school gates with every other student we met giving us a wide berth.

By now, everyone knew about us and we\'ve become sort of like minor celebrities in the school. Or rather, our fame had become more prominent because of Manami and Lian Li joining our group, both girls were unparalleled beauties in everyone else\'s eyes after all.

Both Tsuki and I already had our reputation, though I always felt mine was a little undeserved, so having the two newcomers added to our group made us seem much more unapproachable than before.

Not that anyone here is complaining about it anyway, since Tsuki\'s friends still treated her like always and we didn\'t need more people in our circle.

A small surprise was waiting for us in the form of Yumi leaning against her red sports car, something that I had bought for her birthday last year.

It was the first time she actually showed herself at our school so some of the students were understandably awed by her presence.

She beamed at me the moment her eyes met mine, stepping away from her car so that she could meet me at the gate.

"Big brother! Sorry about coming here without telling you. There\'s some shipments that require your signature and I thought it might be best to have you settle them as soon as possi--"

"For you to even sink your claws into a beautiful lady like her… You really are despicable!"

Of course, the Takeda brat just had to showcase his delusional tendencies right out here as well. Why would anyone expect something different?

Yumi frowned at the boy who had just interrupted her before turning to me, "Is that him?"

Of course Yumi and the rest of my family would have already heard about the delusional boy from Tsuki and myself, the only information she lacked was what he looked like.

I merely nodded and she sighed in response before handing me a stack of documents, "Just sign at the bottom of these, big brother."

"Sorry girls, just give me a moment," I apologised to my group who was left waiting for me while I left my signature on the pile of documents.

At that moment, Tsuki went up to Yumi and tugged at her sleeve, prompting her to lean down so that my little sister could whisper something in her ear.

Tsuki\'s words made Yumi smile rather devilishly before pulling back to nod her head at her, prompting Tsuki to return to my side with a wide grin on her face.

I could have eavesdropped on them but that would have been rude so I didn\'t.

Finished with the papers, I handed the stack back to Yumi who received it graciously.

"Thanks, big brother. Call me if you need anything~"


She jumped into her car and sped off, allowing us to resume our usual walk back home.

Takeda chose that moment to growl at me, "To think you even sank your claws to women with money… Is this so that you can leech off of them and live a life of luxury? Despicable!"

Well... He\'s not wrong in saying that Yumi is working for me since she really does. At this point I\'m really wondering where he\'s getting his delusions from.

Ignoring him, I instead turned my attention to Tsuki, "What did you tell Yumi?"

She giggled, "It\'s a secret~ But don\'t worry, you\'ll find out soon, Aniue~"

Oh well, if she doesn\'t want to tell me, I won\'t push her either.

Right at that moment, the world shifted back to its frozen state again.

Really? Three times in one day? Why is this even happening?!

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