What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1003 Why Did They Turn Out To Be Yanderes?

I had to pick both girls by the scruff of their necks to stop them from fighting.

Who would have thought that just by deviating from the timeline they would become so different? In the original timeline, Lian Li was so afraid of Manami that she even hid behind me on our first meeting with her, but now she\'s openly hostile to my fox disciple…

The same goes for Manami as well, she\'s usually so calm and collected and yet she\'s being so violent right now with how she\'s slashing her claws around.

"Girls… What are you doing?" I asked, making sure that they had stopped trying to attack each other for the moment.

Even in this position, they were trying to smack each other with their hands.

"Master! You shouldn\'t allow a vixen like her near you! Who knows what nefarious plans she has up her sleeve! She will definitely kidnap and lock you up somewhere the moment you let your guard down!" Lian Li cried.

"Ara ara? My dearest mate, there\'s no need for you to concern yourself over the words of such vulgar people like this harlot here."

I really can\'t get used to Lian Li and Manami being so hostile to each other… What the hell can I do to get them to stop hating each other? I do need them to help me find that idiot so I can return things back to normal…

"Ok, time out, both of you sit down right now," I instructed.

The two girls shook their heads at me.

"Ara, ara? Master Lin, there is no need for you to pay attention to this harlot you know? Just give me five minutes and you won\'t need to worry about her existence anymore."

"Yes, Master! Just give me five minutes with this vixen and I\'ll ensure that she doesn\'t bother you again!"

I dropped them both and raised my palms to get their attention, "Ok stop it, I want the both of you to get along, there is no reason why both of you should be at each other\'s throats, is there?"

Lian Li furrowed her brows, "Master, she isn\'t worthy of your attention at all, you just need me, right? I\'m the only one you need to care about! There\'s no need for this vixen to even exist!"

Manami chuckled, "Ufufufu~ Just look at how delusional this little girl is~ The only woman you need is me, my dear. No other females should even be looking in your direction at all~ Anyone who does should just burn to cinders~"

Have they… Oh damn… They\'re acting a little like Shizuri… That crazy yandere fox who has an obsession first with Manami and then with me… What the hell led to them turning out like this?!

Before I knew it, Manami and Lian Li were preparing to fight again, both of them materialising their own Techniques into their hands in preparation to strike the other down.

Ok, first of all, I am very impressed that both of them managed to materialise their Techniques when one of them only started cultivating for a little more than a day while the other only just recovered from being crippled. It really goes to show what geniuses they are.

Second of all… STOP!!!!

I chopped them both on the head, stopping them from continuing their attacks.

"Why are the both of you deciding for me that I can only have one of you? Why can\'t I have the both of you together?"

Lian Li frowned at me, "Why would I want to share your love with this vixen, Master?"

Manami also nodded, "There is no way I am willing to share my destined one\'s love with another harlot as well."

Did their personalities change as well? The two of them were more than happy to share me in the original timeline so what\'s with this big change?

Oh wait… I know now… I have not done the most effective thing in calming them down…

I reached out my hands and… Started patting them on the head.

"Ma… Master?! Wha… What is… Uuuu…"

"Ara? My dearest destined mate… If you think this is enough to… Ara? Ara, ara? Ufufufu~"

Yep, perfect. Look at them already enjoying the head pats like I know they would.

"See? There\'s nothing wrong with sharing right?" I pointed out.

Unexpectedly, the two leapt to their feet.

"No! I want all of Master\'s headpats for myself now!! How can I let this vixen get it?! She is undeserving!!"

"Ara? I am of the same opinion as well. A harlot like her could never be worthy of something like this~ It would be great if she were to just disappear~ Don\'t you agree, Master?"

Ok, that\'s it.

"Continue fighting and no more headpats for everyone."

""We can share!!""

There we go, problem solved, now back to head patting them!

Surely with this, they would stop their fighting!

So… It\'s been a few days since Manami joined us as my newest disciple…

Remember what I said about the problem being solved? The problem was not solved.

I specifically inscribed my usual protection inscription on both of them right after that and… It\'s been activated no less than fifty times in the past twenty four hours alone.

They would smile and act nice in front of me but they\'re still trying to kill each other the moment my back is turned…

Their plan was to blame it on an accident or even claim ignorance about it, even though it\'s reached the point where there would be no doubt either of them were the perpetrator if the other was found dead.

But seriously, I told them directly that I had inscribed the defensive inscriptions which made them nigh invulnerable but that only served to convince them of trying even harder.

I\'ve already seen them using all sorts of methods to kill the other which includes electrocution, burning, asphyxiation, poison, blunt force trauma and even a few times where they tried to convince the other to commit suicide.

Even the threat of having no headpats was not enough to stop them from wanting the other dead…

It got so bad that I had to separate their sleeping quarters since they wouldn\'t stop trying and even blew up a part of the building in the middle of the night.

They blamed it on a meteor falling from the sky but I knew what really happened even without asking omniscience about it.

What made it worse was the fact that they were really serious about not allowing another woman close to me. If they even suspected another woman was making moves on me, they would hiss and snarl at them until they got the message and left.

The only thing that changed was the fact that they made sure not to do it in front of me and after the \'meteor\' incident, they stopped using Techniques that would cause destruction to their surroundings. But still… They have yet to stop trying to kill each other.

Yanderes are scary…

At this point, I decided it\'s the perfect time to get someone that would heal my weary heart.

Cai Hong!!

Hopefully including a third girl would calm them down a bit…

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