What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1149 Just Three Cosmic Beings Enjoying The Drama


"What is this thing doing here?! How dare you?!"

Seriously though, there\'s so many people here and the first thing they notice is Iris and myself? We\'re not even giving off some special kind of \'notice me\' aura as well so why is everyone noticing us first?

Oh wait… I\'m literally riding on a Qilin right now… Forget that I said anything then.

The patriarch, who I still have no idea what his name was even now, stepped in front of us, drawing everyone\'s attention to him instead.

"Hello brother. I heard you were busy doing things behind my back?"

The other guy blinked at him, "El… Elder brother? H… How? You… You shouldn\'t be awake yet?"

"Oh? Isn\'t it surprising that you know exactly when I will be awake or not? It\'s almost as if you\'re the one who made me fall into a coma in the first place? Could you really be responsible for it?"

The brother visibly panicked, "No! Of course not! The Divine ancestors told us you would not wake until the curse has been lifted! There! Long Er! So you have come to surrender yourself!"

Long Er said nothing and merely glared at him.

Her father raised his arm to block her from view, "Then it\'s obvious they made a mistake since I am here now! There\'s no need for you to stand in as the Patriarch any more, brother. I shall take it from here!"

His brother clenched his teeth, visibly upset that he had to give up his current position. His eyes then darted towards me and I already had an idea of what he would say even before the words left his mouth.

"Why have you brought these things to our sacred mountain, Elder brother?! No! The real elder brother I know would never do this! You\'re an impostor! Someone arrest them!!"

Yep… I didn\'t even need omniscience to predict this either.

Several old men stood up from the table and moved to surround us, clearly showing whose side they were on. Only a select few remained seated, all of them looking either confused or conflicted at the current situation.

The father pointed a finger at his brother threateningly, "How dare you! I\'ll have you know they are our honoured guests! Divine Beings above even the Gods of our world! They are the ones who woke me up from my coma and even protected Long Er from the curse! To disrespect them is to disrespect me! If any of you think you can take me on, then don\'t blame me for being discourteous!!"

The old men surrounding us seemed to hesitate for a moment but the brother just let out a roar of laughter, "Nice try, imposter! Hurry up and kill them! They\'ve already tainted this place enough with their presence!"

Spurred on my him, the old men started advancing on us again.

The patriarch lowered himself into a combat stance, a red aura to form around his body as he materialised his domain.

Golden balls of fire appeared around him and what looked like the spirit form of a dragon also materialised behind him.

"Golden Dragon Domain! He\'s the real Patriarch!" Someone cried out from the table.

Oh? I guess it\'s a skill unique to the patriarch here or something.

The people who had surrounded us so confidently before weren\'t looking as sure of themselves now.

The patriarch\'s brother gasped, "That\'s… That\'s not possible! The… The poison…Ah!"

Well, this guy really isn\'t all that bright huh? He practically just outed himself with that sentence alone.

The patriarch of course heard what his brother said and immediately rushed forward to grab him by the throat.

"So you really did poison me, brother! The thing about Long Er\'s curse was also a lie wasn\'t it?! What else have you done to my family?!"

I felt a nudge from behind and I turned around to see Iris with another bag of popcorn with a mini one for Cai Hong.

Really Iris? We\'re treating this situation like some kind of family drama?

You\'re such a genius! Headpats for you!

I went ahead to pass the mini one to Cai Hong while enjoying the big one with Iris as we watched the drama unfold in front of us.

The patriarch shook his brother threateningly, "I\'ve treated you like a brother! Even after I found out about your involvement in Long Er\'s curse! Yet you\'ve never seen me as your brother, have you?!"

"Tha… That\'s not true… Brother…" He croaked.

"Enough of your lies! If you won\'t treat me as your family, then neither shall I! You\'re nothing but a traitorous dog!!"

Without an ounce of hesitation, the patriarch tossed his brother to the ground and shot one of the golden fireballs at him.

The fire started burning the man from his leg and he let out a wail of pain while frantically trying to put the fire out.

The fire ignored his efforts and continued to burn, consuming both flesh and bone while leaving not even ash behind.

Surprisingly, it did not spread to his torso but started burning his arms off instead, causing the man to collapse on his back as his limbs disintegrated into nothingness.

The patriarch watched his brother burn up with dispassionate eyes, not even showing any reaction when he started begging for mercy.

That brother didn\'t even get a chance to fight back or defend himself huh…

Only when the fire finally died out did he turn back to look at the people who were surrounding us, "Is there anyone else who would like to test me?"

All of them shook their heads quickly.

They even flew back to their seats at the table wordlessly, keeping their heads down the entire time and avoided looking at anyone.

The patriarch then turned his back on his brother dismissively, "In that case, someone take this traitor away to be locked up, I shall take his Divinity away later."

Huh? He\'ll take his divinity away? How would he… Wait… Don\'t tell me he\'s going to do the same thing that the old man tried to do to Long Er before this? Is this how people in this World get their divinities?

You know what? I don\'t want to know…

Just as I was thinking this drama was resolved and was feeling quite surprised by how quickly things unfolded, a pillar of red light crashed down from the sky which made everyone at the table scramble out from their seats to kneel on the ground.

Even the patriarch, his wife and Long Er sunk to their knees upon seeing the light.

When the light faded away, a young looking man with two horns growing out of his head appeared.

He took one look around the place and his gaze immediately settled on us.

"What are these things doing here? How dare you all allow this?!"

Wow… A third one… You think we can actually get a bingo from this?

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