What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1299 They Went And Started One Anyway


The two little brothers jumped at the sound of Elaria and Tsuki\'s angry voice and immediately ran to hide behind Brendan.

And of course, being the big brother that he was, Brendan had already stepped up to cover his little brothers from sight, especially when this was actually his first meeting with Elaria and Tsuki.

As a merchant, he knew about Elaria and Tsuki already but he has never met them in person before, so he most likely thinks they were completely hostile to everyone here.

The good thing was that only my little sisters were here and their usual lackeys were nowhere to be seen, so I\'m guessing they either left them outside like usual or they came here on their own incognito.

Thinking that this was his fault, Brendan was already apologising to me while facing the two girls, "Master Lin, I apologise for bringing this problem to your store… If I had known that it would result in this, I would never--"

"Onii-sama/Aniue!! She started a gang war with me!!" My little sisters cried out before he could finish his words.

I raised an eyebrow at them, "What is going on?"

Elaria pointed a finger at Tsuki, "This bitch came and attacked my people!"

On the other side, Tsuki also pointed a finger at Elaria, "Don\'t listen to her, Aniue! She was the one who attacked my people first!"

"How dare you try to lie to Onii-sama, you bitch!"

"You\'re the one trying to use Aniue to help you get rid of me! Don\'t think I\'ve never seen this trick before!"

"I will never lie to Onii-sama like this!"

"You\'re doing it right now, you skank!"

"How dare you call me a skank you… You… You stupid head!"

I tuned out the quarrels of the two girls to address Brendan who had been looking at me in confusion ever since they started talking.

"Sorry Brendan… But they\'re my little sisters."

He blinked, "Your… Little sisters? Wait… Your little sisters are the leaders of the two most notorious gangs in this city?!"

"Err… I guess that\'s an accurate statement, yes."

"I… I see… So Master Lin is actually…"

I raised my hand, "Hold up, I have no part in this. They went and made those gangs on their own while I was setting up this store, I was only reunited with them recently and before this I didn\'t even know what they were doing."

Of course, Brendan looked a little stunned by my words but I guess it certainly is a little hard to believe. Like seriously… Your little sisters going off to start the two biggest gangs in the city and yet you didn\'t know about it? Sounds sus bro.

"If you want… You can leave with your family through our back door," I suggested.

Brendan turned to look at the two little sisters who were still in the middle of their argument before turning back to me.

"If it\'s not too much trouble, Master Lin… Please."

I nodded at Lian Li who stepped out from behind the counter, "Please follow me, Brendan~"

The way she sounded so cheery showed that she was definitely enjoying what was happening right now.

I waited until they were out of sight before clearing my throat to get Elaria\'s and Tsuki\'s attention.

"Ahem… Are you two done?"

They both turned back to me at the same time, their mouths open to say something only to stop when they realised Brendan was already gone.

""Where did they go?!!"" The two shouted out at the same time.

I raised my hand, "I can tell you but I would first like to know what even happened between the two of you? Last I checked, I thought neither of you were interested in starting a gang war?"

"I wasn\'t! But this bitch definitely was lying!" Elaria accused.

"Don\'t listen to her, Aniue! She was the one who attacked first!" Tsuki countered.

I scratched my chin, "Did the possibility that someone might be setting the two of you up to fight each other never occur to you? You know… Dressing themselves up as a member of the opposite faction to attack both sides just to incite a war between the two of you before they swoop in to claim everything after the fire has died down?"

Both of them stopped the moment I said that.

·ƈθm Oh wow… They really didn\'t consider it? I was actually expecting them to present some evidence to show that they had already considered it but to think they didn\'t… They must have been quite blinded by their \'hate\' of each other.

I say \'hate\' since I know for a fact there isn\'t actually any malice between them.

Tsuki turned to Elaria, "When did you get attacked?"

She tapped her cheek with a finger, "Umm… It was shortly on our way back from Onii-sama\'s store… We had just reached our mansion when a group of your people came charging at us with your katanas. They managed to injure two of my men before running away."

"That\'s definitely not my men! I was hosting an Aniue appre… I mean… I was hosting an important party that night and everyone was attending! Plus, I was also attacked at that time too! Three of your guys came and shot your guns at us! Two of my men were injured trying to protect me while they ran off!"

"No way! I was also hosting an Onii-sama… Errr… An important party too! No one would have done that!!"

"Hmm… I guess this proves that this was a set up after all, doesn\'t it?" I pointed out.

"Uuu… I… I guess so…" Elaria admitted reluctantly.

Tsuki poked her fingers together, "But… What should we do? My men are all riled up now and ready to fight… Even if I told them to stand down, some of them would definitely still try to take things into their own hands and attack her Mafia group too…"

Elaria nodded, "It\'s the same for mine too, Onii-sama… Then when they fight each other… It will turn into a real war in the end… How do we stop that?"

I snapped my fingers, "Isn\'t that simple? We just need to find out who is the one who did the instigation and then direct your group\'s hate towards them. Who knows? The two of you working together to take them down might even help both of your sides to reconcile too."

"That\'s a great idea Onii-sama! Let\'s do that!"

"But do we know who is behind this, Aniue?"

Of course I don\'t! I mean… I could go find out I guess? Actually… Maybe I\'ll let Lian Li decide on this.

Where\'s my \'wife\'?

Honey! What should we do about my little sisters\' predicament?!

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