Am I A God?

Chapter 443: The Perfect Surveillance

Chapter 443: The Perfect Surveillance

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

With his adept control over the extradimensional gates, Zhao Yao had transported himself back to the restaurant in no time. The whole process was completed while he remained invisible.

“Matcha and the rest will continue the pursuit of the kidnappers. Meanwhile, I shall just stalk this guy here.”

However, Faceless’s schedule was packed with those seemingly innocuous meetings. Hence, the next few hours felt like forever as Zhao Yao watched Faceless chatting with some of the richest men of China. This was definitely not Zhao Yao’s cup of tea.

However, he had already assigned the cats to track the trail left behind in the desert. Hence, he could only endure the stifling boredom and continued with his surveillance.

However, Faceless knew that something was amiss as a tingling sensation ran down his arm. He immediately swept his head around as he exited the giant doors of the opulent restaurant, but he saw nothing. Obviously, he couldn’t see the invisible Zhao Yao.

A glimmer of confusion flashed across his eyes as he mumbled, “What is happening? Why do I feel as if someone was watching me?”


In the middle of the night, Faceless laid motionlessly on his bed. Suddenly, a line began to etch between his brows.

Klunk ... Klunk ... Klunk

Faceless’s eyelids trembled. He knew that someone was outside.

Klunk ... Klunk ...Klunk

Immediately, he focused his attention on the tiny slit between the doors. He carefully inched towards it and pressed his ears against the door.

Klunk ... Klunk ... Klunk

Faceless slowly pushed open the door and followed the sound all the way to the fridge. For some unknown reason, the doors to the fridge were left wide open.

He proceeded cautiously towards the fridge with his brows tightly knitted together, “What the hell is going on? Who opened it?”

He was living in a magnificent three storied bungalow. All his guards resided in the first two floors. These guards were no ordinary people. They were handpicked by him when they were just orphans. His continued brainwashing had turned them into the most faithful soldiers. Furthermore, no one even knew about their existence.

Without his permission, no one was allowed to set foot on the third floor, which made the situation even more bizarre.

“Did I forget to shut it?” As the vigilant man that he was, Faceless decided to err on the side of caution. He contacted his subordinates staying below him and only went back to bed after ensuring that everything was fine.

All these time, Zhao Yao was hiding behind his extradimensional gate and watched Faceless’s action with a bag of chips in his hand. Zhao Yao muttered, “What a careful man.”

Barely 10 minutes into his sleep, Faceless was awoken by a familiar sound. With his eyes stretched open, he sat up against the headboard as the sound of the familiar flushing echoed in his ears.

Instinctively, Faceless slammed his palm against the emergency button, situated next to his bed. Immediately, a detachment of guards had gathered outside his room, leading the charge was a 13 years old girl. This was the girl who offered to kill Zhao Yao on his behalf.

“Master, what is the matter?”

Faceless only managed to heave a sigh of relief upon seeing this familiar face. Her name was Peacock. She was the most fanatic member of Faceless’s adolescent apostle guards. She had devoted her life to ensure his safety.

“Peacock, just now ... get someone to investigate it.”

The young guards sprang into action, leaving no stones unturned. However, they couldn’t find traces of anyone else other than themselves.

“It’s impossible. I heard the sound of the toilet bowl flushing.” Faceless drowned in disbelief.

The young guards started to slid one another a suspicious look when one of them suggested, “Maybe your ears played a trick on you. The sound could have come from downstairs.”

The investigation was futile. In order to put his mind at ease, Faceless instructed Peacock and two other subordinates to stand guard outside his room throughout the night.

However, worry continued to gnaw at him after the two previous incidents. He just couldn’t seem to will himself to sleep. His heart continued to pound at an alarming rate.

For the next 20 minutes, his body simply rolled from one corner of the bed to another. To make matters worse, his ears began to grow even more sensitive to the noises lingering in the darkness. Crunch ... Crunch. Someone was eating beside him.

Faceless took in a deep breath before activating his power. Instantly, his entire body was coated with a yellow glow. He specially chose this ability to protect himself. It allowed him to transfer any damages he received to the matter which he was stepping on. It was a power which he had acquired through the many transactions.

As the boss of an influential apostle organization, he obviously reserved such potent defensive abilities for himself. The remaining destructive powers were left to his subordinates.

Faceless could finally take a breather after activating his power. Then, he began to turn his head around slowly.

Nothing. No one was behind him, not even a shadow. However, that same annoying sound continued to ring in his ears.

“Is it the power of invisibility?” His brows snapped together as he threw his fist forward blindly. However, his clenched fist missed his intended target completely.

Crunch ... Crunch.

The noise did not stop. Instead, it grew even louder. Faceless could even make out a familiar scent in the air, “This is ...”

Unbeknownst to him, Zhao Yao was actually seated behind a giant table, situated within the extradimensional gate. The table was adorned with plates of beef, lamb, meatballs and all sorts of condiments left from the reunion dinner. With a pair of chopsticks and phone in each hand, Zhao Yao began to gobble down the delicacies laid out in front of him.

“I can’t waste all these good food. I have to finish all of them!”

Actually, Zhao Yao was not slacking. He was simply multitasking – monitoring while eating. Suddenly, he noticed a sudden change in Faceless’s action and pondered, “He managed to detect my presence? Did this guy strengthen his sixth sense?”

Immediately, Zhao Yao reacted to the situation, “Oh, I forgot to seal the sound and smell within the belly. Hmph, I guess he heard the sound of me gobbling down all these good food.”

However, Zhao Yao did not bother to seal the sound and smell because he was distracted by that beautiful golden exclamation mark floating above Faceless’s head.

“This works?” Joy danced through his heart as Zhao Yao whispered, “I didn’t expect this guy to be such a scaredy-cat. I mean what’s so scary about the sound of someone else enjoying his hotpot in the middle of the night? To think that he would resort to asking for help. I would have done this right at the start if I learned about it sooner.” With this thought, Zhao Yao began to exaggerate the slurping sound.

Terror started overtaking his face as Faceless’s skin turned completely green. He began to throw his punches and kicks towards the source of the sound, but it was to no avail. There was nothing in front of him, but the smell was unmistakable, “It’s a hotpot! There is definitely a hotpot here! What is going on!”

A thought sprang into his head, “Is this the work of another superpower?” However, it just didn’t make any sense at all. What was the power of this ability? What was it supposed to achieve by flooding the opponent’s olfactory sense with the fragrance of hotpot?

Following Faceless’s thunderous roar, Peacock once again led her team to conduct another search. However, the results remained the same. No anomaly was detected. Hence, Faceless decided to switch to another room on the second floor.

Lying on this new bed, Faceless embraced the whiff of fresh air with open arms. Faceless could finally afford to shut his eyes in this peaceful environment. A warm fuzzy feeling coursed through his entire body.

However, it was only temporary. That same scent and sound returned to haunt him.

Faceless opened his eyes and stared down at the headboard, “Back again? Who the hell are you?”

With the use of the extradimensional gates, Zhao Yao teleported next to Faceless before whispering gently into his ears, “I am Liu Xiao Ming . 1 ”

Bullshit! Liu Xiao Ming didn’t even know how to make hotpot! Faceless’s temples throbbed with rage as he came face-to-face with this obnoxious opponent. Hence, he roared, “What do you want from me? What does it take for you to leave? Do you want money? Or do you want cats?”

“I want everything!”

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