Am I A God?

Chapter 472: Chance Encounter

Chapter 472: Chance Encounter

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Rice Cake followed behind, albeit unwillingly, as they approached a breathtaking building perched on the top of the mountain.

Before even setting foot on the marble floor, they could already sense a peculiar matter floating in the air.

Instinctively, Fish Ball drew in a deep breath, washing his lungs with this unique air. To his amazement, a mysterious force swept through his body as he gasped in excitement, “What is this?”

Cheese replied with a gentle smile, “This is the power of the sage rock.”

Instead of quelling his curiosity, it made Fish Ball even more excited, “What is a sage rock?”

However, Cheese chose to remain silent and replied with that same smile. Then, he led them through the giant gates and into the spectacular hallway. Inside, the mysterious feeling only intensified. This feeling materialized out of thin air and pervaded every single living cell within Fish Ball’s body.

At that moment, Fish Ball felt an exponential increase in strength. He had turned from an ordinary torchlight into a blinding spotlight.

Before he could continue relishing in this inexplicable feeling, he was distracted by the interiors of the building. Five or six supercats were strewn all across, with some sitting, lying and resting on the cushions and cat beds present. Their eyes were barely open and it seemed like they were on the verge of sleeping. They simply slid them a glance when they heard their approach.

In the center of the imposing building lay a rock which was barely the size of a brain. Fish Ball instantly recognized it to be the source of that mysterious feeling.

However, what caught Fish Ball by surprise was not this seemingly ordinary rock but the tiny rat stretched across it. With its eyes squinted into a tiny line, it seemed like it was enjoying itself.

With Cheese leading the fore, the rest followed behind quickly. Cheese bent his knees as his head inclined forward for a bow, “Cat Sage, I have returned.”

Fish Ball’s jaws went slack as he watched the event occurred before his eyes, “Isn’t this just an ordinary rat? Why are they treating him like their boss? Have they gone out of their minds?”

Immediately, Fish Ball’s brazen words were met with Kimchi’s furious gaze as he retorted, “Shut your nonsense. The Cat Sage is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He can be whatever he wishes to, be it a rat, a tiger or even a dragon. He had merely adopted a rat’s body for convenience sake.”

Fish Ball could only stare at this seemingly ordinary rat in amazement. At the same time, the rat’s eyelids began to quiver before revealing his beady eyes. Those pair of beady eyes began to scrutinize Fish Ball, followed by Noodle and finally Rice Cake. With a genial smile, he asked, “Cheese, have you brought some new friends back to us?”

Cheese nodded his head before removing a chunk of soil from Rice Cake’s body, revealing her tiny head. Immediately, Rice Cake reciprocated with a death glare directed straight at him.

“Haha,” Cat Sage’s deep yet gentle voice reverberated in all their heads, “I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you into our big family. From today onwards, you will be a part of us. You will be our brothers. I hope that you can look out for one another. One for all, all for one.”

With that, Cat Sage floated in mid-air as a whiff of green smoke plunged towards Fish Ball, Rice Cake, and Noodle. Instantly, it had morphed into a menacing Bengal Tiger with his razor-sharp claws coupled with a whip-like tail. Fish Ball could even detect the stench of blood in his breath as shivers ran down his spine.

Only Rice Cake remained in her defensive posture as she continued to gnash at him, adamant to stand her ground.

In his Bengal Tiger form, Cat Sage began to walk around them in circles, slowly. He took a few quick sniffs before explaining, “Cat Island might be a big and happy family. However, there is no such thing as free lunch. You have to work for your food. Nothing comes without hard work. If you put in your best, Cat Island will definitely reciprocate accordingly.”

With his eyes glued to that mysterious rock, Fish Ball asked daringly, “What is the matter with that rock there?” Fish Ball’s eyes had never left that rock the moment he set foot in this place. Just the thought of it being able to strengthen his superpower made Fish Ball drunk with happiness.

Cat Sage replied with a cordial smile, “This rock came from beyond the sky. It holds an unbelievable power.

I’m sure you guys have felt it as well. It can increase your strength. However, this rock has its limits. Within a given time frame, the number of supercats that it can influence is limited. Hence, only the most gifted of supercats are allowed to stay here and continue to receive the gift of the sage rock.”

Immediately, Fish Ball and Noodle’s face were overcome with awe. Cat Sage noticed it and spoke in an alluring tone, “Tell me about your gifts.”


Above the sea, Zhao Yao and Xiao Yu stared at the thick layer of fog obstructing their way. With no hesitation, they plunged into it. However, this was no ordinary fug with its unusually low visibility. You couldn’t see anything which fell beyond the one-meter radius zone.

Zhao Yao stretched his arm out of the gate and shouted, “This fog is too thick! Grab on to my arm!”

Hand in hand, the duo continued to fly through the thick fog slowly. However, after more than 10 minutes of aimless flying, they were still shrouded by more fog and sounds of crashing waves ringing in their ears. It seemed as if they had not moved a single inch.

Xiao Yu clarified, “Are you sure they’re really inside the fog? What exactly is inside this fog?”

At this moment, Zhao Yao pressed his index finger against his lips, gesturing Xiao Yu to keep her mouth shut. His ears quivered as he recognized the distant rumbling sound.

On a sandy beach not too far away, two muscular blonde men had just descended on the shores.

They were clad in military gears and armed with the most sophisticated weapons. They seemed like they were from the Special Forces.

A tinge of hesitation flashed across their eyes as they stared at this seemingly borderless fog.

The density of this fog definitely fell out of the norm.

A middle-aged Caucasian man spoke, “Number 0’s control over aerolites has improved considerably. The supercats working under him are definitely no pushovers.”

“How strong can he possibly get? The aerolite is merely the size of my fist. All he can do is bully those country bumpkins living in these third world countries.” The other Caucasian replied. He was a handsome man with his chiseled jawline hidden beneath his full beard. He spoke condescendingly, “If he wasn’t so good at running away, we would have caught him and gotten back the stolen aerolite.”

Unbeknownst to them, Zhao Yao and Xiao Yu had floated right behind them while they were totally engrossed in their conversation.

Xiao Yu had difficulty making out the shadows beyond that thick fog. Afraid of giving herself away, she typed a string of words on her phone before shoving it in Zhao Yao’s face, “What are they saying? Can you understand them?”

Both men were Americans. Hence, the entire conversation was in English. As an elementary school student who only recently joined a middle school, Xiao Yu could not understand a single word they spoke. However, she knew that it was in English which was why she approached Zhao Yao.

Seeing that lame question shoved in his face, Zhao Yao replied with another string of text, “Are you saying you can’t understand that simple English? How did you even manage to get past elementary school?”

Xiao Yu shot him a furious glare and retorted, “Are you trying to say that you understand everything?”

Another string of text appeared, “You don’t say? They are discussing their dinner plans. One of them is inclining towards steak while the other one wants pizza. Tell me, who is the one who is interested in steak. Is it Jerry or Tom?”

A tinge of hesitation flashed across her eyes as Xiao Yu replied cautiously, “Tom ... Tom?”

“Wrong!” Zhao Yao interrupted, “It’s Jerry! You can’t even pass such a simple listening comprehension test. Your impending middle school life will be disastrous. You should get some English tuition when you get back.”

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