Am I A God?

Chapter 538: Supermassive Black Hole

Chapter 538: Supermassive Black Hole

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations


Katsuhira took the folder and flipped to the first page, where Zhao Yao’s ID photo was affixed.

The Kujyos could never have found information like this so quickly. After all, they did not have access to the Japanese government’s resources. Katsuhira did. He could tap on its global networks to gather intel that had been collected by corporations and citizens, unwittingly and otherwise. It took no time to find out more about Hanako’s mysterious benefactor.

All of a sudden, Katsuhira’s face, which was already gloomy because of the two Captain Koreas, became completely colorless.

“This Zhao Yao... When Hanako was in China, she lived with him for six months?”

“And they’re about to have lunch together right now?”

This information was like fuel that deepened the rage already coursing through his veins. He was practically shaking with fury.

He slammed the folder shut, his mind whirring with cruel plans.

These plans were not meant for Hanako. They were tailored for the Chinese man he was just reading about.

Katsuhira let out a derisive snort of laughter. He fully intended to take out all his frustration about the Captain Koreas on this Chinese idiot.


Zhao Yao, Baiquan, and Matsuo were seated in a Japanese restaurant. It was an ordinary eating house that offered ordinary Japanese cuisine served with ordinary customer service.

Cannon was boasting about how gifted Baiquan was to Zhao Yao. The man in question could only smile awkwardly.

“Hmm, Baiquan’s pureness works perfectly with my powers. He is practically unassailable now. No ordinary apostle would be able to touch him.”

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes in response, “Please, he has always been unassailable.”

Cannon bared his teeth in anger. He retorted, “Well, if not his defenses, my Sacred Virginity has raised his attack skills! Baiquan can now see any unchaste individual’s weakness! He can use it to destroy anyone in seconds.

This is my Mystic Eyes of Direct Death.”

Zhao Yao pursed his lips. “Well, that sure sounds awfully familiar. You could be sued by its original creator, you know.”

“It is completely different from the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception!” Cannon protested angrily, referring to the legendary power in Type-Moon video games.

“If you remember the original’s name so well, I highly doubt you weren’t copying it,” Zhao Yao insisted.

“They are completely different! My Mystic Eyes of Direct Death only allows its user to see an unchaste’s weakness.”

“Then your version sucks,” Zhao Yao shrugged.

Cannon leaped onto the table forcefully. He slammed both paws on the table top and shouted, “My ability might have a small range, but it is still extremely powerful!”

The furious cat then turned to Baiquan to seek support, “Baiquan! Am! I! Right?!”

Once again, Baiquan smiled awkwardly. “Yeah, I guess so.”

He spun to the side so that he could face the middle-aged man seated at the next table. His attention was immediately drawn to a tiny black dot that was hovering near the man’s crotch.

This black spot signified the person’s weakness. He could see it now because of the Mystic Eyes.

Zhao Yao’s eyes followed Baiquan’s line of sight.

“Come on, this is bull,” he complained, “I don’t need your Mystic Eyes of Direct Death to know that that area is his weakness.”

Cannon ignored him and continued his explanation. “The more unchaste the opponent is, the more weakness would be exposed for Baiquan to see! This means that he can easily defeat a person with a long string of ex-lovers and an expansive sexual history.”

Baiquan pursed his lips as he focused his attention on another customer in the restaurant. This time, it was a high school student who had on a full face of make-up. She had a black spot hovering over her nether regions as well. However, hers was far larger than the one on the middle-aged man. It was almost the size of a football.

Zhao Yao was squinting at Cannon in disbelief by now.

“Okay. According to you, the more unchaste a person is, the more weakness Baiquan can see. I still don’t get how that is of any use,” he said.

“The more weakness is unveiled, the bigger the target!” Cannon exclaimed, “With his Mystic Eyes, Baiquan knows exactly which spot to unleash his power onto. The bigger the spot, the easier it is for him to aim.”

Zhao Yao could not help but roll his eyes. The more Cannon tried to clarify himself, the more ridiculous his power sounded. At this point, Zhao Yao had no qualms that the cat was just a hateful, involuntary virgin, not the owner of some Sacred Virginity nonsense.

Baiquan’s eyes eventually landed underneath their table, where he spotted a black basketball.

“What’s this ball doing here?”

He reached for it. When his fingers grazed the ball, a loud meow pierced through the air. Cannon collapsed onto the ground, his paws pressing against his private parts.

“Make him stop!” he said feebly, “Don’t let him touch me when his Mystic Eyes are activated!”

Baiquan retracted his palm instantly. It turned out that what he saw was not a black basketball. Instead, it was a huge, black dot that represented Cannon’s weakness. Cannon was so impure that his dot was massive enough to cover his entire body.

“Sacred Virginity, my a**,” Zhao Yao cursed, “You’re no virgin. I bet your resolve must’ve broken ages ago. Probably smashed it into pieces too, considering the size of your weakness. Just how many cats did you mess around with?”

“No! That’s not what happened! I was forcibly corrupted by those who were threatened by my greatness,” Cannon snapped back, his voice still frail, “Tell Baiquan that he should only switch on the Mystic Eyes in battle. In today’s decaying, decadent world, he has so many targets that he might hit the wrong one.”

Zhao Yao remained expressionless. “I still don’t buy it.”

As the two of them continued to squabble, Baiquan startled noticeably.

“Why has the sky gone dark?” he asked, jumping onto his feet.

He rubbed his eyes, then opened them again. “Boss, are you seeing this?”

Zhao Yao narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What are you talking about? It’s bright and sunny out there.”

While the two of them debated over this, a cry of pain echoed from the entrance of the restaurant.

It was Katsuhira Hattori, who was pressing against his crotch. He had fallen to the floor, where he was shaking in agony. He looked close to death.

“It... It hurts! Good God!” he wailed.

“Huh? What’s happening?” Baiquan asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

He waved his hands before him blindly, inadvertently striking Katsuhira with great swells of energy.

Katsuhira let out a final, blood-curdling scream before passing out.

That was when a light bulb was turned on in Cannon’s head.

“Ask him to turn off his Mystic Eyes!” he exclaimed.

Zhao Yao passed the message and Baiquan did as he was told. Immediately, his vision came back.

“Huh? I can see again,” he said, surprised.

He then tried activating the Mystic Eyes again and his vision was obscured once more.

There was a brief pause before Zhao Yao, Baiquan, and Cannon all came to the same conclusion on what had happened.

“Jesus Christ, who is this guy you attacked? His weakness is massive enough to cover the entire, freakin’ restaurant,” Zhao Yao scowled.

Baiquan shook his head in response. “I have no idea. I can see now when I switch on the Mystic Eyes though.”

This was because Katsuhira Hattori had already been carted off to the hospital, now spewing foam from the mouth.

Baiquan was perturbed. “This is really disturbing. How can anyone be so...indecent?”

Cannon, on the other hand, was unconcerned. “This is nothing. Once, I was in Tokyo when I saw several dots merged together to form a supermassive one that was as large as a dozen houses.”

Zhao Yao scratched the bottom of his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, it seems like this power is not as worthless as I had thought. It can be very effective against certain opponents.”

At that moment, the bell that hung on the restaurant’s entrance chimed, and in walked Hanako. When she spotted Zhao Yao and the guys, she instantly headed towards them happily.

“Long time no see, Zhao Yao kun , Baiquan kun ! Have you guys been having fun?”

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