Am I A God?

Chapter 553: Terror Strikes

Chapter 553: Terror Strikes

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Among the supercats in supercat armor who had witnessed the scene, Elizabeth pursed her lips and said, “Shameless.”

Ares nodded, “B*stard.”

Roly Poly, eyes gleaming, remarked with admiration, “Zhao Yao, you are amazing.”

Zhao Yao was elated. “Of course, if I were born 20 years earlier, swindling enough money to start my own Alibaba would be no sweat for me as well.”

Matcha hugged Zhao Yao’s thigh and praised, “Zhao Yao, you are such a talented crook. China is lucky to have a gem like you.”

Roly Poly could not stand how Matcha beat her to praising Zhao Yao and started lauding him as well, “Zhao Yao, with you in our country, it’s like we’re 30 ahead of our time.”

“Hahahaha,” Zhao Yao waved his hand and said, “That’s too exaggerated. It would at most be five years.” He stroked Matcha and Roly Poly with satisfaction and said, “Those who are here all get a share of the money. When we’re back, each of you will get a fat red packet.”

Now not only Matcha and Roly Poly but even Elizabeth and Ares jumped with joy and started praising Zhao Yao as well.

Momo hollered at the big screens, “Return my money to me!”

“Don’t be angry. Think about it carefully. Although you just lost 300 million, when the Special Higher Police raids your house they will have 300 million less to keep. Doesn’t that make you happier?” Zhao Yao replied in his next message as he walked back to the battlefield.

“F*ck!” Momo smashed the phone on the floor. She watched as the Spirit Army retreated in defeat. As if it would salvage the current situation, she screamed out in rage and unleashed her ability to create spirits.

Momo thought to herself, “Hopefully those Special Higher Police officers are only pretending not to take the money. When they fought, most of them should have taken some.”

Momo was delighted to see that she was right. An immensely strong black force rushed upwards, flying past her and creating a ball of force that bubbled as if something was hatching inside it.

“Success! Hahahaha...” Momo laughed hysterically, “Special Higher Police, hah, nothing but a bunch of fake gentlemen.”

Zhao Yao looked at the black smoke coming out of his body and said with some excitement, “My doppelganger must be really powerful.”

Seeing this, Kaede Hattori glared at his subordinates, thinking that some of them secretly took the money.

Kaede Hattori was seen stamping the ground viciously. Divine blood-red rays rippled out in all directions from where his foot hit the ground.

Divine Rays of Terror activated!

This was the ability Kaede Hattori possessed. He could use his rays of terror to generate different types of magical powers that could serve as attacks. The greater the number of people who feared him, the greater the strength of his power.

This was the power the Hattori family painstakingly chose for him, costing them many human and material resources. However, they were not spent in vain as this power was perfect for him.

In the first place, a thing like terror is difficult for normal people to amass. This was nonetheless, an easy feat for the eldest son of the Hattori family.

Power, wealth and the numerous battles with the Special Higher Police had very quickly rendered Kaede Hattori infamous. Countless apostles and supercats both feared and admired him.

The more battles he fought, the more supercats and apostles he defeated. The more he defeated, the more famous he became, and the more people feared him. His fighting prowess became stronger as well. It was a perfect cycle. As long as he was victorious, he could only get stronger with each victory.

On the other hand, the supercats who lent him their abilities would not become stronger. Only Kaede Hattori could grow in strength so he would not have to worry about them biting back at him.

The Divine Rays of Terror shot out. Using fear as its fuel, it made all who came into contact with the blood-red rays shudder with thoughts of terror, scream, fall down and back away from the rays.

Under the Divine Rays of Terror, there was no distinction between friend and foe.

The Special Higher Police force broke down at once and the spirits that stood next to them shrieked and backed off, defeated as well.

“This... resembles the power of illusion?” Zhao Yao watched the screaming mob around him and raised his eyebrows slightly. However, he had already activated the supercat armor since he left the hotel in search of missions.

At this moment Ares was on his shoulder, creating an invisible barrier around Zhao Yao and deflecting the Divine Rays of Terror that were coming from all directions.

Momo laughed hysterically, meowing as a spirit translated for her, “Hahahaha, that idiot, once he’s sent out those rays, even if his officers can’t pick up money, they will not be able to fight anymore.”

The police officers who were attacked by the Divine Rays of Terror looked like they were going crazy. They could not even stand on their feet, let alone fight.

The bubbling black force which Momo had summoned previously gathered in front of her. It was churning into a huge black ball, bouncing around vigorously and emanating an intimidating aura.

“What strong spirit power!” Momo gasped in astonishment, “These Special Higher Police forces must have taken a lot of my money.”

Looking at Kaede Hattori at the far end of the battlefield, Momo laughed at him scornfully, “Your men have lost all their ability to fight, but my spirits are increasing in numbers. Kaede Hattori, you are doomed for this battle!”

Despite Momo’s sarcastic remarks, Kaede Hattori just smiled dryly, slowly taking off his jacket, revealing his strong, bulging muscles.

“You are the idiot,” Kaede Hattori said calmly, “The cycle has already started.”

Under the Divine Rays of Terror, the hundreds of police officers and the thousands of spirits from the Spirit Army had fallen into hysteria. Their emotions churned into waves of immense power that rushed into Kaede Hattori’s body, becoming his source of power.

Kaede Hattori took a deep breath and smiled with satisfaction, “Momo, if there weren’t so many people in the government holding me back, I would have rushed here to catch you myself long ago.”

While he was talking, the terror had turned into rays of blood-red light that cloaked his body like a robe.

“Now...” Kaede Hattori let out a long laugh, and walked towards Momo with big steps, “Feel the terror unleash!”

“Stop him!” Momo screamed.

The spirits that had protected Momo since the start of the battle mobilized around her. Among them, two apostle spirits charged towards Kaede Hattori with a fiery inferno.

Faced with an impending surge of spirits, Kaede Hattori let out a cold laugh. He pointed a finger at them and shot out a blood-red laser beam that swept across the spirits.

Burned by the beam, the spirits screamed in agony as if they saw the most terrifying thing in the world. They flew off in all directions in the blink of an eye. None of them dared to stand in the way of Kaede Hattori.

He glared and a blood-red ray flashed in his eyes, scaring off the ten spirits overhead that came, scattering like mice from a cat.

On the ground, dozens of spirit claws reached out in unison to grab Kaede Hattori’s ankles. But they were not even close to him when the blood-red robe of light on his body flashed. The spirits howled out in agony and retreated back into the ground in fear.

Kaede Hattori was like a blood-red sword, cutting right through the Spirit Army. Those whom he cut across all fled for safety. Not a single one of them was a match for him.

As more and more spirits feared him, it provided him with more power. The blood-red light on his body became thicker and shone more intensely. Even from afar, the sight of him sent chills down people’s spines.

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