Am I A God?

Chapter 705: Catmint Market

Chapter 705: Catmint Market

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

God of Death frowned as he looked at the server room. As he checked it personally, he saw that it was intact.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud from above. He looked up and frowned. “These fellows, I asked them to do it gently.”

15 minutes later, the God of Death frowned. “There is nothing abnormal. There is no record in the log file and the back up has no issues. All the safety precautions are intact. What exactly is the matter?”

He raised his head and looked towards the server as he thought to himself. “Doll... Was it you?”

After thinking, God of Death was uneasy and decided to add more safety precautions.

“I shall install another signal interference device... Prepare flamethrowers so that the virtual-spirit army can burn down the server room anytime...”

After planning to add another defense mechanism, God of Death nodded satisfyingly and left the server room for the control room.

There, two official apostles were tied on the floor.

Beside the two official apostles, there were five strong men standing straight and expressionless. However, one of them was cut open in the chest and exposed a metallic body.

The five men were humanoids created by Doll’s powers for fighting.

Dealing with the Headless Horseman from Jianghai and the increasingly dangerous world exhausted the God of Death. He activated many supercats that he had never dared to in the past.

The humanoid army created by Doll was one of them.

God of Death looked at them and said, “Who are they from?”

One humanoid answered, “They are official apostles. Some of them have noticed the unusual activities in the factory.”

“Have they?” God of Death rubbed his chin and started considering if they should relocate.

“However, with the progress now, we are about to finish. By now, it does not matter if they know or not.”


Meanwhile, Zhao Yao was enjoying his days.

Bai Quan and Uncle Ho were helping out in the operation and expansion of the Cat café.

Bai Quan, Airplane, and Elizabeth were handling Elizabeth’s broadcast mission.

Matcha was completing his mission of bringing the little cat around.

Dust Ball’s catmint business was run by Dust Ball, Red Packet, and the rest.

“How relaxing.” Zhao Yao was lying on a comfortable chair and ate chips while watching his video. He had a coke in his hand and was drinking it.

“Huh? No more?” Zhao Yao turned and look over. “Roly Poly, help me take...”

Then, Zhao Yao remembered that Roly Poly had been imprisoned. “Aye, it feels weird having no cat to cuddle.”

“Matcha is renovating the 18th floor, Roly Poly’s in jail, Elizabeth has to broadcast, and Dust Ball has to take charge of the catmint business. It is time to call another cat to serve me.”

Zhao Yao went through the cats one by one in his head. “I have to find one that feels good when being stroked.”

Soon, Lucifer walked over and asked Zhao Yao, “Zhao Yao why did you look for me?”

Zhao Yao patted his thighs and said, “Come up.”

Lucifer answered immediately. “What are you talking about? I am a cat with proper upbringing. I will not sit on other people’s legs.”

Zhao Yao did not bother to answer as he reached out and the Deflective Field field forcefully put Lucifer on his thighs. Then, Zhao Yao started rubbing his head.

“Ahhhhh, stop it.”

“Ahhhh! No! Don’t stop!”

Zhao Yao was pinching Lucifer’s face and felt greatly satisfied as he watched Lucifer’s face twist.

“I knew that Lucifer felt the best.”

As he was cuddling the cat, Zhao Yao felt his thinking speed quicken. He couldn’t delay things further. It was time to do real things.

“Speaking of it, all the other problems are solved except for the catmint market.” Zhao Yao cuddled the cat and thought to himself, “The supercats group for the catmint market could be handed to Dust Ball and Red Packet. However, Dust Ball Catmint has no advantage in influencing ordinary cats and cat owners to buy it.

Zhao Yao called Uncle Ho, “Hey, Uncle Ho, I would like to talk to you about something.”

Uncle Ho answered, “Yeah? What about?”

Zhao Yao asked solemnly. “Can you list catmint as a prohibited item in Jianghai district? Prohibited from selling and carrying around.”

Uncle Ho was speechless. “Can you not ask me things that are impossible in such a solemn tone? Prohibit the selling of catmint in the entire Jianghai district? You want all the cats with a drug addiction to rebel?”

“I can sell it. I can be the only one selling it.”

“No, this is impossible. This is regarding the market economy. Zhao Yao can you respect the regulations of the market?” Uncle Ho comforted him. “How are you in need of money? Aren’t you going to expand the Cat café? The mall is willing transfer shares to you. The entire mall can be run by you. All they want is to meet you for a meal. So, Brother Zhao, when will you be free to do this honor?”

Ever since the Europe incident ended, Zhao Yao’s market had been increasing. All the superiors have ordered Uncle Ho to get hold of Zhao Yao and go according to Zhao Yao’s wishes until he was reliant on them.

Didn’t he want to do business? Doing business was good. The bigger his business, the more complications and relations that would make him abide the rules more.

Now the mall giving shares and the store to Zhao Yao was the superiors trying to build a relationship with him.

After listening to Uncle Ho, Zhao Yao shook his head. “Forget about the dinner. I don’t really feel like going out.”

Uncle Ho said hurriedly, “They offered to come over.”

Zhao Yao still rejected. “Don’t feel like meeting them. You can thank them for me but don’t use my name, use Bai Quan’s.” Zhao Yao was worried that if his name was used, it would affect the settlement at the end of the month.

Uncle Ho did not force him and agreed. “Okay. Oh yeah, come to speak of it, I know a renovation team. They are an all apostles team. They do a great job, very efficient workers. The price is decent too. Do you need them?”

The cat café was unlike his home. He did not mind letting other renovate it. Furthermore, the faster the renovation, the earlier he could earn more experience points.

Zhao Yao agreed eagerly and said, “Of course, as for the details of the renovation, ask Bai Quan about them. He is the in charge of the whole thing.” Then, he asked again, “So, how can I monopolize the catmint market in Jianghai?”

Uncle Ho’s face fell. Zhao Yao was still not over it. Why was he so insistent in monopolizing the catmint market?

Uncle Ho responded helplessly. “You can’t. Anyone can plant catmint, sell catmint, and buy catmint. How do you monopolize it?”

Zhao Yao said, “By prohibiting it.”

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