Am I A God?

Chapter 828: Y Academy

Chapter 828: Y Academy

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After watching the whole advertisement, Zhao Yao’s eyes were sparkling with delight.

However, Sheriff came out from his collar feeling unnerved. “D*mn, don’t tell me Zhao Yao is thinking of sending us to this dubious academy?”

“Hold up.” Sheriff read Zhao Yao’s thoughts carefully. His expression became weirder as he did.

“A supercat training school is such a brilliant idea.” Zhao Yao slapped the table excitedly. “Whose money is the easiest to earn now? Women, children and cats. The field of supercat education will become such a huge market.”

Sheriff paused for moment. “Are there really people who would send their supercats to be trained in a school?”

“Of course. The supercat population in Jianghai had already surpassed 10 000. Among them, more than 20 000 supercats are family pets, while the apostles that own them have mostly mastered the methods to earn money by borrowing the superpowers of their supercats. They might even receive funding from the government, so they will definitely not be poor.”

Zhao Yao spoke as if from experience, “Although supercats are intelligent, they lack social skills and experience. Coupled with their supernatural powers, if they are not properly trained, most of them will become small tyrants in their own right, beyond the control of their original masters.”

“So I have decided to open a supercat academy that specializes in helping others to educate and train their supercats, so that they can adapt to this society – understand its rules, mannerisms and thereafter, use their superpowers for a proper cause.”

Sheriff nodded in agreement. “Sounds just like Project X’s school for battle cops.”

“No, it’s totally different!” Zhao Yao said indignantly. “We’ll charge school fees and it will be really expensive.”

The more Zhao Yao thought about it, the more he felt that it was viable business. Especially with his reputation as the Headless Horseman. It would definitely attract many people to send their supercats for training and education.

“Whatever you lack, you should never lack education. Which supercat owner wouldn’t want their supercats to be obedient and earn money with their superpowers? A supercat school is definitely a lucrative business.”

“I have decided, the school will be built on the fifth floor of the Cat Wonderland. It will be named Jianghai School for Talented Cats and called Y Academy in short,” Zhao Yao thought. “Besides the original casino, massage parlour, beverage shops, and all other forms of entertainment, this will become another huge source of income for the Cat Wonderland. If 10 000 cats come to the cat school and we collect 10 000 school fees from each cat, that would amount to 100 million dollars. How many experience points would that give me at the end of the month then?”

Sheriff was silently feeling sorry for the supercats that were about to be enrolled into the academy. “You can only blame your bad fate for this...”

Very quickly, the news of the Headless Horseman starting a Y Academy spread through the whole of Jianghai. Everyone was curious as to what the academy would be like, especially if it, as the Headless Horseman had said, would magically educate and train supercats.

Of course, as much as there were humans who were curious about and supported the cause, there were also supercats who were strongly against it.

On the day of its opening, there were supercats that came to the Cat Wonderland and shat right at its entrance to protest against what they saw as a form of abuse towards supercats.

However, the five supercats that committed the act were caught on the day itself as Zhao Yao sniffed them out. They became the first batch of students to attend Y Academy.


Zhao Yao stroked his chin and observed the situation in Y Academy. He was vexed by the turnout. “What’s going on? No one actually came to sign up. Is it because the advertisements were too little? Or is the telephone number wrong?”

He turned to Matcha and said, “Matcha, go check if the telephone number is written correctly.”

Matcha checked and reported back, “It’s correct.”

“Then why is this happening?” Zhao Yao could not understand what was going on. However, right at that moment, his ears twitched as he heard something from the back of his head.

However, Zhao Yao did not move at all. Only the muscles on his body tensed up, before he started laughing coldly.

Not long after, an ear-splitting scream came from behind him.

Black Panther was clutching his right hand, feeling as if it was about to fracture.

He stared at Zhao Yao’s kidneys and remarked in shock and amazement, “Teacher, your physique is really good.”

“Heh heh.” Zhao Yao brushed it off. “Ever heard of iron kidneys?”

Seeing how Black Panther was trembling in pain, Zhao Yao asked, “Didn’t you go and help Uncle Ho and his men find the remains of King of Death? Why did you come back? Is there something wrong?”

Black Panther replied, “We can’t find any trace of King of Death at all. We don’t know where he went. I came here this time because I heard that you, teacher, had just opened a Y Academy. A friend of mine wants to sign up, so he wanted me to ask you if there were any discounts and to give him a tour of the the school as well.”

“Your friend wants to sign up?” Zhao Yao immediately broke into a smile. “We have standard package deals here, split into upper, middle, and lower profile deals. I personally recommend the middle profile package, ‘The Filial Grandson Shun Sun’ which can move the heavens. In just a month, I assure you, your supercat will be as close to your father as he is to you.”

“That expensive?” Black Panther sighed. “Is there a cheaper one?”

“Cheaper one?” The passion on Zhao Yao’s face immediately reduced by 99%. He continued nonchalantly, “There’s a ‘Happy Cat’ package, just 10 000 will do. It will teach the cat how to adjust to modern society and become a cat that won’t scratch, bite, or abuse their superpowers on other people, becoming a cultured cat that understands cat lovers.”

Black Panther asked, “Then can we have a tour around the school?”

Zhao Yao yawned as he was bored, “Matcha, show Black Panther around. I’m going to take an afternoon nap.” As he said that, he closed his eyes and slumped on the table to sleep. His body trembled slightly as he snored.

Matcha brought Black Panther up to the fifth floor of the Cat Wonderland with delight, “Hehe! This sale will be counted under my name!”

Once they entered the academy on the fifth floor, Matcha used his phone to introduce the place as he brought Black Panther around. “Our Y Academy is a legitimate supercat school. The teachers here have undergone strict training and are very experienced in teaching, adopting an international educational model...”

Black Panther interjected, “I heard that no students have enrolled here so far?”

“How is that possible!” Matcha jumped as if he was being stepped on his tail. He typed furiously on his phone as the voice recording spoke, “There are many supercats that have already enrolled at our school. I will show you if you don’t believe me.”

As he said that, he brought Black Panther deep into the heart of the Y Academy.

The first cats they saw were the cats, Rice Cake, Meat Bun, Airplane, Sausage, Cheese, and Kimchi. They sat on the field quietly. Elizabeth sat before them, holding a cat stick in her mouth.

Matcha introduced, “These students are having physical education lessons now. This part of our school has no wifi or internet connection, so the supercats that come in here will no longer feel like playing games after they graduate, even if they were addicted to games before this. They would prefer exercising with humans more.”

Black Panther nodded. He saw Elizabeth instructing the supercats before her, “Class, let’s play with the cat stick today.”

Rice Cake jumped with joy, “Great! I love playing with the cat stick!”

Airplane chirped, “Teacher! Let’s play with the cat stick together. It will be so fun!”

Cheese chirped, “It’s such a great day playing the cat stick with my sister!”

As Elizabeth threw out the cat stick, the supercats waved their paws lazily.

Black Panther frowned, “They don’t seem very excited about it?”

“How is that possible?” Matcha screamed. “How can they not be happy!”

Rice Cake and the other cats could be seen speeding up instantly from afar. They leapt at the cat stick fervently, wagging their tails as they played together with their ears cocked upright, as if they were really into it.

Me-ow!! All of a sudden, an agonizing scream split through the air.

Black Panther cocked his head to one side. “Why do I hear agonizing screams...” He stared at the room in the distance and saw the sign on it, “What’s that counselling room for?”

Matcha immediately ran up and shut the door as he said, “This is for the student and the psychologist to have deep conversations. Our Y Academy specially arranged for a psychologist with a rich cat life experience for students to talk to the teacher about their troubles and relieve their stress.”

In the counselling room, Uncle Egg was wearing a large white coat and pointing on the supercat’s body on the bed, “Do you still dare to shit wherever you like in the Cat Wonderland?”

As a bolt of lightning flashed and convulsed, the supercat lying on the bed immediately screamed, “No! No! I won’t ever dare to shit again!”

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