Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 2011 – Unable to Resurrect

Chapter 2011 – Unable to Resurrect

However, Lu Yun read a certain determination from the Disordered Empyrean Supreme, the kind similar to what the creatures of darkness nursed. Pureblood endarkened immediately dispersed when he killed them; they were completely dead.

In the same vein, if he forced someone like the empyrean supreme to write her name in the Tome of Life and Death, that would cause her spontaneous death. There were only two paths in front of her now—either die or kill Lu Yun, take his hell dao and the primordial world of immortals.

There was nothing else left for the young man to do but continue to keep her confined and leave with the god of Mount Tai.


A bleak atmosphere pervaded in the chief worlds. Millions of grand supremes and countless geniuses had died in the tomb of the empyrean supreme. It left an indelible mark upon the realm.

Thankfully, the land of darkness was just as badly off. Their empyrean supreme had naturally brought their best geniuses with him to the tomb. As dangerous as it was, it was also filled with treasure.

If not for that, why else would the empyrean risk his own people, knowing full well that the tomb was a trap?

No one imagined that Yun Yi would be so ruthless as to sacrifice herself! She’d summoned the terrifying existence from nothingness and elicited a second round of sacrifice. But as much as people hated recent events, they didn’t know who to vent their spleen on. The instigator was dead.


It was a picture of prosperity in the World of Immortals these days. Lu Yun busied himself with selecting who he wanted to take to the primordial world of immortals.

While the world was still buried in the burial mound, true life filled it. There was also nothing to worry about when heavyweights such as the wretched old man held down the fort. He was beyond delighted to see pureblood humans appear in his home. Devoted to safeguarding the new shoots of the race, he even selected a few of the most promising to be his personal disciples.


“Are you… the princess of the primordial world of immortals?” Lu Yun carefully asked Mo Yi.

“Princess of the primordial world of immortals?” Mo Yi blinked. “What’s the primordial world of immortals?”

Lu Yun held his forehead.

“No,” the Dao King answered instead. “And don’t force her to recall her past. Things are just fine right now.”

“All of you know the truth?” Lu Yun started. Did everyone know Mo Yi’s identity and background, and was all keeping it from her?

“Enough of that.” The Dao King caressed Mo Yi’s head. “You don’t need to go to the land of darkness to learn how to create a Land of Reincarnation.”

“Do you know how?” Lu Yun brightened.

“I do,” the man nodded. “The core of the Land of Reincarnation is the Hongmeng, and the Hongmeng is where the tree god took root.”

“What do you mean?” Lu Yun’s eyes widened.

“The tree god has always been dead,” the Dao King exhaled heavily. “The Land of Reincarnation cannot resurrect him, he used his life to create it. The him that appeared in the countless loops was a projection, an image imprinted onto the great daos of the Land of Reincarnation.”

“Then the withered wood…” Color drained from Lu Yun’s face. He’d promised Jin Huo to resurrect the tree god! She was abiding by their agreement and had taken up residence in the World of Immortals in a series of high profile maneuvers.

With the primordial world of immortals ready, there was no need for the three of them to oversee it. If the World of Immortals possessed peak grand supremes instead, that would deter the chief worlds from doing anything.

Now that he learned that it was impossible to bring back the tree god, he didn’t know what to say to her.

More importantly was that the lingering will of the Plumed Empyrean Supreme had told her a way to resurrect the tree god when they entered the tomb. The method was real, but it was also a trap. If Lu Yun couldn’t find a way to use the Land of Reincarnation to revive the tree god, Jin Huo would certainly try that way instead.

Even though she was a peak grand supreme who held the order of life, Lu Yun was confident that the one who’d set up the trap wanted the order of life.

The empyrean supreme from the land of darkness.

Without being able to bring back the tree god, there was no need for him to recreate a Land of Reincarnation. Although Leize, Fuxi, and the others were still injured, they were out of immediate danger. They would recover given sufficient great dao reinforcement.

At their level of strength, they could not continue to rely on the Land of Reincarnation. They’d already done so once before. This wasn’t due to consideration for the dignity of a powerhouse, but that heaven, earth, and great dao didn’t permit it. Something like the Land of Reincarnation went against the heavens in the first place. That its denizens repeated the same things again and again was inherently unfair.

“Ai…” Lu Yun sighed explosively. “I promised her, so I can’t go back on my words.”

He’d made up his mind to try the trap with her. He still possessed the power of nothing; it should be more than enough for the trap. But he knew with even more certainty that the dark empyrean supreme had already turned it into a trap to probe his capabilities.

Many knew about the tree god, even Jin Huo knew deep down inside that the Land of Reincarnation wouldn’t bring him back. That left a weakness of hers for the dark empyrean supreme to exploit.

Once Yun Yi’s plot took shape, he could use it to reverse the situation.

The order of life was a very important factor to the revitalization of the primordial world of immortals. Controlling it meant controlling the world. All immortals from the World of Immortals that moved to the primordial world of immortals had to be baptized by the order of life from the three ancestral gods. Only then could they live and cultivate in that world.

Otherwise, the primordial world of immortals would be nothing more than a burial mound for living beings.

Outsiders would continue to risk their lives to enter the burial mound before it was destroyed. They could safely remain in the world only when they received its order of life. Thus, the dark empyrean supreme’s target was Jin Huo’s order.

It’d become an inseparable part of her. Contrary to the past, each of the three ancestral gods grasped a complete portion of order. Thus, Chu Xun and Carmine Arbiter were also their targets.

But no matter what, Lu Yun had to accompany Jin Huo on this attempt. He wanted to resurrect the tree god too so he could ask about nihil in the Land of Reincarnation. Why had the tree god wanted the land to transform into something like a world of nothing?

“Wait,” Mo Yi suddenly said. “Something’s occurred to me, it’s not all nothing in the nothingness. What you saw, for instance, is existence within nihil. His existence… is on the same level as our plane of existence.”

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