Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 5 - The Fox Is Getting Married Sooner Than Anticipated

It was Chu Yun\'s father, the Prince of Jing, who ordered the gates opened and the Zui retinue welcomed into the palace.

Chu Yun watched the carriage and dark horses make their way into his family\'s estate with trepidation. At his side, Chu Hean observed the Zui delegates in their bulky fur cloaks with wide eyes.

"The weather is still mild in Xin at this time of the year," Chu Hean said, his voice low, meant only for his elder brother\'s ears. "Aren\'t they overheating under all that?"

If they were, their dour faces didn\'t betray any discomfort, even as all their furs got soaked with warm, early autumn rain.

Chu Yun snorted. "They can die of heatstroke for all I care, as long as it happens outside our estate\'s walls."

Chu Hean elbowed him discreetly on the side. "Don\'t let anyone hear you speak treason against your future husband\'s people." Despite his words, there was humour in his melodic voice.

The reminder that these people weren\'t just here to be mocked and ogled by him and his brother snuffed out all of Chu Yun\'s amusement, however.

All the Zui envoys had the look of someone forced to withstand a foul smell for hours. Their eyes squinted in displeasure as they shifted around the Jing estate, taking in the architecture and comparing it against their own kingdom\'s.

Chu Yun watched the proceedings while hiding half his face behind his folding fan. Chu Hean exchanged a look with him and took out his own folding fan from his waist sash. The two brothers stood shoulder-to-shoulder under the awning, discreetly hiding their contempt.

Omegas usually preferred more delicate stiff, hand-held fans, or handkerchiefs, but Chu Hean had always liked copying his older brother\'s behaviour. Something that never stopped endearing Chu Yun, even now that Chu Hean was almost an adult too.

The envoys greeted the Prince of Jing and exchanged mindless pleasantries. After some time Chu Yun saw his father frown and discuss something with the man in the lead, clearly the envoy from the Ministry of Rites.

After a brief, but clearly unpleasant conversation, the Prince made his way towards his sons.

"He says he can only discuss the sacred Zui wedding rites with you." He was clearly displeased by this, but if his tense exchange with the envoy was anything to go by, there was nothing he or Chu Yun could do about it.

His father gave Chu Yun a meaningful look. "I\'ll have guards stationed outside the doors to your rooms."

Chu Yun understood. Every precaution was too little with these Zui dogs.


Chu Yun went first, and awaited the arrival of the Zui envoy, who was escorted inside by servants.

"This one named Gong greets his Grace." The man made the most perfunctory of bows before jumping straight into Zui courtly etiquette and wedding customs.

Chu Yun was surprised at how similar Zui traditions were to Xin\'s. He expected the wolves to drag unconscious omegas by the hair in front of the ancestral tablets and marry them against their will. Several storytellers in teahouses across Xin told bawdy tales of how the wolves liked to consummate marriages in public.

Like everyone else, Chu Yun heard these tales and jeered at their debauchery but now that he was in the unfortunate position of being married to a Zui wolf, he was glad they might have been exaggerated.

Of course, not everything was similar.

"As the \'bridal\' party, your Grace will be escorted in a sedan from his ancestral home to our great Zui. His Highness will come in person to be part of the wedding party, and will personally lead the escort."

In Xin, the ceremony took place at the groom\'s residence, there was no escort necessary. "It\'s a very long journey, from here to the Zui capital," Chu Yun said, stating the obvious.

"Yes," was envoy Gong\'s only reply.

Chu Yun grit his teeth. "Am I expected to spend the whole journey inside a bridal sedan?"


A bridal sedan was not a carriage. It was narrow, meant for short journeys, and carried in arms. The idea of travelling for days in such conditions made Chu Yun want to throw something at the envoy\'s head.

A feeling he had been experiencing with some regularity since learning of his impending wedding.

"Moreover, your Grace will have to wear a traditional wedding veil at all times, during the wedding procession, and up until the wedding rites are finalised."

Chu Yun bristled immediately. "Alphas don\'t wear veils."

In Xin, a veil was optional, and even then, only worn by omegas or very traditional-minded females. The idea of an alpha wearing a veil on their wedding day was preposterous.

The envoy just shrugged in the face of Chu Yun\'s displeasure. "Everyone marrying into the royal family must wear the traditional veil."

It went without saying that no alpha had ever married into the royal family before. Any omegas would marry out, and become part of their future spouse\'s family, instead. Although that didn\'t mean the loss of their royal title, their spouses wouldn\'t be able to claim royal peerage.

"Anything else I need to know?" Chu Yun asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"An auspicious date has already been selected for the ceremony."

"So soon?" The betrothal gifts had just arrived. Why such hurry?

The envoy nodded again. "His Grace can expect the Second Prince\'s arrival next week."

Chu Yun paled. He thought he would have more time.

In one week\'s time he would be leaving behind the life he\'d always known, his family, the country he loved, and travelling to unfamiliar lands to marry someone he had been taught to distrust his entire life.

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