Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 88 - The Wolf Makes Plans, The Fox Becomes Ill

They arrived at the Minister of Finance\'s estate before Chu Yun could follow his line of reasoning to its conclusion. 

For his part Xiao Zai liked the idea of adopting a child. He could almost imagine Chu Yun sternly correcting their sitting posture, their pronunciation, their childish calligraphy. It must have put an odd look on his face, because Chu Yun shot him a look and pulled on his sleeve.

"Don\'t smile so much. It worries me" he said, one of his sharp eyebrows climbing up his forehead in suspicion.

"About what?" Xiao Zai asked, taking Chu Yun\'s arm as they made their way towards the estate\'s gates.

"That you\'re imagining things that definitely won\'t come to pass."

Xiao Zai said only, "We\'ll see," which earned him an eye-roll and a huff.

The Minister of Finance was a traditional woman. It was obvious from her neat and austere appearance, as well as her tastefully decorated home, which didn\'t steer even a millimetre into ostentation. Unlike the Minister of Works, she was clearly worried about accusations of corruption.

She had on attractive omega First Wife, and a fetching omega male concubine. Apparently she treated both of them according to their station in her household. The First Wife wore more expensive robes and jewellery than the concubine, and was allowed more intimacy when addressing the Minister.

Even so, both wife and concubine attended the supper. The three of the Minister\'s children greeted them politely before returning back to their quarters, escorted by a servant. All three addressed the First Wife as \'mother\', although it was obvious from his looks that at least one was the child of the concubine.

Dinner was a subdued affair, and they skirted the topic of the upcoming wedding for the longest time. Xiao Zai was growing restless with all the meandering small talk, but since Chu Yun wasn\'t broaching the subject, he said nothing either.

Finally, it was the Minister of Finance who brought it up, having grown tired of Chu Yun\'s subterfuge and empty platitudes -- which was no doubt his goal.

"To be frank with his Highness, Zui would benefit from a strong leader who could right our financial situation, provide a definite solution to the constant floods plaguing provinces to the west, and modernise the army," the Minister said, extending her arm to the side for her wife to fill up her cup. "However..."

Xiao Zai relaxed into his seat, fighting the urge to exchange a look with Chu Yun. They had been hearing a lot of \'howevers\'. 

"A marriage between two alphas is just too unorthodox," she said, adding after a while, "it just makes it obvious that both individuals were at one point considered \'undesirable\'. It\'s not the kind of thing that inspires confidence in the common people."

Xiao Zai was of the opinion the common people wanted to have enough food to eat at the end of the day, a roof over their heads, and enough free time to enjoy the company of their families.

Almost none of them had ever seen the King\'s face outside of a few commemorative paintings.  In the far flung corners of Zui, what they heard about the matters of the court, the royal harem, and even the comings and goings of Haolin was all filtered through a storytellers\' mouth in some cramped teahouse.

Showing great fortitude, Xiao Zai kept his opinions to himself, and let Chu Yun do what he did best and continue being outwardly pleasant while inwardly furious.


Over the next week Chu Yun visited so many ministers that they all started blurring together.

Many of them were happy to make veiled promises of support IF something changed: Xiao Zai married someone else as a First Spouse (an omega from noble Zui stock); if he found a way to have an heir (preferably if he could procure an already born alpha male); if the Jade Emperor descended from the Heavens and crowned Xiao Zai himself was also an acceptable outcome.

It was immensely frustrating, even if Chu Yun expected it to be difficult to begin with.

He was in a terrible mood as a result, made worse by the fact that the terrible cat Gu Wei had given them had tired from exploring the outside of the estate, and with the definite arrival of winter had moved permanently into the inside of the palace -- preferably the heated rooms.

Which, often meant whatever room Chu Yun happened to be in, since he was a lot less resistant to the cold than the hardy Zui folk. 

The Little Beast had also taken to sleeping on the bed with him and Xiao Zai, and seemed especially interested in sleeping on top of Chu Yun.

Something that never failed to amuse Xiao Zai.

"I think the two of you are very alike," he said, after Chu Yun tried to put the kitten down on the floor for umpteenth time and the two started literally hissing at each other.

To make matters worse, as a result of eating at so many different houses he\'d been feeling unwell. It was vexing that Zui\'s mild fare was making him ill almost every meal.

Xiao Zai kept trying to convince him to call a physician over, but Chu Yun was much too busy for that. 

They had to do their best to earn some support. Despite all their complaints it was obvious that most ministers weren\'t happy with Xiao Yuan as Crown Prince, and hadn\'t been happy with the King\'s rule for a long time.

Even if he was officially named Crown Prince after the wedding, they still had time to make a move -- the King wasn\'t going to abdicate so soon.

Moreover, Chu Yun was beginning to accept the fact that Xiao Zai wouldn\'t be able to get the throne without some bloodshed.

The day of Xiao Yuan\'s wedding arrived, and to Chu Yun\'s great misery he started it by vomiting over the side of the bed.

As far as omens went, he\'d say that was a bad one.

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