My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 521 A new weapon

Cassandra then told her when she saw her mother clenching her fits: “Lilith came herself to save me, it’s time for all of us to coordinate and prepare for the war, because of these Warrior Spirits my visions of the futur are not clear and they’re changing all the time, but I still saw something interesting, mother.”

Diana then asked her: “What did you see, Cassandra? Can it help us win the war against the Warrior Spirits?”

Cassandra then told her: “I saw a new weapon, mother… Craft with the ore of your Divine sword, actually, they are not only one but two identical weapons and it has nothing to do with the cannon that you and father wanted to craft.”

She added when she saw her mother frowning: “Let me share this vision with you, thanks to our psychic link it’s a piece of cake to show it to you, you will understand then…”

Cassandra then waved her hand and a kind of miror appeared just in front of them, Diana then saw her and her husband in this secret building where her Divine sword was being melted and she saw her looking at one sketch in particular with a satisfying smile.

It was a scepter and at the top of it there was a pentagram with a rune engraved on it.

She then stopped the vision her daughter was showing to her and she looked carefully at the runic symbols that were engraved on the pentagram and she exclaimed dumbfounded: “Impossible, if the runic symbols that are on this scepter work, then I will be able to draw energy directly from the Cradle of Magic itself… an unlimited source of power…”

Cassandra then said to her with a smirk: “It will work, mother, just look at the rest of vision.”

Diana then waved her hand, and Cassandra’s vision started again.

She then saw the incommensurable power of this scepter in action, and she saw her and Lilith use it.

The battles were fierced, and confusing like Cassandra had told her, the visions of the Warrior Spirits were affecting their power of premonition, but she could see that Cassandra was right and that they were indeed two scepters.

She didn’t like the fact that she had to give these kind of powers to Lilith but she saved her daughter’s live and so when the vision was finished, Diana asked her daughter: “Will Lilith help you to become the next Empress of the Titans?”

Cassandra smirked and she told her mother: “Well, she will help me obtained the throne, but Lilith doesn’t care about our world, she wants to be the master of the Universe and enslave all the living creatures, including the Titans.

You should make a deal with her, mother, she is much more powerful than what you think, and trust me, it’s better to be on her side and earn a share of the spoils of war, what do you say?”

Diana then asked her: “What is her proposition?”

Cassandra then told her: “She wants one of these scepters, and in exchange, she will not only join the battlefield with her demon army and her Knights of Darkness, she will also use Werewolves as cannon fodder… lot of Werewolves…”

Diana then said: “If we win this war against the Warrior Spirits, the Universe will be ours, then how does she want to share it?”

Cassandra then laughed and she told her mothers: “Like the all time, mother, first arrived, first served, you will be able to get as many worlds as you want if you are quick enough, how does it soon, good, right?”

Diana just said to her: “Deal! … Be careful with her, Cassandra, Lilith has no mercy.”

Cassandra just nodded and then the connection was cut off.

Lilith then asker her when Cassandra eyes returned to their normal color: “So, what did your mother say?”

Cassandra who was lying next to Lilith on their bed then said to her: “Of course she agreed, she had never seen you as a threat, and she had no idea how powerful you are.”

She looked at Lilith and she told her: “I shared my vision with her so she will be able to craft these scepters, she will hand one to you as planned, but do you think it will really be enough to kill Elias and this mysterious man who can resist your black flames.”

Lilith smirked then and she told her: “My little princess, now that you have recovered, you can finally finish unlocking your Titan’s bloodline, I can’t wait to see how powerful you will become… As for Elias and this man, well I will let your parents deal with them first and I will kill the Warrior Spirits first.

Once the Warrior Spirits are exterminated, no one will be powerful enough to defeat us.”


On the world of the Titans, Chaos who was suprised to see his wife’s eyes turned electric blue, the sign that she was having a vision, was patiently waiting to know what kind of news they would get from it.

But what he didn’t expect was that as soon as Diana’s vision was finished she said to him: “We need to change our plan… Chaos, it was Cassandra, she has used our psychic link to communicate with me… And she is safe, at least as safe she can be when she is around Lilith.”

Chaos frowned and he asked her: “So Lilith came to save her, why?”

Diana clenched her fists in frustration and she told him: “You know why, my dear husband, Lilith wants to seize our powers, she wants to put Cassandra at your place and use her as her puppets… If only you had followed my advice back then, and not let Lilith get close to our daughter…”

But then Chaos reminded her: “What choice did I have, Cassandra could never have awakened her bloodline otherwise, and even by doing evil with Lilith, she has never been able to awaken it.

In the end… I still had to forcibly awaken her bloodline for her.”

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