Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 13 Shocking His Parents

Shocking his Parents

While Li Huo was thinking about marriage and parenthood, the Wang twins were trying to convince Xue Bai to stay with Li Huo so they could help him with the aftermath.

"Young Duke, you can\'t just leave Marquis Li with all the work and run home to have fun with your new tree." Big Wang spoke seriously.

"Yes, Young Duke, like what Big Brother said, Marquis Li spent the entire afternoon with you. So at the very least, you should help him with the work at the end." Little Wang added.

However, Xue Bai waved off their concern with a wave.

"Don\'t worry, you two. Father said Uncle Li is great with cleanup work. So if anything, I left Uncle Li in his element. So he\'ll be fine." Xue Bai casually said.

And he wasn\'t lying. Xue Feng had indeed told Xue Bai this before he left, among other things.

"Little Wang, where did you leave the carriage? We have to go back to the estate quickly. This tree needs some Spiritual Soil." Xue Bai said.

Currently, Big Wang was just carrying Yggdrasil. However, that was only a temporary fix. In order to grow Yggdrasil to its peak potential, they need high-grade Spiritual Soil. Furthermore, leaving Yggdrasil out in the air would hurt it more than help it.

So leaving it in this state would be very bad.

"Young Duke, it\'s at the entrance of the City Lord mansion. Would you like me to bring it here?" Little Wang asked respectfully.

Xue Bai nodded.

His small seven-year-old body was tired after walking all afternoon. So he planned to rest a little until Little Wang brought the carriage over.

So after finding a nearby bench, Xue Bai sat down and waited for Little Wang, who left to bring the carriage.

Thankfully Little Wang didn\'t take long, and after 5 minutes, he returned.

After getting inside the carriage, Xue Bai then jumped into the bed and commanded the two, "Don\'t wake me up until you get to my courtyard."

The twins were respectful and nodded, assuring that Xue Bai would be able to rest peacefully in their care.

Seeing the two nod, Xue Bai then closed his eyes. And because of how tired he was, Xue Bai didn\'t take long to fall asleep.

After Little Wang sensed that the Young Duke had fallen asleep so heavily, Little Wang decided that he would drive the carriage slower this time, so he could let Xue Bai get more sleep.

Because of this, the initially 2-hour-long journey this time took almost 4 hours. However, it was at least worth it, as once Xue Bai and the twins returned home, he felt full of energy.

After the group reached Xue Bai\'s courtyard, the Wang twins woke up Xue Bai, handed Yggdrasil, and left with the carriage as they couldn\'t stay in the core region.

Xue Bai let them off, but he also told them to call over the first maid they drove by as Xue Bai needed someone to come.

This didn\'t take long, as within 10 minutes, a young girl only a few years older than Xiao\'er arrived.

Xue Bai didn\'t do any pleasantries and just directly told the girl his purpose.

"Miss, call over Xiao\'er and have her bring some Spiritual Soil to my courtyard." Xue Bai instructed.

Not daring to delay, the maid gave Xue Bai a respectful bow and then left to relay the command as fast as her little legs could take her.

After seeing her run off and making sure there was no one nearby, Xue Bai went to the pond in his courtyard, where his grand prize from the Stone Gambling Pavilion sat peacefully.

Sitting at a cool 3 meters tall and with lush purple and red leaves, Yggradasil was an extremely odd-looking tree. However, when it was combined with the pulsating purple fruits that hung from its branches, the tree looked like something out of a lucid dream.

But rather than being confused about its appearance, Xue Bai instead just felt giddy as he looked at it.

Xue Bai planned to get a set of low Heaven-grade Martial Veins, so he didn\'t think he would ever struggle to cultivate in the later realms. But with Yggradasil at his side, any problem he could ever have would now be eliminated.

Plus, he could also help his parents, who were a lot less talented than him, stay at his side and cultivate along with him instead of leaving them behind.

And to do this, all Xue Bai had to do was feed a tree some high-ranked Spiritual Soil.

Going through Yggrasdil and its majesty, Xue Bai was slowly getting lost in its beauty.

Thankfully before he got too deep into it, Xiao\'er arrived with the Spiritual Soil and a large pot. Apparently, the maid also relayed that he had Yggdrasil with him.

"Young Master, I brought the Spiritual Soil." Then, cheerful as always, Xiao\'er entered the room with a smile.

"Xiao\'er, bring it here, the pot as well." Xue Bai only took a quick look at Xiao\'er before gluing his eyes back at Yggdrasil, seemingly afraid that it would disappear.

"Young Master, what is this fruit tree? What makes it so special?" Curious as ever, Xiao\'er rattled off questions rapid fire.

Having such an extroverted maid was a large change to his life, but since she brought a lively personality into his life, Xue Bai felt that it was a refreshing change from his once quiet and lonely hospital room.

So after waving his hand to get her to stop, Xue Bai spoke, "Xiao\'er, if you\'re going to ask me questions, ask them one at a time. Don\'t throw a dozen of them at me."

Xiao\'er took a moment to think before choosing her first question to be answered.

"This tree is the only of its kind, so it doesn\'t have a name. What other questions do you have?"

"If it\'s the only of its kind, how did you find it? You only left the estate to go to Snowy Wind City, not to any secret realm." Xiao\'er asked next

"Uncle Li took me to the Stone Gambling Pavilion, and I opened this tree from a stone." After answering stood and tried to place Yggdrasil into the pot, but he soon realized he couldn\'t even lift it, so he asked, "Xiao\'er, before I answer the next one, help me put Yggdrasil in the pot."

"Yes, Young Master. But I thought you said this tree didn\'t have a name. So why are you calling it Yggdrasil all of a sudden." Xiao\'er asked with a tilted head.

"It\'s the name I gave it. I can\'t always call it \'The Fruit Tree.\' It\'s too tacky, so I named it Yggdrasil, after the sacred tree of life itself." Xue Bai lied.

"But, Young Master, aren\'t you insulting Yggdrasil by naming a dying fruit tree after it?"

"Xiao\'er, if I have enough time, this tree will not only live up to the Yggdrasil but also surpass it."

"Young Master, that\'s a big claim. Are you not afraid of people laughing at you?" Xiao\'er was shocked, to say the least, but since it was her Young Master, she didn\'t dare laugh and only tried to stop Xue Bai from bragging to the public.

"Xiao\'er, why would I tell other people this? Wouldn\'t that just put a target on my back?" Xue Bai stopped and looked back at Xiao\'er like he was looking at a stupid person.

Hearing such mean words, Xiao\'er wanted to refute, but no words came out. Xue Bai spoke so straightforwardly and correctly that it shut the maid up and left her with no words to argue with.

So without any words to refute, she just harrumphed and pouted, but she still went over and lent a hand to Xue Bai, who was struggling to lift the three-meter-tall Yggdrasil.

Xiao\'er was his maid, and she knew that her job came first.

And with the two people placing Yggdrasil into the pot was a lot easier.

"Oh right, I just remembered, Young Master. By the way, Madam asked me what you wanted with the Spiritual Soil," Xiao\'er remembered suddenly.

Hearing Xiao\'er mention Li Rou, Xue Bai suddenly remembered what he wanted to do.

"Speaking of mother Xiao\'er, call my parents over. I need to show them Yggdrasil." Xue Bai already had a plan for his parents.

While he didn\'t know what stage they were at currently, Their first appearance in the game was in the year 977, 2 years after the plot started, and by then, Xue Feng and Li Rou were at the 7th stage of the Domain Lord realm.

And with the peak power on the Southern Continent only being in the Spirit Severing realm, a Domain Lord realm cultivation base was at the top of this continent.

However, a Domain Lord realm cultivator in the Central Continent wasn\'t even enough to be a doorman for some sects.

So to make sure that Xue Feng and Li Rou never become liabilities or too weak compared to him, Xue Bai planned to give them each a fruit. Moreover, there were three fruits on the tree right now, so Xue Bai also planned to give the last to his uncle.

Li Huo was actually ahead of Xue Bai\'s parents and had a cultivation base at the peak of the Domain Lord realm. So giving him a Yggdrasil fruit would most likely make him the first of the three to enter the Xiantian Great Realm.

Xue Bai didn\'t need one anytime soon since the fruit was more useful for cultivators who were struggling with their lack of potential. And since he planned to get a low Heaven-grade Martial Vein, he wouldn\'t have any bottlenecks until the God Great Realm.

"Yes, Young Master, I\'ll go call them over right now." Xiao\'er answered.

After replying, Xiao\'er then left the courtyard to call Xue Bai\'s parents, which didn\'t take long because she returned with the two after only 10 minutes of waiting.

"Bai\'er, what did you call us for?" Li Rou\'s soft and caring voice sounded.

Following her melodic voice, she entered the courtyard along with Xue Feng and Xiao\'er.

"Mother, you asked why I needed so much Spiritual Soil, so this is why," Xue Bai announced, as he pointed at Yggdrasil dramatically.

"You asked me for Black-grade Spiritual Soil so that you can plant this dying fruit tree?" Li Rou was confused.

Li Rou thought that maybe Old Lu had gone senile and got the wrong diagnosis of her son\'s condition.

Xue Feng was more proactive and went to touch Xue Bai\'s forehead, thinking he had a fever.

Annoyed at their reactions, Xue Bai shook off his father and yelled, "I\'m not sick! Look at Yggdrasil before you make those faces."

However, instead of calming his parents, Xue Bai\'s reaction only made their expressions more grave and distressed.

"Honey, he even gave the tree a name. Maybe you should\'ve taken him to the Imperial Physician." Li Rou covered her mouth in distress.

Xue Bai became exasperated.

"Mother, look at the fruits on Yggdrasil first. They are radiating Spiritual Qi. I didn\'t pick up a dead tree from the side of the road." Xue Bai cried out.

He truly couldn\'t stand their faces full of pity.

Thankfully his words did manage to strike a cord within the couple, as once Xue Bai mentioned Spiritual Qi, they focused their eyes on Yggdrasil seriously.

"Oh, you\'re right. They are natural treasures. But then, where did you get this thing? You only went to the city, right?" Li Rou started to ask the same questions that Xiao\'er asked.

"Mother Xiao\'er already asked those questions. Just ask her to tell you them but first, let me explain what these fruits do." Xue Bai was feeling Deja Vu at his mother\'s questions and quickly pushed them aside.

Yggradil would change their fates, and he wanted to explain what it did before answering mundane questions again.

"While I don\'t know what stage you two are at, I do know you guys are in the Domain Lord realm. And I also know you two only have peak Yellow-grade Martial Veins and are just about to reach the end of your potential." Xue Bai was starting to market Yggdrasil to his parents.

"Stop, stop, stop while these words are right. They hurt, so please, Bai\'er, if you have a point, say it. Our old hearts can\'t take much more." Xue Bai\'s parents were taking too much damage from his innocent comments.

"Ok, I\'ll make it simple. These fruits can bring you two to the ninth stage of the Domain Lord realm within a few years while also giving you a chance to break through to the Xiantian Great Realm." Xue Bai decided to drop the bomb since they wanted him to cut it short.


Every little thing helps -

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