Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 30 Getting Beaten Up

Getting Beaten Up

For the next two days, Xue Feng would teach his son about the basics of swordsmanship. From a simple slash to the parry, Xue Feng would spend those two days drilling them in Xue Bai. And like archery Xue Bai would absorb all the knowledge like a sponge.

Originally Xue Feng was planning on taking around a week to teach all the basics, but his son\'s comprehension ability shortened that by five days.

However, after finding this out, Xue Feng was all smiles and just continued to teach his son with his full effort.

On the third day, Xue Bai came to his father\'s courtyard and saw that Xue Feng was already waiting there. However, this time, he was holding his own sword instead of sitting cross-legged in the field.

"Father, what are we going to do today?" Xue Bai asked excitedly.

Xue Bai was right. The sword was the right weapon to use in a cultivation world. Ever since he picked up the sword, he felt something click in his body. Holding a sword in his hand made him feel complete, and when there wasn\'t a sword on his body, it felt like he was missing something. Before, he couldn\'t feel this feeling as he hadn\'t held one before. But after holding one, Xue Bai knew that this was going to be his weapon.

Sure archery was fun, but at the end of the day, Xue Bai didn\'t think he had much talent in that area. Instead, it was his comprehension ability that helped him grow. Whenever he failed, he unconsciously analyzed what went wrong in his head and eliminated failures automatically. But when he used a sword, he didn\'t have to think. His body almost moved itself without him having to control it.

"Bai\'er, today we are going to spar a little. I saw that boy Huo Long fight yesterday, and it reminded me of something. That people grow the most in combat. So for the next few days, we are going to spar. Of course, I will suppress my cultivation so you can have a fair chance." Xue Feng explained.

Xue Bai also agreed with his father, so he readied a stance and waited for a queue to start. However, he didn\'t get one, and his father simply launched at him without as much as a word.

Deflecting his father\'s swing Xue Bai jumped back, "You dirty old man, how dare you sneak attack me!"

Ignoring the insult Xue Feng once again launched himself at his son, "Your enemies won\'t tell you when they\'re going to attack, and neither will I. So you better get used to it, Bai\'er."

Xue Bai groaned at that. \'Yes, that was true, dad, but this is my first time fighting. So give me some slack.\'

However, Xue Bai didn\'t get to respond as Xue Feng was constantly on him, not giving him a chance to breathe.

The fight continued on for ten minutes, and to say the least, Xue Bai did not have fun. Though he noticeably got better, his dad was too damn good, and he couldn\'t fight back and got pummeled for the ten minutes.

Xue Feng, without as much as a drop of sweat, looked at his son lying on the ground and said, "You get a minute for your break, then we start again."

"A minute? You almost worked me to death. At least give me five." Xue Bai retorted.

"50 seconds left." However, Xue Feng didn\'t even respond to the plea.

Knowing he wouldn\'t be able to extend it, Xue Bai instantly sat cross-legend and started to meditate. Being in this world long enough, Xue Bai learned that even though he couldn\'t sense Spiritual Qi yet, mediating still helped with fatigue faster than just normal resting. So to quickly restore his stamina, he would meditate.

Soon after a minute, Xue Fen stayed true to his word and instantly charged right back at Xue Bai after a minute.

The rest of the day followed that format with 10-minute high-intensity fights. Followed by a minute-long rest. And at the end of it, Xue Bai was on the ground, limp like a noddle. He couldn\'t even stand up if he wanted to.

Not only was he tired as a dog, but his body was battered from all the blows he had to take from his father. Xue Bai thought that with his character in the game that having a comprehension that was one of the greatest in the Baishen Plane and even comparable to the protagonists. He would be able to contend with his father after a whole day of fighting, but his father was just too damn good at the sword.

Whenever he felt like he would finally get a hit in, Xue Feng\'s sword would almost bend unnaturally and block it. Or if he thought he had blocked an incoming attack, it would practically phase through his sword and hit him in the gut. Thankfully the sword was still sheathed, so he only took some blunt damage instead of slashes.

"Since the training will be rough from now on, we will only meet every other day. However, I still expect you to do your daily swings. I will know if you haven\'t" After saying so, Xue Feng just sat down and started cultivating there.

"What am I supposed to do about my battered body? I won\'t even be able to get up tomorrow, let alone swing a sword a thousand times." Xue Bai asked sarcastically.

"Ask your mother for a medical herb bath. That should help with the soreness and bruises." Xue Feng answered without even opening his eyes.

Xue Bai nodded at that and continued to lie down until he regained his breath. After which, he struggled out of the courtyard holding his stomach.

Of all the places that got hit, the stomach got hit the most, making him have to hold it just to be able to walk straight.

After walking in pain for a few minutes, Xue Bai made it to his mother\'s courtyard. However, before he even entered, his mother had already exited with a concerned look on her face.

"Bai\'er, what happened to you? You look so beaten up." Li Rou asked with concern.

"That husband of yours had a great training plan for me today." Xue Bai responded through gritted teeth.

"Oh, then that\'s fine. I thought someone had beaten you." The concern instantly left Li Rou\'s face.

"Someone did beat me, though, mother!" Xue Bai cried.

Hearing that, Li Rou bent down and petted her son\'s hair, "He did it to help you, sweetie. It probably hurt him more than you."

After saying that, she scooped up Xue Bai and went inside her courtyard.

Though Xue Bai didn\'t usually like being carried, his mother was an exception. So he didn\'t bother to resist and let her carry him.

"He told you to come here for a medicinal herb bath, right?" Li Rou asked.

Xue Bai nodded at that.

"That\'s great. I have a new recipe. Zhou Beizhan got it from the Imperial Capital. Apparently, it was originally from the central continent!" Li Rou said excitedly.

Alchemy was as fascinating to her as archery, so getting a new recipe excited her.

Xue Bai didn\'t understand her excitement. But he still nodded aimlessly.

Putting Xue Bai down on a bench, Li Rou went into her bedroom. "Sweetie, wait here. I\'ll get the ingredients."

She soon came back out with a spatial ring and a scroll. "Bai\'er, this spatial ring has around a dozen sets of the bath. While this scroll has instructions on how to use it. Give it to Xiao\'er to follow."

Xue Bai nodded at that and, after some more small talk with his mother, left the courtyard to go to his own.

When Xue Bai arrived at his courtyard, luckily Xiao\'er was there, so he called her over and made her ready a bath for him with the ingredients.

And after taking a nice refreshing bath, Xue Bai immediately chose to go to sleep. He was tired beyond belief after that training session.

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