Monster Factory

Chapter 125: Look ma, reporters!

The name Kangyuan Inc. gave their new massage chair was pretty grand.

The Life Physiotherapist!

The price was the same as the mechanical engineered chairs, 88,000, and the looks were extremely fancy.

The chair weighed in at around 450 pounds, and the user is covered from head to toe when sitting on it. Add on all kinds of equipment and it basically looked likes a compact intensive care unit.

Flashy and totally not worth!

That was the conclusion Ye Qing came up with after carefully examining the provided details.

Massage chair this~ massage chair that, but no matter what, the most comfortable massage in the world will still always be done by the human hands.

Kangyuan Inc. added on a lot more functionality onto their original product, but it still lagged miles behind in terms of comfortability.

Traditional mechanical massage techniques, which summed up to rolling balls and point knocking, was never comfortable to begin with. Moreover, a massage chair, can at most only work on the shoulders, lower back, legs, and arms.

Wanting to include more massageable points meant a much more complex movement structure. This was coincidentally one of the major selling points of the mechanical engineered chair. As its mechanical movement system was complicated beyond belief, to the point where it was able to perfectly mimic any kind of movement.

Sadly, Kangyuan wasn’t able to do that at all. Yet they still wanted to, hence why they came up with an all new, astounding technique.

The full body massage technique.

In Ye Qing’s eyes this concept was extremely simple. To use electromagnetic waves to release mimicked low frequency signals to cause uncontrollable muscle movements.

All the popular digital massage tools currently employed this concept. However, Kangyuan further enhanced the technique by using electro pulses passed through electrodes to stimulate muscle movements.

This massage chair would automatically measure the weight of the user, and its internal computer would calculate the most suitable bioelectromagnetic signal for the user.

This could create a real massage feel, but its downsides were also quite clear. It was easy to feel shocking electrical feelings, there were no true feelings of a comfortable massage, and it was easily able to cause muscle fatigue.

Of course, on the brochure, Kangyuan would never mention these hidden ‘features’. So, if Ye Qing were to go off of the brochure alone, then he would definitely feel like Kangyuan came up with an even more astonishing chair than the mechanical engineered chair.

This was also why Kangyuan went out of their way to sabotage the public image of the mechanical engineered chairs, because it did what they couldn’t do.

Able to almost perfectly mimic human hand massages, and even have it full bodied.

When the master artisan with the super attention seeking bodyguard in tow went to look around Kangyuan’s booth, every single person present from receptionists to guests stared at them; including the three present foreigners.

This attention seeking style immediately had one of Kangyuan’s​ receptionists come forth and politely greet them.

“Oh ~ Kangyuan Inc., yeah I’ve heard of them.” The master artisan was like I completely understand: “I’ve always used your products before and they were pretty good. Now that you guys have came out with new stuff, I specifically came to take a look.”

“And if these new products are ok, then I was thinking of importing a batch for our corporation to use.”

“These products were in research for more than five years, moreover it even has a domestic medical device registration certificate, and an international UDI certification, so there’ll definitely be no problems with exporting.”

“You can give one a try, and I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.”

“I’m just gonna go and take a look, so be off now.” The master artisan sat down on some old product, familiarly set his customizations, crossed his legs, and enjoyed the massage while waiting for the fun to begin.

Seeing how the master artisan familiarly set the settings on the massage chair, this receptionist happily hurried off to fetch him some tea.

Over there, a foreign guest had already been warmly invited by Kangyuan’s receptionists to give the new Life Physiotherapist a try.

The invitation also included his female translator.

The two were pretty curious as they laid down on the chairs while a receptionist entered all kinds of data into a nearby computer. And finally came the main event, the whole body magnetic massage.

The master artisan in the meantime, was just chilling on the massage chairs. Even the peon found a massage chair to sit in.

It was just that his 300 plus pound body literally made the chair creak and groan.

Seeing the foreigner begin to try out the new chairs, the master artisan turned the lens of the shutter camera to face the chair that foreigner was sitting in.

This was an specially modified shutter camera that contained an ingenious directional EMP emitter. Furthermore, this emitter was even more advanced than anything on the market, as this was part of the technology needed to create the Rank 3 black technology; the Environmental Ion Purifier.

What Kangyuan was promoting currently could generate bioelectromagnetic waves, which the camera in the master artisan’s hands was also capable of generating. However, what it emitted were electro waves of high frequency, which was harmless towards the human body but still able to seriously disturb the regular operations of any electronics.

The key thing here was the directional part. This was why the chair the foreigner was in had problems while the one his translator was in was perfectly fine.

A wave of unseeable high frequency bioelectromagnetic pulse accurately bore into the targeted massage chair. Under the influence of this wave, the bioelectromagnetic generator inside of the massage chair seems to have been given a shot of adrenaline, such that the complexity of the emitted wave were to the point where even a biophysicist couldn’t decipher it.

This foreign guest originally felt ok as he sat feeling his entire body numbing out. However, very quickly, he felt something fishy, how come there slowly wasn’t any movement at the shoulders, and why were there painful pricks coming from the waist?

Just as he was about to ask the receptionist, before he had the chance to speak, a terrifying scream came out of his mouth as he painfully jumped sky high off of the chair.

After he landed, he was covering his lower back with his hands while yelling ‘my god, my god’, on the verge of crying.

His translator also sat up, and anxiously asked whether he was he ok.

“Damn it, weren’t you guys saying how this chair wouldn’t hurt anyone and what not?” The foreigner grimaced and exposed his lower back, which currently had a palm size fiery red burn scar.

Kangyuan’s receptionists were completely dumbstruck, even all the visitors were dumbstruck.

“Please give us a reasonable excuse, otherwise I will have our lawyers file lawsuits against your product’s safety features.” The female translator, seeing her boss hurt, immediately had bloodshot eyes.

“Sorry ~ Sorry ~” Kangyuan’s receptionists literally bowed like shrimps as they sincerely apologized.

The manager in charge immediately entered damage control mode as he began to say how their product was problem free, how their biological signal emitting technology had been thoroughly tested and what not.

“I got it!” The manager suddenly came to a realization, and pointed out the receptionist responsible for entering the variables: “She definitely inputted in the wrong values. Mr. Bit please be at ease, we’ll definitely compensate you for the damages you have suffered.”

“Mr. Bit, believe me, this is definitely a misunderstanding.”

“Sorry, but we’re gonna go take a look around.” This foreigner waved his hand and walked off while covering his back.

The other two foreigners on the other hand looked at each other, unable to come to a decision.

Kangyuan Inc.’s manager incessantly explained that this was definitely caused by having the wrong information entered into the system. As to prove this point, the manager even ran over to another chair and sat down with new data.

A couple of minutes passed, and no new anomaly could be seen on the manager’s face.

The two foreigners, with a glass half full attitude, also sat down on these Life Physiotherapist chairs to experience it. The manager, feeling unassured, came over to make the necessary changes personally.

Perhaps it was due to the heavy amount of traffic going in and out from Kangyuan’s display booth, as there were several reporters wearing NBC vests, and their following camera crew set up shop right outside in preparation for a broadcast.

Seeing this, Kangyuan’s manager was overjoyed, as NBC was one of America’s big five news broadcasting services and their influence was beyond measure.

Just as he was about to welcome them, a reporter, with a microphone in hand, directly walked up to one of seating foreign guests and asked how he saw this year’s exhibition.

So they were there to interview their own people. But even if that was the case, the camera would still include their products, thus promoting them imperceptibly.

What made this manager even more excited was that while the foreigner was getting interviewed, he even mentioned how his mother company, Lambert’s Health Care, was interested in these massage chairs, and sent them over as a representative.

He even invited the freckle faced female reporter to also give it a try, as in his words, these chairs weren’t bad.

“My god!” Kangyuan’s manager almost fell into a paradise of happiness. Upon hearing this reply, he immediately welcomed the female reporter to give their new Life Physiotherapist a try.

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