To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 355. Legend (2)

[Don’t try to force yourself to do something.]

[You don’t have to strive for a dramatic awakening. You’re still very strong as you are.]

[If only you can use it properly.]

Yunael engraved Byeok’s words into her heart and tried her best to carry that out into reality. There was no need for her to copy those who were strong because they became strong using their own methods. They were them, and Yunael was herself.

[Look back on the path you’ve walked.]

[Look and listen carefully.]

[Your body already knows the answer.]

The opponent and Yunael just stared at each other. For a while, a quiet and bizarre silence stretched between them, seemingly about to go off at any moment. And in the middle of this silence, the opponent jumped and began rushing towards Yunael with lightning speed, while Yunael did nothing. Originally, she would have pulled her spear back in frantic desperation and tried to read their movement somehow. However, she did not do that this time. She just asked her body, ‘What do you want to do?’

Her body moved. It waited for the opponent to get closer and made a single precise thrust, piercing the part that Yunael had instinctively perceived as where the opponent’s body was subtly centered around. Then something shocking happened. The opponent suddenly stopped as if they had run into an unexpected obstacle while traveling at high speed.

Yunael’s spear danced one more time. When she stepped forward and swung wide, the opponent stepped back in bemusement. They had been attacking nonstop this whole time, but for once they chose to pass their turn to Yunael.


Of course, the opponent didn’t sit still either. They immediately went back on the offensive, and with their eyes wide open, they spun even faster than before around her. Yunael stopped again as she could now only see afterimages of them. Once more, she listened to her body.

[My eyes can’t follow them.]

She completely closed her eyes. Others would call her crazy, but Yunael believed the instincts of her body that have been honed through years of training.

Swoosh! For a moment, a horrific sensation that gave her goosebumps passed through her, but even then, Yunael didn’t open her eyes. She shielded the parts of her body that were shouting, ‘I’m in danger’ with her spear and successfully blocked her opponent’s attacks. And if there were parts she couldn’t shield, she opted to avoid the attacks. Although she focused on only these two processes, she managed to not get hit even once. Furthermore, the enemy’s attacks didn’t even get close to hitting her, let alone missing her by a hair. Rather, she looked more relaxed than before. Byeok’s words were the answer.

To see, accept, control, and then carry that into action—accomplishing this process instantaneously didn’t match Yunael’s disposition or skillset. Therefore, by removing the unnecessary steps, she dramatically streamlined this process by half. That allowed her to respond one beat faster to attacks she couldn’t respond to before, when she had always been a half-beat late. Although Yunael didn’t notice it herself, and her teammates were also fighting so hard that they couldn’t see her, Yunael was the only calm and composed one while her opponent frantically attacked her by cutting, slicing, and piercing. She was like a lone small boat sailing calmly in a stormy sea.

Most importantly, this new experience was going to act as the best nourishment for her; just like how a fertilizer poured on good-quality soil sprouted a seed that was already well-prepared.

[User Yunael Tania’s Special Ability ‘Sixth Sense’ has been formed.]

Sixth Sense did not rely on analytical thinking, and it was the ability to grasp the truth of the matter with intuition rather than intellectual judgment such as experience or logic. However, Yunael didn’t even hear the notification because of how immersed she was in her conversation with her body. At this point, her opponent was the one getting desperate. Yunael had not only suddenly changed, but was changing further in real time; the opponent felt like the more they attacked, the more they were losing their turn to attack. At this rate, their situations would be completely flipped.

In the end, the opponent couldn’t stay still any longer and decided to end the fight now, and they immediately acted on their thought. They came to a sudden halt before rushing at her. Yunael clearly heard it. Her body was shouting at the top of its lungs that the time had come; a critical opportunity for her to chase after and catch the opponent’s movements as they made a big move.

She pulled together all the power from the very soles of her feet and extended her spear where her body told her to. The result was—nothing. Even though the spear’s blade had penetrated the opponent, Yunael couldn’t feel a sense of impact from the palm of her hand. At that moment, Yunael neither felt flustered nor angry because she already knew that the attack wouldn’t land. She realized it after seeing how Chi-Woo utilized a ricochet. If she couldn’t hit it, she could make it hit; not in the way Chi-Woo did it, but by following her body’s voices. In the first place, she didn’t even intend to properly hit the part she first sensed.

As soon as she made the thrust, Yunael twisted her waist without hesitation. At the same time, she unleashed all the power she had condensed so far with all her past frustrations. Like a swiveling swallow, the inverted spear blade pierced the air where there was nothing and—slam! She felt a thrilling impact greater than she had ever felt. Her opponent’s eyes widened when they got pierced as soon as they tried to aim for her back. Yunael, who finally opened her eyes, couldn’t hide her surprise either because from the part of her opponent’s body she had pierced through came a large spiral of currents.

Just one hit. Although it had been just one hit, this blow was twice as powerful as the dozens of all-out attacks Yunael had made. As if they were caught in a whirlwind, her opponent’s body twisted and got ripped apart in an instant before collapsing. Even after falling down, their whole body writhed like someone suffering from epilepsy. Yunael still looked stunned as she stayed unmoving with her arms outstretched.

She felt a new and unfamiliar sensation engulf her whole body, but it didn’t feel bad. Rather, it felt nice like she was finally wearing pretty clothes that fit her perfectly. On one hand, she couldn’t understand it. Why hadn’t she realized this sooner when it wasn’t even that hard? As of right now, Yunael believed she wouldn’t easily lose to even Ru Amuh. With the right circumstances, she might even win. Yunael blinked for a while and then realized that the battle wasn’t over yet.

Yunael hurriedly withdrew her spear and let out a sigh of relief when she turned around. Her teammates were still holding out—no, that would be selling it short.

“Is this all you got! I guess the Sernitas being the strongest was all just talk!” Seeing Jin-Cheon sending one enemy flying with his fist and laughing out loud, Yunael concluded that her teammates seemed to be doing better than she had thought.

Evelyn was maintaining her barrier, and Hawa was steadily shooting arrows. Of course, the reason why they could all fight like that was thanks to one man. Since the captain was controlling the battle in the center, they could all run wild and show their full skills.

‘All right. I should also get…’ Yunael had a good feeling about this. In her current condition, she felt like she could clear the way no matter who her opponent was. Everyone returning safely might not be a pipe dream after all. With the firm belief in mind, Yunael turned around to join the rest of her teammates—

—Analysis complete.

Until she heard a calm voice from behind her.

—Searching for the most effective response and solution available…

—…Search results 127.

Yunael quickly turned around. However, the voices weren’t only coming from the one body on the ground.

—…Search results 255.

They spoke near Evelyn.

—…Search results 2,793.

And Jin-Cheon.

—…Search results 12,372.

And Hawa. Voices were coming from everywhere.


“W-What?” Yunael was shocked. She had completely ripped her opponents to shreds, but the flesh and blood mixed with the solution on the floor and began to flow and converge. It wasn’t just her opponent; all the remains of the enemies her teammates had fought also began to flow, and the separate pieces were being united once again.

“You bastard! Bastard!” No matter how hard Yunael stabbed with her spear, it was no use. Instead, even the parts she had pierced were absorbed, and her opponent instantly recovered.

Gurgle. Gurgle. In an instant, the flesh and blood took a new form and got up. Yunael slowly tilted her head. There stood a giant big enough to touch the ceiling. They looked similar to the balrog that she had faced in a different world. But most importantly, unlike before, her opponent gave off an energy that exceeded Ru Amuh’s level. Then she heard a scream from behind.

“Aghhhhhh!” Jin-Cheon collapsed, blood spraying out from all over his body. In front of him, she saw what looked like an elemental spirit of the wind with air currents as body. Hawa was in a similar position. While Evelyn looked like she was barely holding out, her face was distorted to the maximum, and she looked like she was about to collapse. “Someone just…!” Although the number of enemies had decreased significantly, the quality had changed dramatically because the Sernitas had analyzed all the expedition team members and made customized transformations to gain an advantage over each member.

“Ah…!” Then Evelyn exclaimed. Her barrier broke in the end. The shield that had been preventing the enemy from reaching them to its best ability disappeared; those who were eagerly waiting for this moment jumped at the opportunity and rushed in. When they were about to overwhelm those who had fallen like Jin-Cheon and Hawa, a light shot up. The soaring ray of light divided into dozens of branches and struck everywhere like a whip. Every enemy it hit burst into pieces and stopped moving forward, but that was the extent of the light’s power. Their enemies immediately regenerated and began preparing for the next wave of attacks—in an even more powerful form. At that moment, Chi-Woo realized what the mysterious déjà vu he had been feeling since entering this place was.

‘Samigina…no, that’s not it.’ The extent of Samigina’s experiment was to mix and match various life forms using the Kobalos’ magic fire pit to make a chimera. However, the enemies in front of them were different. They accurately analyzed their opponent’s information and changed accordingly. After remembering this fact, a thought crossed his mind, and Chi-Woo’s breath stopped. He had in fact met the Sernitas before; he simply didn’t know it was them. They had crossed paths at least once—inside the Hala Forest. Chi-Woo recalled those who ate other creatures and evolved on their own.

It was the same for the Sernitas; they became one with other creatures and only took the best parts to transcend their previous selves. In this way, the Hala Forest had been a miniature version of the Sernitas. If his theory was really true…this situation was no different from being surrounded by numerous king candidates rather than only five, like when they were in the Hala Forest.

Chi-Woo’s expression hardened. He couldn’t beat the Sun King, let alone the Queen; he could only barely win after releasing all his seals. If they had struggled like that there, then here… Chi-Woo was at a loss for words. While he was thinking, a noise he couldn’t ignore struck his ear; it was the sound of Yunael flying away and slamming into the wall. It wasn’t that she failed to respond; she responded with her sixth sense and even avoided her opponent’s attack. However, a slight touch of the shockwave generated by her opponent’s attack was enough to send her flying.

“Ugh…gurgle…” Yunael barely managed to raise her head and tried to spit out a curse word, but a bubble of blood poured out instead. The Sernitas had finished regenerating and began to rise one by one with the balrog at the center. Chi-Woo’s vision became blurry as he watched the scene unfold; there was a limit to how hard he could try. At this state, they couldn’t win even if hell froze over.

…Yeah, at this current state. They did have a way out, but the problem was that there was only one way. ‘I need to hold on. I have no choice but to hold on.’ Chi-Woo let out a long sigh and quietly said, “Everyone…I’m sorry…” While all his teammates were groaning in pain, Chi-Woo turned around. He didn’t sound like he had given up; rather, his team members sensed a solemn determination from his tone as if he was opting for the last resort. However, Yunael was hit with a strong, unknown sense of foreboding; she had no idea what it was, but she felt as if she shouldn’t let him do it...

“What do you mean you’re sorry?” Yunael stood up after spitting and wiped her bloody mouth. “It’s not even over yet.” She held her spear and burned up with renewed fighting spirit. Chi-Woo smiled bitterly.

At the same time, Eshnunna was pouring out sweat. “What the…what is happening…what on earth…” Thanks to Chi-Woo, Salem Eshnunna had evolved and trained her powers with Evelyn as her master. After hard work, she was proudly acknowledged as a magician. As such, when she was selected for this expedition, she had a small desire to show her worth and be acknowledged by Chi-Woo. However, reality was nothing but despair. When the battle finally started, Eshnunna couldn’t do anything. While her teammates struggled to protect her and her master, she wasn’t able to properly support them even once. Magicians were usually the stars in a battle of multiple opponents, since they could attack numerous enemies with one shot.

Of course, there was a reason for her inability—the toharis. Since the blazing toharis were right behind them, her ice melted as soon as she summoned it. The reality could not be more hopeless. Eshnunna, feeling frantic, wasted mana meaninglessly and eventually collapsed.

“Eshnunna?” Evelyn, who was breathing and recovering her divine energy, turned around in surprise.

“Master…” Eshnunna cried. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…because of the toharis…” Eshnunna whined and lamented her helplessness. Only then did Evelyn realize why Eshnunna had been so quiet. Normally, she would have hugged her and said it was okay, but this was no time for consolation.

“It’s not because of the toharis,” Evelyn said in a stern voice. “It’s your own fault.” Witches were not magicians or sorcerers. If one had to put them in a category, they shared the same root as shamans. Shamans borrowed power from a guardian deity in exchange for a strong faith as a medium between humans, animals, and society. It was the same for witches. The medium through which Eshnunna communicated was ice. Although she received a penalty that she couldn’t use other elemental properties, she could unleash great power using ice—as long as she had unwavering faith.

“Why do you think you can’t freeze it?”


“Matryoshka froze even lava from a volcano that erupted. You don’t think you can do it as her descendant?”


“No wonder. You don’t even believe it yourself. Why the hell would it let you borrow its power?”

Eshnunna almost responded angrily. Since she understood the situation, she wanted to ask, ‘Even if I use my powers, what difference would it make?’ Heroes much greater than her were struggling. However, she couldn’t say this out loud. She knew that even if she couldn’t do anything about this situation, she needed to do something. If she was going to die, she had to fight back with everything she got even if she had to scramble for it. This was the least courtesy she could pay for those who had protected her with their strength and were trying their hardest to fight back. Eshnunna got up indignantly. She looked at Chi-Woo’s back and bit her lower lip.

There was no room for hesitation. She stretched out her trembling arms and uttered carefully, “Freeze…” There was no response; ice didn’t respond at all to her. “Freeze.” She commanded again, but the response was the same.

Eshnunna cleared her throat and shouted, “Freeze!” Ice formed for a moment and then disappeared. She heard a short chuckle; an indescribable emotion twisted her face. “Freeze. Freeze. Freeze. Freeze. Freeze.” Ice repeatedly formed and then melted. The more she did this, the less strength she had in her whole body, and she felt intense dizziness return. If she went on like this, she might die, but Eshnunna clenched her teeth and persisted.

“Come on…!”

While Chi-Woo, who made up his mind, was about to release his seals—

“I’m telling you to freezeeeeee! You fucking shitttttttttt!”

Suddenly, a sharp explosion broke out from behind and shook the whole cavity. Shocked, Chi-Woo widened his eyes as a cold gust of wind from the dead of winter swept past him. Everything had happened very suddenly.

Swoooosh—! A swirling chill swept the whole place, and the cold wind soon turned into a powerful gust. A sub-zero temperature descended in an instant and took control of the cavity. The temperature that had risen due to the toharis dropped sharply. Wherever the frost storm hit, transparent crystals formed and froze quickly, and the end result was a glacier. Before long, the cavity turned into a quiet space covered in ice. The balrog, who radiated the same level of energy as a king candidate, also froze and turned into ice.

Like a strong snow storm had ravaged the place, everything froze in the blink of an eye. Chi-Woo was dumbfounded by this turn of events; because of the sudden drop in temperature, his hot head also cooled down. Of course, the moment of stillness lasted but a moment.

—…Analysis complete.

With the sound of this voice, the ice all around them began to crack.

“Huff…” Eshnunna collapsed, and she laughed in vain while falling. She finally managed to use all her strength, but she couldn’t believe this was all she could achieve. While she had only earned them a few seconds, though, those few seconds…


“What the? What is it now?”

Thud! “The ceiling?”


…Changed not only Chi-Woo’s and the expedition members’ fates, but also the fate of this world.

Crumble! Crummmble! The roughly-shaking ceiling collapsed and crumbled down.

Crassssssh—! The person who fell from the ceiling broke the ice and shattered the head of the balrog, who was about to break free. It wasn’t just the balrog. The frozen Sernitas all over the space shattered into pieces while they were still encased in ice—just from the impact of the person falling from above. While copious amounts of scattered ice shards flew everywhere, Chi-Woo was able to clearly see who the uninvited newcomer was.


Chi-Woo shouted a word without realizing it. He couldn’t help it because the man slowly lifting his head and standing up while stepping on the broken pieces of balrog was no other than—


It was his brother, Choi Chi-Hyun.

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