The Legacy System

Chapter 39 - 39: Date And Revelation

At that time he got a notification that a new mail had arrived in his electronic post, and he was surprised to see that it was an answer from Tatsuya Minami.

In a few words she confirmed their dinner for tonight. While this should be a happy moment, Eric on the opposite seemed really upset. ​​

The reason was simple, Tatsuya Minami that he had met around school wasn\'t the type to confirm her date dinners with students, while she would arrive there, she wouldn\'t confirm it.

Furthermore, after what happened today with Yoshida Gina he started doubting everyone once again. Of course, that Tatsuya Minami didn\'t make an exception.

And after this email, his doubts just got stronger. Right now he was thinking that unwittingly he had stepped into a big plot inside the university.

Not that he minded it, he would probably have done it anyway, but the problem was that he didn\'t have any idea of what was going on.

He just hoped that he could at least get some answers of what was happening tonight. With these thoughts in mind, his excitement levels fell, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Well it was time to start getting ready, and it was a fortunate time for Tina to not be around the place, otherwise he would have let off some steam with her.

Getting up from his bed, he decided to wear a pair of pants, a shirt, and a leather jacket on top. He looked really dashing and handsome, and mature.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he fixed his hair and was about to go out, when he heard some noises in the saloon, and two pair of steps going to his brothers room.

Extending his senses to understand what was happening, he sensed his little brother, with a girl in his arms, starting to make out on his bed.

He didn\'t know why they had suddenly come here to do this, but this was a good chance to see what this Mina was like, he knew it was her, because his little brother kept mentioning her name.

Truth to be told she wasn\'t bad, she looked like she would be a good toy to play for some time. But what surprised him was that it was clear that she didn\'t really like his little brother.

She seemed like she was forced to do something she didn\'t like, but that just made things better for him. He would have an easier time to make her his.

Well it was a bummer that it had to happen right now and in this way, but still it counted. This was their second time meeting, the first was at the net café that night.

Anyway, he didn\'t have time to lose, so walking out of the apartment without alerting them, he started walking towards his destination.

He had money to take a taxi, but it was his choice, he needed some time to freshen his brain, and at the same time to think how to behave with Tatsuya Minami.

When he arrived close to restaurant, he took a taxi to arrive there, while the taxi driver didn\'t like the idea at first, he was convinced by the money.

As for Eric he just decided to play the fool, and continue with his normal attitude. Teasing and playing with his Tatsuya-chan.

Getting out of the taxi, after paying for it, Eric entered inside and told about his reservation made this noon.

He was treated like a high-class gentleman and brought to his table. The table was in a really nice position, while it had a good view, it was also in a reserved area.

This was the beauty of being a rich man, and dinning in these restaurants, you didn\'t only had the view, and comfort but also the privacy.

Right now it was around 8:45 so he still had around 15 minutes before Tatsuya Minami showed up. Thinking like this he told the staff to wait for his guest to arrive.

And then took out his new Smartphone and started surfing through the internet, there was one thing he noticed though, he didn\'t have any contact numbers on his phone.

This had to change soon, otherwise how would he contact the others. Especially his workers, slaves, and servants.

Trying to find something more about the mess he had stepped into, he saw that the accuses on Yoshida Gina\'s father Yoshida Yoshikazu, were related to prosit*tion.

Even though to the general public this seemed like a big deal, to him just showed another way at making money fast and easy.

It wasn\'t like he was forcing the women to work for him anyway, they were working for their own reasons, and this was an easy job that didn\'t need a degree.

But now he was getting a bit more confused with the situation. Why were the Takeshiba\'s prepared to face public discontent just for Yoshida\'s industries.

It wasn\'t really worth it, since they were already being grabbed by the other families, this meant that there was something even bigger happening in the background.

He was lost in his thoughts, about what could it be, but then was soon awaken from his reverie when he heard the footsteps of his date tonight, Tatsuya Minami.

She looked gorgeous, wearing a beautiful white dress, that while didn\'t show her curves tightly, it didn\'t hide them either.

Her hair was in a ponytail and a few strips of hair were hanging over her eye. She looked like a natural goddess at that moment.

Seeing her approach closer, Eric got up from his seat and looking her in the eye, he said in an intoxicated look and voice,

Eric:" You are really beautiful tonight, Miss Tatsuya."

Then he pulled her chair, and said like a gentleman,

Eric:" Please.."

Tatsuya Minami was a bit startled by his conduct, he didn\'t look like an 18 year old kid at that moment, but like an experienced middle aged man.

While she knew this was just an act in front of the staff, she was still surprised by his maturity. This just made her more decided to have him on his side.

Going on with his lead, she sat on the chair and said,

Tatsuya Minami:" Thank you very much!"

She didn\'t place any name or tag at the end, showing that she was open to options.

Seeing her calm and collected conduct and also his calm beating heart though, made Eric aware that she wasn\'t here on a date, but a business dinner.

This just made it more fun for him to play the fool with her. So after this episode he went to seat on his chair, and without looking at the menu started ordering.

The staff people were a bit surprised though, while they had their own recipes, he was asking for changes to them, and the truth was they were skeptic of those.

After giving the order for both of them, Eric looked at the biter face of the waiter serving them, and said calmly,

Eric:" I know there are differences with your recipes, just tell the Chef to try and cook it, I am ready to pay double if it isn\'t better."

The waiter was still skeptic, but since his wage depended on a percentage of his servings orders, he didn\'t say anything back, and left for the kitchen.

In the meantime, Tatsuya Minami was left speechless in her seat, not only wasn\'t she asked about her opinion, but also Eric seemed so natural with what he said.

Looking at her lost face, Eric turned to her and said with a light smile,

Eric:" Trust me Minami-chan you will love it. You will like it that much that you might even invite me to your house,.., ahem, to cook that sometime of course!"

Once again Tatsuya Minami was left speechless, not only was this guy using her first name as a pet name, but also making those insinuating sentences.

She didn\'t know what to think of this guy anymore, was he just a lusty kid wanting her, or was he a mature kid whose acting skills were just that good.

Looking at him directly in the eyes without getting flustered, she said in a cold and calm voice,

Tatsuya Minami:" Stop playing games with me kid! Tell me, what\'s your relation to Yoshida Gina?"

Hearing those words Eric had a puzzled look on his face, and said with an innocent and confused tone,

Eric:" What do you mean Minami-chan!?"

There was no way she had seen through him. That was just her testing him, and his knowledge of the situation.

And it truly turned out to be like that, because after a moment of silence and eye to eye look, Tatsuya Minami said in a surprised voice,

Tatsuya Minami:" You really don\'t know what is going on? Don\'t you see the news? Don\'t you know who Yoshida Gina really is?"

Hearing that Eric played to be confused at what was going on for a moment, but then seemed like realization hit him, and he said with a sigh,

Eric:" I learned today who she is, and it wasn\'t a nice way at all! Don\'t tell me Minami-chan are you jealous of her!?

I will tell you this now though, I plan to have a lot of women in my life. But I will love you all the same, there will be no distinction."

He said his last words with a just and honorable face, like he was giving a verdict from the Emperor. There was no opposing to that verdict.

But his date across the table didn\'t seem to be really impressed by his words at all, looking at him with an angry and pissed off tone and expression saying,

Tatsuya Minami:" What the hell are you talking about!? That\'s not what I meant, haven\'t you seen the news about the Yoshida\'s scandal?"

Eric seemed to be even more confused at the moment, and said calmly,

Eric:" What does that have to do with me, it\'s a Yoshida\'s family problem isn\'t it. I still have no relation to them whatsoever."

His last words were said with a carefree expression, like it didn\'t matter if the Yoshida\'s disappeared tonight from the face of earth.

Seeing this Tatsuya Minami was getting more and more confused of this guys character, but she had no choice, she needed his help, so looking him seriously she said,

Tatsuya Minami:" Well you do now…


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