The Legacy System

Chapter 81 - 81: Complot Uncovered

Seeing that they were left alone inside the office, Takeshiba Aika removed her frightened and agitated look from her face, as she said with a calm, and strong voice,

Takeshiba Aika:" Give that guy a good beating, only then will he give us the money. Also don\'t dare to leave him alive after this otherwise we are doomed." ​​

The guy at the chair didn\'t seem to react much at her words for a moment, as he then said,

Eric:" Surely you are right partner, after all, we are talking about big money here. But we have a little problem right now!"

Seemingly a bit startled Takeshiba Aika asked in a surprised and confused voice,

Takeshiba Aika:" What problem? What do you mean?"

But then she was startled even more as she heard the voice closer to her, as it said,

Eric:" While I am punishing him with a good beating, then what punishment should I give you partner?"

Takeshiba Aika was getting more and more confused with each passing moment, not only for the content of the words but also because that voice came from behind her, as she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" Speak clearly partner!"

At this moment the office\'s door opened once again, and a masked young man, appeared at the door, looking kind of handsome and dashing, as he said,

Eric:" This is the first time we see face to face partner! Hello!"

In the background were heard the painful groans of Eric, that was supposedly getting beaten up by the guards due to his failed escape.

Takeshiba Aika had to accept that she was a bit surprised at the appearance and age of her partner in crime, but she was still thinking about the previous matter as she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" Well one of us is Partner, but let\'s leave that for a different time. Right now I am more curious to know what you mean by your previous words."

Eric seemed to have expected such a reaction as he looked in her eyes with a penetrative gaze as he said,

Eric:" Well he wasn\'t the only one who tried to escape, and I don\'t know how to feel about that!"

Looking as if she had heard a stupid thing, Takeshiba Aika said as a matter of course,

Takeshiba Aika:" What are you talking about partner? If I didn\'t pretend to be helping him, and then obstruct him at the opportune time, wouldn\'t he become wary and dubious of me?

He already thinks that there is a mole by my side, and that mole is responsible for all this."

Seeming a bit pensive Eric just kept his piercing look in her eyes, as he said at the end,

Eric:" Sigh~! I guess you are right partner, but there is one more matter disturbing me. Let me show you something!"

When he said that he snapped his fingers, and the guards brought some guy inside the office, but since his head was covered in a big sack, Takeshiba Aika couldn\'t recognize him.

Seeing this she was genuinely confused and said,

Takeshiba Aika:" What is this partner, what are you trying to show me?"

Eric had his face covered so Takeshiba Aika couldn\'t understand what kind of expression he had at the moment, but his eyes looked calm, and his voice was like he was talking of a trifling matter,

Eric:" You see partner, we caught this guy outside of our warehouse, he was together with a big group of people, more than 10.

We fought hard and managed to capture a few while the rest fled our grasp. And this worried me a lot, thinking that the police might have caught wind of us.

For that reason, we have been trying to make him talk from the moment we caught him. To be fair he managed to keep his mouth for a long time even under torture.

In the end, though he still couldn\'t handle it, and ended up confessing everything he knew."

When he said that, he stopped and grabbed a bottle of water to drink something, as he seemed to have a parched throat.

Drinking a bit, he looked towards Takeshiba Aika who seemed to have caught wind of something and was a bit agitated, and said,

Eric:" Do you want to drink a bit of water partner, you don\'t seem very well."

Takeshiba Aika needed a bit of water to quench her worries and agitated emotions at that moment, as she accepted Eric\'s offer and someone gave her a bottle of water.

Drinking some water and finally relaxing her emotions a bit, she looked at Eric with newfound calmness and said,

Takeshiba Aika:" I don\'t understand though partner, what does it have to do with me?"

Hearing her return to the main topic once again, Eric just showed a small smile on his face, as he looked at her, but the next words coming out of his mouth didn\'t seem relatable to that smile,

Eric:" You see partner, this guy insisted that he worked for you. And that they were there to set up an ambush for me when the time was right, after taking the money.

He also said that this wasn\'t only your plan, but also your brother\'s Takeshiba Yuto\'s plan. You were going to pick up the money, kill me and shift the blame to me.

Nowadays people don\'t know who to believe anymore partner!"

Hearing this Takeshiba Aika\'s face went pale, she had never expected something like this to happen. These guys were supposed to be professionals and part of the best.

Yet not only were they caught, but they also weren\'t able to keep their mouth shut under torture. The situation was turning bad right now, she was still in her partner\'s hands at the moment.

Her safety wasn\'t guaranteed right now, but then as if she had a sudden moment of realization she said with a decisive voice,

Takeshiba Aika:" Are you trying to slander me and go back on our deal partner?"

Hearing her voice, and words, Eric showed an even brighter smile, even though under his mask, as he said calmly,

Eric:" I wouldn\'t dare partner that is why I brought him here to you alive, so you two could have a confrontation."

When he finished those words, he snapped his fingers, and one of the guards behind the man, removed the sack from his head, revealing truly one of the security team of the Takeshiba family.

Seeing and recognizing him, Takeshiba Aika knew that most probably she had been caught, and there was nothing much she could do, but still she tried to give him a menacing look.

After that look, just as she was about to give him a covered threat, the guy suddenly started screaming,

Guard:" She is the Young Miss of the Takeshiba family. She and her brother ordered us to wait there in ambush to kill you and forge the crime scene Sir! Please don\'t get me back there, please."

Takeshiba Aika\'s face was turning gloomier and uglier by the moment. How dare this dirty, lowly peasant sell his owner like that?

What had he eaten to get that courage? She was swearing that she would make his whole family suffer once she returned.

But still, she didn\'t give up, as she looked towards the scene with a fake indifferent look, and said with a harrumph,

Takeshiba Aika:" Just a well-planned show! I don\'t know what your goal and idea here is partner, are you saying that you don\'t trust me, and want to cut ties with me?

Are you trying to embezzle all the money for yourself, partner?"

Her voice was becoming sharper and more decisive with every extra word. It looked like she was truly innocent, and Eric was trying to frame her.

On the other hand, Eric kept his cool, and calm as he answered,

Eric:" What you are saying makes sense partner, but like I said, this guy wasn\'t the only one we caught, and we checked their backgrounds."

Saying that, with a snap of his finger, 4 other people were brought inside the office by the guards. And after removing the sacks in their heads, they did exactly the same.

When she saw all this Takeshiba Aika finally understood that all was lost, and she couldn\'t help but get a little a bit scared about her fate and future.

She didn\'t know this partner of hers, but looking at the way her guards were acting right now he seemed to be a terrifying person.

At first, she had thought that he was just a country bumpkin blackmailing her, so she never thought he would have such follow up, and skills.

Right now the situation was a bit dangerous for her, because not only had she worked against him, the worst thing was that she was caught doing that.

Seeing no meaning in continuing to deny that, she suddenly calmed down once again. Why would she have to be afraid, she was a Takeshiba, not to mention that there was already a plan B in action.

So with a determined and calm look, she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" Well you got me, partner, I accept that it was indeed my plan. But what do you intend to do from now on, don\'t forget that I am a Takeshiba!

Also, I already have prepared a back-up plan if that failed. And by now the people of my family security group and the police might be coming here for us. Hhahaha…"

Quite on the contrary of what she expected though, Eric\'s eyes were calm and clear. Without a trace of worry in them, he just looked her in the eyes and said,

Eric:" Sorry partner I mistakenly lied to you, but unfortunately none of your henchmen was able to escape!

Also, why do you think we are at the same place we were supposed to be? Just because the layout is the same? Wasn\'t the office supposed to be on the other side, in that place?

Furthermore, why should I care that you are a Takeshiba partner? Not to mention that there is already someone getting doubted and accused of your disappearance.

You did a big mistake partner, a very big mistake, you thought that I have the same character as that senseless idiot.

Oh, by the way, you should be feeling it right now, right!? You can\'t stand in your feet anymore."

As soon as those words sounded, Takeshiba Aika felt the surroundings start to rotate around her, and then fell down unconscious…


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