The Legacy System

Chapter 185 - 185: Tiring Long Interview & Vigilante Return

Even though he thought like that, and truly felt like that, he still had a little a bit of resentment against his father-in-law for this cheap move of his.

He had just started the fire with his statements and then threw him in front of that fire without even thinking twice.


With these thoughts in mind, he decided to punish him and his wife a bit harder when the time came, but right now there was nothing he could do but face the fire in front of him alone.

Making the decision, he turned to the crowd in a natural way, and said in a calm voice, and tone,

"Well, then Ladies and Gentlemen let us make the most out of this opportunity! You can start with your questions!"

The venue was already buzzing all this time, as everyone inside the press room was talking in a low voice to each other, each making his own claims and conclusions.

But, the moment that Eric said those words the whole venue got dead silent for an instant and then exploded in a boom of voices.

There was no way for the first one to even hear and understand the second, as the third person in line was totally out of clue from his own screams.

It took more than 3 shouts from Hilda, and the muting of all the other mics in the hall, to have them finally shut up, and once again return order.

After that episode, Hilda took the matter into her hands, as she started calling the journalists and reporters one by one to ask their questions.

It was a carnival of questions, as each guy came with another question and a totally different concept, as Eric had to answer almost all of them.

Still, he found a useful tactic to deal with many of the questions about why he was appointed so suddenly as Vice-President of the Group of Companies. 

To the question that required the comment of his father-in-law, he would say that it was a question for him, and he couldn\'t answer it with a half-hearted answer.

He could only answer the questions that he could, as for the other questions they would have to ask the people that could answer them.

Even then, he had to answer questions for more than 3 hours, which seemed like utter madness.

Even though his stamina and body functions were much developed than normal people, he had to drink more than 5 bottles of water for his dry throat.

He didn\'t know if this was the longest interview in history, but even if it wasn\'t he surely wasn\'t far away from it, and he could easily enter the top 10.

Even when he left there were still people that were asking questions to him, but the questions were getting weirder, and more absurd the more he stayed so he decided to call it a day.

With that thought in mind, he took one last question, and he then said,

"Ladies and Gentlemen even though I would love to stay behind and continue answering your questions, unfortunately, I have other issues to take care of, and I am forced to leave.

Thank you for your presence, and a Good day to you all!"

With that said he didn\'t wait for a response from them, as he stood up, and started walking out of the hall.

This shit had truly tired him mentally, and he would need to release all the stress he had gathered during the interview somehow, otherwise, he would never know when he could explode.

There were two ways he could think of doing this at the moment, either having fun with his ladies or punching some idiots.

Both options had their benefits, and their drawbacks, as one gave him pleasure while the other the much-needed SP points.

When suddenly a third option crawled its way into his mind, why couldn\'t he do both of those things? After all, he didn\'t have a reason to chose one and forsake the other.

This third option was much to his satisfaction, as a natural satisfied expression crept on his face, as he told Hilda who was walking behind him,

"Miss Hilda you can go ahead and take the rest of the day off, as this was a truly tiring day for us! But I want you tomorrow morning at 7 o\'clock sharp at the entrance!"

Hilda was clearly surprised by his words and his generosity! But that wasn\'t all, she had been sent to his side to keep an eye on him. So, the more he stayed away from her, the more she was failing in her job.

But before she could even try to say anything to oppose, or reject the idea, Eric continued,

"You don\'t need to thank me, this is a special day so you better appreciate it! From tomorrow onwards you will pray for another day like this, trust me!"

He hadn\'t given her an option to refute his decision, so she could do nothing else but obey him, and take the rest of the day off.

Due to her mission being special in kind, her Master had instructed her to not even contact him, as it could make Eric suspicious of her, so she would truly just go home and take a rest.

With that decided, Eric made his way towards the elevator accompanied by Hilda, Inuhara Muto, and 5 other bodyguards.

It was clear that he was intending to leave the building as well, and probably go and take a rest, or deal with his own business.

As soon as they arrived at the ground floor Eric gave a polite send off to Hilda, as he then turned towards the Company\'s guards, and said,

"You guys take the car, and go to my home address, I am sure you have it, so let us meet there!"

The bodyguards were surprised by what they had just heard, as they thought that Eric was cracking some kind of joke on them, but Inuhara Muto just increased his awareness and spread his senses.

He didn\'t need to be a genius to understand that Eric had planned to disappear once again, and he was sure he couldn\'t follow him, at least he wanted to try.

The other guys weren\'t like him though, as they didn\'t know Eric, and their leader was about to say something when he suddenly found out that Eric was nowhere to be seen.

He had disappeared in nothingness just like that. Just how was he able to do something like this? There was no trace of him in the surroundings.

They were completely startled and dumbfounded by this, but then they heard the voice of that slimy guy that they had disregarded until now.

"We won\'t be able to find him if he doesn\'t want to, so let us just do as he said and go home!"

They wanted to argue with his words, but they weren\'t able to say anything as there was no trace of Eric in the surroundings, and any trail they could follow, so they could do nothing but follow behind him.

On the other hand, Eric was now outside the Company building walking down the street as he was thinking that next time he would have taught his guards to just stop following him.

It was just too much of a pain in the ass trying to evade and escape from all the cameras and the security personnel around the building.

But that was for another time, as right now he had already sent Daisuke a message to find him a good target to strike down today.

It had been a while since he had done his vigilante missions, and his hands were really itchy for some blood.

He had thought of bringing the Kirigaya Clan\'s guys tonight with him, but that would be too much of a bother, and he still didn\'t trust them fully.

It was better if he went alone, like that he would be able to go as Rambo as he wished, and not give a fuck about protecting or covering someone else.

It didn\'t take long for Kirigaya to answer his message back, as he had given him three possible targets for tonight.

The first was a drug deal between two relatively big gangs in the city, as one of them had even some connections to foreigners.

The second was a gun deal between a big gang and a newly surfaced guy. But the new guy\'s record was just too dirty \'clean\'.

In fact, according to Shiro, it was a fat chance that this was an undercover operation from the police, and that guy was working for them so it would be better for him to stay away from this.

The third, and the one that got his deepest attention was a human trafficking deal. Supposedly tonight there would be a big shipment changing hands in Tokyo bay, where a huge load was involved.

According to the information that he had been able to collect, or to be more exact according to the rumors he had been able to hear there were more than 2000 live people involved in the deal.

This was an immense number of people being involved, and even the amount that would change hands was just as immense, the rumors said for more than 500 million $.

But Eric didn\'t care about the money, while he needed that money, and that sum would be a big blessing to him, there was something much more valuable for him in that deal.

The merchandise that was going to change hands as many times more valuable. This was a great opportunity for him to get his hands on some manpower…

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