The Legacy System

Chapter 251 - 251: Reality & Potential

After Eric left the area with the kids, that place turned into a living hell for those \'poor soldiers\'!

It was a good thing that they had been gagged otherwise their screams would have reached the border or the other camps by now.


Those weak and brittle-looking ladies had turned into complete devils as they chopped their victim\'s manhoods, and feed them to the owner.

They plucked their eyes, broke their teeth, destroyed their skulls, and even destroying their rear entrances, until those \'poor\' guys couldn\'t hold any more, and breathed for the last time.

Akira, Mina, and the mother-daughter pair could only look at this scene with open eyes, as their vomit mixed with the vomiting of the other ladies in there.

Clearly, not every one of them took part in this, and some of them would regret it halfway through, as they would start vomiting like there was no tomorrow, but there were those who went to the end.

Akira could kind of understand what these women were going through, as she had lost her unborn baby, and she wanted to do the same to her targets, including her ex-husband.

But, even for her, this was a bit too much to bear, as she couldn\'t help but puke too. As she was puking, she remembered Eric\'s last words to her. \'This is what reality looks like\'!

What did he mean by that!? Was everyone in this world carrying a grudge in this world, and as soon as they had the opportunity they would take their revenge.

Or did he want to show her that there were much worse things that could to someone? That she wasn\'t the most pitiful of them all.

In fact, she wasn\'t far with her thoughts, but she still hadn\'t considered the main point of the situation she was looking at.

Before Eric took down the camp, the soldiers were stronger and more powerful so they had control over the place, and did whatever they wished with the ladies and kids in there.

After Eric took down the camp\'s soldiers, and the commander the power structure changed, and everything came under his control.

He was the authority with power and could do whatever he wanted to, so he delegated that power to the weak ladies, turning them from being bullied to bullies.

This was the truth of the world, strength and power were the deciding factors of the way people lived.

Power could be bestowed upon someone, as long as someone had the background, wealth, or the necessary connections he had a certain amount of power.

While strength was just a component of power, it was the most important and realistic component of it. But most importantly strength was personal, nobody could take it away from you.

This was the reality that Eric wanted to show to them, but everything depended on how much they were able to understand from that.

He had no intention of easing their way up, because if he did that then they wouldn\'t be able to build a stable and solid strength and foundation.

It took more than 4 hours for the marathon of pain, suffering, torture, and vomiting for the revenge to finish, as once again everyone was gathered in front of Eric.

Not everyone was conscious, but most of them were. Eric was looking at the faces of those that were still conscious, and their state of mind.

The truth was that besides a chance for them, this was also a test for these ladies. Which one of them had a strong heart, who craved more for revenge, who wasn\'t able to bear all this.

This was all valuable information to Eric who would have to train and use them in the best way possible.

All these ladies were now part of his preliminary army and possible candidates of his army. He had to know where to use his resources, in order to get the best results.

He had to say that he didn\'t expect much from these ladies at the moment, and the way they were right now.

At the moment they looked no different from the mob of earlier, weak, confused, afraid, tormented, and pitiful.

But Eric had full confidence that these weak and pitiful-looking ladies would turn into a strong, and powerful tool on his hands.

This was the third camp he had taken down, and this was the third group of ladies that he was taking under his wing.

He hadn\'t high expectancies from this group, they wouldn\'t last long no matter how much he trained them, and how much resources he used.

Most of them had passed their thirties or forties by now, and the most they could reach after all that training would be at most around level 50.

At level 50 the human body experienced a fundamental and qualitative change. Not only in terms of strength but also in terms of life expectancy.

The human life would have a 20 to 30 extra to live after reaching level 50. Coupling that with the cleaning of impurities with the body tempering liquid these ladies could live only up to 150-160 years old.

It wasn\'t impossible for them to go beyond that, it was just that the amount of hard work and resources needed would be astronomical.

One Akira, and the mother of the tyrannical bi*tch were enough for him to have a headache on how to do it. But thankfully he had the Legacy System to help him with that.

As long as they managed to become bloody enough, they would be able to surpass even the geniuses of the universe.

For that reason, all these ladies were nothing more than temporary soldiers in his eyes, but he was taking them in, in order to increase the sympathy of their kids.

Which of these ladies didn\'t have a kid or two in the crowd, a brother, a sister, or anything similar. Those guys would certainly feel grateful for giving them such an opportunity.

His real aim was kids and the young women of the group. They would be the nucleus of his future, and those were the ones he was going to pour down his resources to.

But the majority of these kids, due to the selection of the mobs were girls. So, he was planning on forming a guard army of only ladies.

This guard army would be directly under his control, and only he would have the authority to make them move, and the most important thing, none of them would be tied up to the system.

Perhaps he was being too paranoid thinking like that, but he couldn\'t forget the fact that there was no free lunch in this world, and that he couldn\'t trust anybody.

Looking at the eyes of all the still conscious ladies carefully he found out some particular characters that he wanted to give an opportunity to, but that would have to wait for the future.

Right now, Hafza and Rubia were staying by his side, even though with great difficulty they had managed to stay conscious and continue being by his side.

These two girls had left a good impression on Eric, and he was satisfied with their performance as he was thinking of keeping them by his side, but not now.

After checking up whatever he wanted to check, Eric looked at them and said,

"From this moment on, you two will be the leaders of this group. You will be transported out of this place in the following week.

Just remember don\'t do anything stupid, I can\'t stress this enough, but once you agreed you have become my possession, so I can kill you, torture you, or make go through a worse hell than you had.

Was I clear!?"

The two girls seemed a little bit weak and tired, but still understood what Eric said, and immediately answered in one voice,

"We understand! We will try our best for there to be no problems!"

"Very well, now go on and rest! You will leave this place by noon!"

With that said, Eric turned around and started walking towards the commander\'s tent. That was his sleeping room for the night.

The moment he turned away the two girls seemed like they wanted to say something to him, but he intentionally pretended to not notice.

It wasn\'t that difficult to understand what it was, they were thinking of offering their bodies to him, in order to form some kind of relationship or connection between them.

Normally Eric would have jumped immediately at the thought of it, but this was different. Forgetting the fact that this night had been tightly packed with action, they had lost their fathers and almost been raped.

No matter how one looked at it, those scenes would leave some signs of traumas in their heads, and he didn\'t want to add more to that.

These two girls had truly captured his attention and he was thinking of truly incorporating them into his life, and future so he was planning on nurturing the relationship with them slowly.

Certainly, he had no idea whatsoever of letting them go away, those two would be his women, and he would make that clear to both of them.

The fact that he was planning to give them their time, and slowly nurture their relationship was already a big demonstration of his patience, and care for them.

As for why hadn\'t he intervened before their parents died!? Two big reasons actually, first they might become an obstacle for his plans.

It had already happened on the second camp he took down, that guy started talking about justice, freedom, and power in front of him, as he took half of the camp and left on his way.

He didn\'t know and care what happened after that with him, but one thing was for sure he had lost a lot of preliminary soldiers due to that guy.

He couldn\'t even kill him, because he didn\'t want to create fear, or hate from the left women and kids, so he had to let them go.

The second reason…

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