The Legacy System

Chapter 477 - 477: Legacy System 2.0

Chapter 477 – 477: Legacy System 2.0

The fastest to recover from that was certainly Eric, who wasn\'t doing something like this for the first time and would neither this be the last time.

Once S-day happened, there would be too many beasts and animals that would use live people as their cannon fodder in order to try and capture bases.

Sure zombie apocalypse would be terrifying, but the world after S-day was even more so, as people still had their clarity and did these things willingly.

Eric had already killed many more and would still continue killing others that was unavoidable. Even Machiavelli stated that a Leader needed to show cruelty to his people in order to lead them properly.

He was probably the one who could testify the most towards those words, as he had already tried to rule his people with honesty and love once and ended up getting betrayed by his closest people.

Well, anyway, now wasn\'t the time to loose himself in those thoughts as he had to be there like a pillar of strength, and confidence for his women and people.

With those thoughts in his mind, he took a deep breathe, expelled all the reluctant thoughts from his mind, and then focused on the beauties around him.

"How are you feeling today beauties? Are you ready for some special care time?"

"Huh!? What do you mean…"

Before the beauties could react to his thoughts though Eric had acted first and starting with Akira he started a battle royale of 8 vs 1 and still won in the end.

In order to make them forget even momentarily about what had happened the previous day he decided to even act a bit fiercer with them, and the result was quite satisfactory.

When he was finally done, Eric took a shower with Akira, Meriko, and Juna as they were the only ones who could stand up and they got outside of the room.

His first destination would clearly be the seven kids he had saved that time in the city. These little guys had changed quite a bit, not only their expressions and bodies, but even their auras were more mature.

Still, even they weren\'t prepared for such a massacre that they actually participated in, and most certainly about the screams, pleadings, and begging\'s at the end.

The moment that Eric reached their room he was able to sense all 7 of them in one room, as no one was talking, and they were only looking at the floor.

Eric could easily understand their feelings and thoughts, as once upon a time while he had been older than them, his mental fortitude hadn\'t been much higher, and he had gone through the same.

For that reason, he could feel closer to them, but this didn\'t mean that he was going to spoil them, and keep them away from reality, as he entered the room without knocking and said in a solemn tone,

"Do you think that what I ordered you to do was evil, malicious, and unacceptable!? Whoever feels like that should take one step forward!"

The kids were clearly surprised and startled by Eric\'s sudden entrance, but they still thought deeply on what had happened and their actions, as they all took a step forward.

"Very well, at least you still have the courage to voice your opinions!

Now whoever thinks that those guys wouldn\'t have killed you or made sure that you lived a life of pain, humiliation, and regret take one step forward!"

Hearing this second line the kids started thinking what they had gone through during the insurgence, and the feelings they got from the Leader and his lackeys and could no longer take a step forward.

They all stood frozen in their positions, and it was clear that none of them would make the forward step!

"Oho~! Very well, you understand this part! Then this is going to be easier!

Now whoever thinks that a working ant could oppose the trashy queen take a step forward!"

Once again the kids were frozen on their place and couldn\'t help but look on the floor once again. It wasn\'t that they didn\'t understand Eric\'s logic, it\'s just that it was extremely difficult to accept.

Seeing them like that Eric couldn\'t help but once again remember his own experience and situation. These kids were so much ahead of him at this point, they were so much better than him.

Understanding this he couldn\'t help but sigh and continue,

"Sigh~! It\'s not like I don\'t understand what you are thinking! The possibility of one of them changing to be a good person surely does exist, and its by no means zero!

But I am the kind of coward that would rather the slay a traitor than risk him betraying me again and possible harm my close people!

This time you were lucky as I returned in time to turn over the situation, but what would have happened if I weren\'t here!?

Surely some of these people would have changed and truthfully integrate with this place, but what if they didn\'t!?

Comparing the lives of my close people to the rest of the world I am a selfish coward that would chose his own people.

I have no obligation or reason to protect the whole planet, or the whole world. I only have an obligation towards the people that have accepted me as their Master, Leader, and Monarch.

Whether you still want to continue the path ahead with me, or whether you want to follow your own path, you have to make the choice yourself!

You have around 2 years\' time to make a choice!"

With all that said, Eric turned around and left their room. Once he was outside, he looked towards a corner of the hallway he was in, and then said,

"Those words are mean for you too! Just know that once you make a choice, then there is no turning back!"

The one he had just talked towards was one of the remaining people alive from the previous day. People that had decided to not join the insurgents.

This woman had been integrated as a head maid in his mansion, but it was clear that after what happened the previous day even these people would have a second thought.

With all of this dealt, Roy just made his way towards the basement of his mansion, and into one of the safe rooms below to finally concentrate on the gains of the previous day.

While it had been a blood massacre he had piled quite a bit of SP and Exp points, as well as the awakening and upgrading of his Legacy System.

The new Legacy System could be called Legacy System 2.0 and beside the normal functions had an extra function like Conversion.

Just like it\'s name implied this functions allowed Eric to exchange resources and materials from his material plane to the Legacy System, in exchange of SP or Exp points.

The rate of exchange would be determined on the basis of the quality of materials, and their value to the System\'s and his fairy\'s nourishment, in other words in terms of the Spirit Power it contained.

Not only that, but the system had even given him a hint for him to make a lot of SP points, and that was the Spirit Power potions, and even more the Spirit Power Pill.

The last one though, even the lowest quality would need him to be at least a level 3 Alchemist, while the recipe would cost around 20.000 SP points.

The only good part about that would be their conversion rate, as even the low-quality Soul Aura Potion he concocted had a conversion rate of 100 SP points.

Considering the prices of everything inside the Legacy System Shop, that was a great opportunity for him to reck points, and possibilities.

Not only that but there were also New Mission Board which was mostly filled with Soul Aura missions.

Basically the layout was the same for each treasure with a certain number of Soul Aura points he would be able to receive ten times the SP points conversion for the first time.

Not only that but there would also be additional awards depending on the difficulty of the mission, and its effectivity.

It was clear that his fairy was still extremely injured at this moment, most probably with a Soul injury and the Legacy System was trying to push him towards her recovery.

Not that he didn\'t have such intentions, but this was like striking two birds with one stone so there was no way he was going to say no to such an opportunity.

It was a shame that he hadn\'t entered another enlightenment in the Law of Death once again during his massacre, but his Law of Death still had made quite the advance by 6.4%.

The Dragon Empress inside his Conscience Sea couldn\'t believe the audacity of this guy, who was actually treating enlightenment moments like candies when he did some good job.

Most experts would be extremely lucky if they had entered enlightenment at least once in their lives, while Eric was thinking of entering one every time he fought and killed.

As for Eric, he was in his own little world. The pain and negative emotions of a few moments ago were almost completely forgotten as he was now extremely happy and satisfied.

The best part about all this though, was most probably the fact that the Legacy System seemed to have started another upgrade, that was actually stuck at 7%.

It didn\'t matter though, right now the most important part was that Eric could finally refresh his shop window and go on a shopping spree…

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