Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 192 - 192 - Punishing The Black Sheep - Part 2

"We are all gathered here to discuss something very important. It is about rule setting and rule breaking,"

"What are your thoughts on rule-breaking and punishment general Kung?"

The older man just silently looked at him in a conceited manner. "Rule-breakers must be punished. Just like those two sitting there," he glanced at Yue and Fan Xui.

\'Ah you take the chance to attack.... bad move buddy,\' Yue smirked at him. "Why do you say so?"

"I got reports from my men that you killed three civilians as well as harboring a dangerous plant in your house. I suggest they get punished for violating the rules and be imprisoned."

General Kung snickered. If the young girl had come to him on her own, this problem would not have occurred plus her brother would have escaped scot-free. But now both of them will be in his hands. \'I\'ll show you what I can do... hehe..\'

"General your statement is flawed," Fan Xui stood up. "You said we killed those men and harbored the dangerous plant. But it is the other way around. The mutated plant was the one that attacked us."

"But who knew those three men entered our house at that time. The plant killed them. It\'s as simple as that," Fan Xui shrugged.

"Nonsense. How can it kill them and not you?"

"We never said we entered the house. All we did was remove the bodies of thieves after the pant chewed them up." Fan Xui lied through his teeth. "Your men, on the other hand, surrounded us and talked to us in a malicious way."

General Kung scoffed. "It\'s their right to arrest you, criminals,"

Yue sighed. "That\'s logical to say. But general those men were using your name to do bad things. They called me to sleep with them...won\'t your rule to punish them as well,"

The general froze slightly. "I will punish them accordingly and make sure this doesn\'t happen again."

"Oh that\'s great. They are already waiting out there. Please give them your punishment." Fan Xui opened the door.

Tian Ai and the fellow doctors rolled down the stretchers of the three men.

"ah, your men are here. Why don\'t you punish them first? Me and Fan will go to prison willingly," Yue smiled at him dazzlingly.

Kung chuckled dryly. "You three! You are all demoted!"

"Demotion? That\'s all. It sounds so less. They did try to kidnap me and blackmail me. I think they deserve much stronger punishment, don\'t you say UNCLE Wen?" he enunciated the word glancing at his uncle.

General Kung\'s face changed drastically. "Uncle? You never said you had a niece Wen.. haha.. She looks like you..."

"How are you going to punish your men, Kung?" uncle Wen did not let him speak any longer.

General Kung stood up. "They deserve death for treating your niece like that!" he walked over to the men.

"S-sir.. we were only following orders. Sir please.." without mercy Kung stabbed one of them with his army knife.

The rest two tried to run away but Tian grabbed him from behind slamming them to the table.

"You! All of you have gone against my orders! Death is the only punishment!" he stabbed another one.

Right before he could hurt the last one, Tian ai pulled him back.

"Wait a minute, this soldier looks like he has something to say?" she looked at him with a bright smile. "Did this bad man order you to do that?"

"Yes.. yes, he made us do it. He told us to go around town searching for young brides for him! He did it! we.. we were just following orders!!"

"Lies!" general Kung lunged at him. But Tian Ai easily pulled the man out of harm\'s way.

Yue intervened. "Uncle, it looks like the young soldier has a lot to say. Why are you trying to hurt him? Are you trying to hide the truth? Gasp, that would be so bad." He walked over to the soldier and held his hands kindly. "What you said is not the truth right? General Kung looks like a very very good person,"

"no! he made us kidnap women many times! You can ask the other soldiers. After using them, he will lend them to the other soldiers. I never took part in it!..." the soldier held his hands tightly. "Young girl, I didn\'t mean you any harm. It was all general Kung,"

Yue glanced back with a dramatic gasp. "General Kung, is this the truth?"

"n-no Wen you don\'t believe this nonsense right? You have known me for over thirty years of service,"

Uncle Wen raised a brow. "Human intentions change as the environment does. Who knows how you have changed General Kung?"

"You don\'t believe me! How could you! After all I\'ve done! After all we\'ve been through!"

"Silence!" uncle Wen slammed the table. "Until this is investigated thoroughly no one will leave this room!"

The other general who was sweating started to panic even more shouting and crying injustice.

The door opened right then. "ah I hear so many dogs shouts from here," Hary walked in with his squat team. He first saluted to uncle Wen. "we found three girls locked up in general Kung\'s basement and four more in two other general\'s house. they are taken to safety and treated."

"I-impossible! This is a ruse! I don\'t believe this!" Kung and the other generals tried to make a run for the door.

Fan Xui stooped in Kung\'s way. While the other soldier caught hold of the general who was fleeing.  "Proofs have been piling up in front of you. Not only illegal imprisonments of humans, but you also were illegally hoarding the settlement\'s food rations. Your tenth-grade account skills are not enough to fool me." he tossed the papers on his face.

"Get out of my way!" he tried to bulldoze past him.

Fan Xui just grabbed onto his collar and dragged him into the room. "mister Wen, what punishment do you think this man deserves? He had put his hands on innocent young girls?"

"Cut their hands," Yue coldly whispered.

The room went silent.

"Cut their hands as a punishment. This is an example. Everyone must know those who misuse their powers will be punished without fail."

Uncle Wen gulped softly. "Isn\'t it..."

"It\'s an apt punishment," Tian backed him up. "Plus since the upper generals are punishment for their mistakes it will cause fear in the soldiers. The crime rate caused by them will reduce drastically. I say cut their hands."

"C-cut it..." uncle Wen closed his eyes tightly.

Fan Xui took Yue\'s sword and sliced General Kung\'s arms.


"Tian, burn his wound." Yue urged her.

Tian went over and burned their bleeding wound. The bleeding stopped leaving behind a black charred surface. "Make sure to clean it well. Burn wounds are susceptible to septic,"

The cries and shouts of the generals echoed in the space.

The soldiers waiting outside started to tremble.

A sense of fear and loyalty emerged in their minds.

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