Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 310 310 - Fall On Each Other

"There\'s nothing wrong,"

Yue let out a breath. "Oh."

"But there might be something else,"

Yue tensed up. "Stop playing around. Just tell me if it is poisonous or not,"

Prisitsky just smirked. "Wait ten minutes and I\'ll let you know,"

Yue sat on one of the tables with Zi Chen on his lap.

"hey there, big man," Hary handed him a candy. "How was your day\'s adventure today."

"Oh so you and uncle P fall," he said, licking the lollypop.

Hary just gaped and peered at Yue. "Fall? ... yes we fell."

"You\'re heavy uncle Hary, you would have squeezed uncle P. It\'s not good," he shook his lollypop at him.

Hary silently chuckled. "Yes that\'s not good at all. I should stop falling altogether. But what can I do? Uncle P wants me to fall on him so many times,"

"Hey," Yue stopped him. "You and Fan don\'t have a filter talking to him. gods.."

"It\'s okay, he\'s a kid. He won\'t understand" Hary confidently smirked.

"He knows more than he lets on. I swear. Last night... he saw us and he asked if we were making a baby I\'ve never taught him about babies..." he silently whispered into Hary\'s ear.

"Peculiar child,"

"Children are all like that,"

Yue glanced at the young kid with a small sigh. Zi Chen liked to read a lot and with Fan\'s and Peng Peng\'s book collection he must have gotten that information somewhere.

And when they were caught in the act Yue and Fan panicked big time. Fan and he both sat down and lied to him. That Fan fell on him.

"Without clothes on?" Chen ah tilted his head confusedly.

Yue had t lie that they were taking a bath and Fan slipped and fell on him.

It worked pretty well. until now.....

"I don\'t understand daddy. Why does uncle P want uncle Hary to fall on him all the times? It doesn\'t make sense. Uncle P is small. It would crush his body. And why are they all with no clothes on? It\'s sweaty and sticky. Why do they fall like that? I don\'t fall like that..."

Yue started to sweat mentally. "um... it\'s.. it was an accident. My Zi chen is a very careful boy, so you will never fall,"

Zi Chen rolled the eyes. "I trip all the time,"

Yue panicked internally. "well.. that.. it\'s... I..."

"The results are here." prissily came to them right at the moment.

"What is it?" Yue was more than happy to change the subject. He jumped off the table and lifted Chen off as well. "is it good or is it bad? Should I pluck out the plant,"

"NO!" he shouted.


"No I mean don\'t ever pluck this out. This plant is very weird. Even a single petal of it has a very different mutation of the virus. It\'s amazing! I\'ve never seen a mutation like this. I have to test it out even more." Prisitsky excitedly ran into the lab.

Hary stood there pouting. "There goes my meal plan..."

"You quit your job to accompany him?" Yue wiggle his brows.

Hary just gave his trademark dazzling smirk. "of course not, I\'m his bodyguard,"

"You still gave up the work you love for him."

Hary glanced at his shoe with a grin. "Maybe.. who knows? I kind of like it here."

"Here with Prisitsky,"

"Fine.... I like him... he\'s weird annoying and oftentimes very stinky.. but I like him.." Hary blushed a soft shade of red.

Yue gaped at him. "Someone is in love.. does he know?"

"I think so.... maybe.. he did not feel the same way as I do. He only thinks of me as an annoying puppy. He indulges in me. I\'m okay with it for now." he shrugged.

Suddenly Zi Chen ran to him and clung to his pant. "Uncle Hary loved uncle P..... will you guys have a baby then?"

"I.. oh gosh I understand what you are struggling with Yue...." Hary whispered with a stammer. He squatted down and held his little shoulders. "Little Zi Chen you\'re dad Fan will answer that."

"dad2 doesn\'t like to talk about it. he will only tease me." Zi Chen pouted. "What\'s so wrong with talking about babies? Why does no one like it? You both love each other. My dads love each other but they won\'t make babies!"

Yue was surprised by his outburst.

He got down to his height and looked him in his eyes. "Zi Chen, do you perhaps want a sibling?"

"yes... you have a sister,... daddy Fan has Qian... uncle P aunty Tian....  I don\'t have any brother....." he pouted.

Yue hugged him softly. "Baby, why do you need a brother?"

"To play with....."

Ye understood. All of Zi Chen\'s questions had a very deep reason. he was desperate for a sibling. This kid was just five, and he had never had a friend of his same age.

Only because Fan is very protective of him and would not let any of the kids mingle.

It was for their safety but this isolated little Chen from normal kids. That\'s why he was so mature.. He had been around adults all his life..

\'Fuck how didn\'t I notice it... I must have noticed it...shit..."

"Dad... I\'m sorry," his little arms clung to his neck. "I\'m sorry I upset you. I didn\'t need a brother. I only want my two daddies... I don\'t need anyone..."

"No, no baby, it\'s okay to want something. But Chen ah you have to ask. Your daddies would give you the world. All you have to do is ask."

Zi Chen pitifully looked at him. "Can I have a sister?"

"About that..." Yue was not ready to have another kid in their life. He really wanted to give his sole attention to Zi Chen.... "how about a puppy?"

"A puppy~" Zi Chen perked up.

"Yes a cute little puppy? How about that? Would you like to have a play partner?"

"yes~~ I love you so much dad~ I love you,"\' he cried jumping around excitedly.

He even ran to Prisitsky to tell the great news.

Hary watched him with a smile. "And where are you going to find a puppy.."

"I have no clue.. but we need a puppy. Keep your eyes out. if any of your friends know of a puppy in need, we\'ll take it,"

"Sure I\'ll keep you informed."

Yue patted his shoulders. "And drop by the house. You\'ve been missing for so long. I know you like Prisitsky but you have to meet us occasionally at least, Hary."

"I will...." Hary nodded.

Yue and Zi Chen happily left the labs to meet their next target, "uncle Wen,"

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