Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 400 400: At The End Of The Night III

Chapter 400 400: At The End Of The Night III

There were no tears, at this rate shedding tears was pretty redundant. To be honest both grandparents were extremely terrible people. They were killers with more blood on their hands than most. They made bad choices and ruined their own family, it was not as if they weren\'t sad. For Cole his heart felt tight to the breaking point, no matter what might have gone down, they were still family. This was the grandfather and grand mother that had taken him to his first martial arts tournament at six years old.

His grandmother gave him his first Katana, while his grandfather was responsible for his first revolver, Glock and Ak-47. they made sure he had the best teachers and gave him as much love as anyone could ever get from doting grandparents. To the point that both of them had planted the maid responsible for Cole loosing his virginity, whatever he needed, they already thought off and provided.

"Where did it all go wrong?" Cole couldn\'t help but ask, but there were no answers forthcoming. Not from the members of the broken clan around them or they themselves the members of the main family. And that was where they stood. There was no police coming to help, no ambulance, no firefighters, nothing to help them put out the fire that had broken out. Everything this family has stood for, for four proud generations had all turned to dust, and ash and misery.

It was Tehila who took charge, getting transport for everyone as they were all transported back to the Collegium. The whole world or rather the whole universe had come for the night family, there was no where else safe for them than on grounds that belonged to a whole other universe.

The circle around the bodies of the great Patriarch and Matriarch of the Night family got smaller and smaller until it was just Cole, Kaito, His Aunt, and his father standing around them. Watching as helpers put their bodies into a body back and carried it to the helicopter that was waiting. Still the four of them stood while the rest of the family waited for them.

"I\'m sorry….. not that it makes any difference, but I\'m tired. You people are my family, they taught us family was important, but it was also them who taught us how to take advantage and hurt family for our own gain. It never should have gotten this far Henry….I\'m so sorry for my part in all of this and now he\'s gone and I don\'t have anyone and I…oh God!"

His father had grabbed his step sis- his sister before she fell to the ground wailing into his shoulders. He said nothing, he just held her as they both cried, the pain in the air was to raw, too primal. Cole could feel every single bit of it, and so too could Kaito, even if not on the level of Cole, he could still use his eyes to see the pain their actions had caused and feel it as their aunt\'s wails split the air.

It was manic, obsessed, deranged, pain. It was all so much pain. Tehila could not hold herself back either as she cried freely. The matriarch had pretty much groomed her from her youth. She too was like a mother to Tehila and the Raen Mother herself, could feel all of the collective pain shared by every single member of the family.

This civil war had broken things and taken things away, and now it has all come full circle for them. A lesson that they will never be able to forget. They all stood vigil there until the first rays of the sun peaked over the horizon. It was a new dawn, shining down on the ashes of a once great family, but from that ashes was the embers of a new one. And one that was at this very moment at war with their own civilization, and all of them, Including the recently transformed Kaito and Aunt Haley; Raens! Endless potential and adaptability incarnate, true agents of chaos, a family and for the very first time since it\'s inception...they were united!




In a secret conference room, the real leaders of the world, the old guards, presidents, kings and bushiness men and women who\'s very whims influenced and affected the economic stability and progress of earth and its colonies and outposts in the universe. There was a loud clamor as they all attempted to speak over themselves, nothing was being solved though as everyone seemed to have an opinion on what to do in regards to a single matter.

"Cole Night SURVIVED! Can you all just shut up for once so that we can figure out what to do before he comes for our necks!"

"Fuck you! Who made you speaker for all of us! I warned you lot what would happen if you failed!, this child is not like any terrorist that the planet has ever faced. He was raised as a perfect human being by a crime family. He\'s a thug with nuclear launch codes while the rest of us a shooting muskets and swinging sabers.

I told you to give him whatever he wanted, at this juncture we can afford to be divided and all help, especially access to resources that would help us advance enough to face the coming threats, is something we should have prioritized! But you all didn\'t want to lose power when all that should matter to you is survival! FUCKING SURVIVAL!

Now you bloody bastards have gone and made our chances kaput! Nada! Zilch! You all should be hung from your cocks! Yes even the bitches too! Most of you have more balls than the men here anyways! He offered to make you strong and probably rich too, in exchange you make it so he is above your laws and your governments, a business transaction between a powerful inter dimensional warlord and a government, and you bastards fucked it up.

You ask what we should do, well id tell you. I say we rub, far, far out into space where he wont be able to find us when he comes for his pound of flesh! From my intelligence Cole has thousands of Raens all of them within the top 3000 in the rankings and all of them monsters just like he is.

The Raens are united, and they have a growing city of both aspirants and other races that can now travel into our world from theirs through Cole\'s dungeon territory in Abuja. Let\'s not even talk about the aspirants that support him, Raens as I\'ve been told have been helper, they all are always dealing with tough enemies and paving the way forwards to make things easier on the other aspirants coming up behind them.

Then there\'s the people you dumb fucks! Cole is a fucking Mega Celebrity, some has likened him to a messiah. It\'s not him who is at war with the whole universe you fool, it is us, all of us who have been so stupid as to lay a finger on the universe\'s favorite son, and someone people believe would help earth fight against the change that is coming. You forget, his struggles, trials and pain and frustrations have been shared with the world….you\'ve doomed us all!"

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