Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 479 479: The Second Tenant

Chapter 479 479: The Second Tenant


There was sudden sound within the washing machine. In a second Cole had Black Malakai in hand as Lyren turned into a flash of light that melded into his body and quickly became his armor. The sounds of gears twisting was heard as Cole created two gravity rings around his ankles and used them to drag himself down.

The Chaos wolves all began to growl in a particular direction. However the direction was most definitely wrong, because it was not coming from outside the washer but from inside it. And then heard the scraping sound as the massive piles and mounds of clothes started moving.

Whatever was making that noise was in here with them, and giving everything he has seen or experienced with the creatures on this floor, Cole knew they were not to be trifled with. He moved back, the black and red chaos wolves in front of him, standing guard against whatever was moving under the clothes.

"What do you think it is master? Is that shadow assassin guy back?" Lyren asked, but Cole didn\'t answer as the mounds began to move higher and higher, gears hissing and steam escaping from gap in the clothes.

But then it went higher until the clothes themselves started rolling off whatever was underneath the whole mound. Cole focused even harder, but there was no need for that as a laser shot crossed the distance faster than he could even react to blast his left arm and part of the left side of his body to ash.

Cole\'s eyes widened as the pain hit him, the sheer agony kept him rooted in placed for a few seconds longer than he would have wanted. Just enough time for Cole to roll out of the way of the laser fire, dragging himself to the side with his gravity rings, before they winked out of existence from the shockwave released when the laser beam smashed into the door keeping the washer secured.

[Your Bloodline And The Stat Divination Have Achieved Synergy! The Technique Divining Devil\'s Eye has been comprehended by 25%! Comprehend it fully to unlock the technique.]

There was a jump in percentage than from the last time. But then again that was understandable, this time Cole has acted as soon as the vision ended, unlike the previous times where instinct had been really what saved him after the visions.

Cole met the gaze of the giant diamond shaped monstrosity of wires and bolts and massive ridiculous robot jaws. Cole was looking at an abomination of technology, the creature had parts of it that were flesh, allowing Cole to realized that he was probably breaking with a biological creature of some form, though admittedly, this creature has seen better days.

It\'s arms and legs seemed to be magnetically attached to its body. They floated about a meter away, and looked more like smaller versions of the diamond than arms and legs. And it was those arms and legs that were firing those laser beams.


Cole rolled to the side, evading another shot by the skin of his teeth. The creature let out a loud drowning noise, sending physical ripples and reverberations everywhere. Cole stood his ground, as the twenty foot creature shocked Cole by leaping directly at him, regardless of it\'s massive bulk.

[Auric Galaxy: Gravity Rings]

The rings popped into existence, both of them the size of a satellite dish. Their golden forms blazed as Cole pushed back gravity around them , halting the momentum of the giant creature. But it had a lot more mass than Cole would have cared to admit. So almost immediately he was pushed down onto his knees, denying the metal frame of the machines interior.

Cole could feel the strain through every muscle and stand of energy in his body. Wherever he was, he was dealing with creatures that can match his strength and even surpass and suppress him. But what else was new, this was probably going to be just another Tuesday, even with the limited arsenal.

The two energy wolves attacked, their forms a streak of black and red as they smashed into the side of the monster and even burrowed into its flesh, throwing it back into the deeper part of the washer. Cole did not show down, he had shut the door behind him when he had gotten into this place, and while the Monster\'s laser had melted a significant part of it, it would still take Cole a few seconds to some minutes to get through.

So there was no other choice but to make sure that damn dies in here and right now. Cole used the technique again, but this time just creating one ring that he threw into the air, directly above the monster. The creature fired off multiple lasers in return as it\'s limbs detached and became autonomous, picking out targets from between Cole and the summoned wolves and going after them too.

An arm and a leg was heading straight for Cole, while the other arm chased after the red wolf and the leg the black one. Not that it was of any significance, hut he was being attacked by an arm and a leg…..there had to be a joke in there somewhere.

Cole grunted as Azazel appeared in his left hand, twisting this body to the side as he fired off a shot towards the arm in the lead.

[Sapphire Ice Shot]

Trails of ice followed the bullet as it smashed through the arm and then promptly exploded, blasting it apart in a shower of flesh, black blood, ice, metal and diamond shards. Cole raised his hands and began to expand them as he then poured energy into the [Gravity Rings] increasing it\'s size massively until it more than covered the entire surface areas of the monster.

Cole looked at the monster and then brought his hands down, pushing on the rings as he Increased the gravity of the areas covered by the rings. The creatures was flattened immediately with the wolves unaffected on account of not having physical bodies.

However flattened wasn\'t destroyed, Cole watched as it struggled to get up, pushing and pushing. But Cole pushed back just as harder, increasing the gravity by about 16 times that of normal, before moving on to the next step.

[Auric Galaxy: Storm Calling]

Storm clouds stirred and appeared within the confines of the gravity rings. Immediately the rings changed from their golden colors to a palette of grey that broiled with golden and silver lightning. By chance Cole\'s eyes met that of the creature as he smiled and mouthed the word sorry.

*Ba-kram! Ba-kram! Ba-kram! Bam! Ba-kram!*

Cole stood back watching as bolt after bolt of lightning shot down, empowered greatly by the increased gravity to strike with two times as much force. It was a beautiful sight, a vision of myriad colors singing as Cole completed decimated the monster to the point there was barely a piece large than a person\'s head left intact.

"Well that was way easier than id thought it would." Lyren said, causing Cole to groan at the red flag, and just as he thought, lights flooded the interior of the washer as a loud click was heard. Cole turned back at the entrance to see the hole the monster had made covered with shadow.

Vents opened up in the side letting in a deluge of water and detergent. Following quickly after was a loud freak as the washer slowly began to spin, gaining speed by the second. At this point Cole really wished Lyren Kept his mouth shut.

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