Red Storm

Chapter 99

“The enemy has already prepared and are waiting for us to attack. They also have over 20,000 warriors.”

“Whether they have prepared or not, whether they number hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, the ones who will be in our way will only number in the tens at once. I will pierce through and Red Storm will follow.”

“If you are so confident, why did you call us all here? Furthermore, how come I am not allowed to go?”

“My master mentioned that you must always be cautious just in case. No matter how perfect a plan is, as long as it is not something being done by the heavens, there will always be an opening. I am just hoping that you will fill that opening.”

“Ah! make me speechless.”

“Weren’t you always more action than words?”

Pere started to breathe heavily. Thanks to that, his shoulders went up and then fell down. He had given up. His hyung’s head was already filled with this plan of his.”

“Do whatever you want. To ask for our opinions when you have already made up your mind is the same as ignoring us.”

Pere said that as if he was really angry and left the paoe. Shubeon watched with a disappointed gaze, as if he had lost a sturdy ally.

“Shubeon, are you planning on opposing this until the end?”

Once Yulian asked, Shubeon signed internally as he responded. How could he convince him when his own flesh and blood failed to do so?

“What good will it do for me to oppose it on my own when the other warriors have all agreed? I will start to prepare.”

Once the four Red Storm warriors left the paoe, Yulian put his greatsword on top of the table.

This sword will be drenched in blood tonight.


Since he was nervous about it as well, Yulian started to take some deep breaths.

At first, he considered asking his master for help and just charging in with just the two of them. However, he quickly go rid of that idea.

‘If I keep on relying on my master, I will not be able to do anything without him in the future.’

That is what Yulian was thinking. That was why he had not told Chun Myung Hoon about this plan. Although his master wasn’t one who wouldn’t figure it out just because Yulian didn’t tell him, he wanted to do it without his master’s help.

‘That sensation came every time I was in a battle. Since I felt it again this last battle, there shouldn’t be any problems. The only question is whether I can succeed with just that.’

Yulian was seriously thinking.

Honestly speaking, this plan was made relying on that intuition alone.

The scenarios that get created in his mind even without him looking. The location of the enemy, the movement of the allies, this intuition was something that expanded his senses to the point that if he wanted to, he could even hear each person’s breathing.

He had wondered about how he had developed such intuition after the first campaign against the Shuarei, and what he finally realized after thinking about ti for a long time was that it was the blessing of the Red Dragon he met during his coming-of-age ceremony.

- May you have the protection of the Gods.

IT was hard to believe, but there could not be any other answers.

‘I’m sure Venersis has this type of intuition as well. He must have become a War God because of the protection of the Gods.’

That was what Yulian believed. According to his master, both Venersis and he had received the mandate of heaven.

As complicated thoughts started to fill his mind, Yulian strongly shook his head. He decided to only think about one thing right now.

‘As long as I do my part we will not fail.’

Yulian firmed that resolve in his mind and decided to only think about that right now.

The Red Storm were warriors who had trained like that.

A bit later, Haisha returned to let Yulian know that they were prepared to move. Yulian stood up from his seat and put his greatsword on his waist as he stepped out.

Yulian slowly looked around the Red Storm warriors who were lined up in four lines under the sunlight.

Although this really was a reckless plan, he could not find even a glimpse of fear in the eyes of his warriors. Rather, they were all shining as much as the swords on their sides.

Yulian asked in a loud voice.

“Did you all hear?”


“Others may think that this is reckless. However, I believe in myself, as well as us. Am I wrong to feel this way?”


“Are you confident? Are you confident that you will not die? Are you confident that you will be able to follow me?”


Each time Yulian said something, the Red Storm warriors chanted back in union.

“Then, let’s go. Once today is over, The Wikaly, as well as the entire desert will know. They will know why we are the Red Storm.”


“We will finish this before the sun comes back up.”

The Red Storm started to move forward at Yulian’s command.

As the sun started to head down, the Wikaly patrol warriors saw a group of warriors in the distance.

“Is there some type of training today?”

“I didn’t hear about anything like that.”

One warrior answered another warrior’s question.

“Then what are those warriors?”

“I’m not sure. Did anybody receive a message?”

The other warriors shook their heads.

“Is it perhaps Pareia’s warriors?”

When one of the warriors asked that, the rest started to laugh.

“It doesn’t even seem like there are 100 of them. Maybe 60, or 70 max? You think Pareia will charge in with that many people?”

“I guess unless they were crazy, they would not attempt to charge in with that small amount.”

“They might be the diplomatic team. Since two of their Greatest Warriors are captured, wouldn’t they need to come negotiate the ransom for their release?”

As one of the warriors shared their thoughts, all of them nodded their heads. They were moving pretty fast and had quite a large party for a diplomatic team, but it wasn’t too many people to the point that it would be really weird.

“Shouldn’t we still question them?”

The five patrol warriors agreed and started to ride toward the arriving bunch.

Their thought process was pretty normal if you think about it. Nobody would expect someone to try to do something to an oasis with 20,000 warriors with less than 60.

But their mistake was that all five of them rode toward them.

At least one of them should have rushed back to the oasis to notify them of the situation.

The heads of the five warriors who were just talking flew up in the air with the sun to their back, before falling to the ground.

“We cannot give the enemy any time to prepare. We need to rush in like a storm and escape like the wind.”

Yulian shouted toward the Red Storm warriors.


Although they were the enemy, to kill the patrol warriors like this did not make any of them feel good.

But this was not the time to become emotional about something like that. This was the middle of a war and it was their fault for forgetting about their mission as patrol officers.

Yulian and Red Storm killed other Wikaly patrol warriors like that as they continued to rush forward.

The Wikaly camp only realized what was going on when two moons rose up into the night sky. It was only after Yulian and the Red Storm crossed the wooden fences around the oasis and reached right in front of them.

“It is a surprise attack from Pareia!”

The Wikaly warriors who noticed the Red Storm rushing forward while killing their peers started to shout and there was chaos in the oasis as they were surprised by the warriors’ shouts.

As they were still prepared for battle, that chaos did not last too long.

Abham quickly gathered his equipment and started to command the warriors with Runa, and it quickly felt like Yulian and the Red Storm was captured in their encirclement.

“The Glow of Pareia, the Desert Conqueror Yulian Provoke and the Red Storm have come to retrieve Pareia’s warriors.”

As Yulian lifted up his chest and shouted loudly with 20,000 Wikaly warriors watching him, all of them could not help but be shocked.

They came with just that many people?

And where is he getting such arrogant confidence from?

Yulian looked around at the frozen Wikaly warriors, and the ones who made eye contact with him subconsciously turned their heads away.

“Where are Vibli and Trebol? Their Glow has arrived.”

As Yulian shouted once more, Runa finally came to his senses and started to urgently talk to Abham.

“Abham-nim, are you just going to sit back and watch? The morale of our warriors is falling.”

Abham nodded his head at Runa’s words and started to shout as he stepped forward.

“Pareia’s Glow, I respect your courage. However, we are in the middle of a war right now! Do not think we will let you return safely when you have dug your own grave. We will end this war by capturing you.”

The moment Yulian turned his head toward Abham, Abham almost subconsciously flinched.

If he did not remember that he was the Commanding Greatest Warrior, he certainly would have done so.

“Today, I will show you why I am called the Desert Conqueror. I will show you why I have received the title of the War God of the East. I suppose I can retrieve my warriors by capturing you.”

Yulian shouted like that as he lifted his greatsword high into the sky. As the moonlight reflected off of the sword, it felt like that light was enveloping Yulian’s body.

Yulian started to move and the Red Storm started to follow.

Yulian and Red Storm were like a wild animal in a herd of pinas. Nobody could stop Yulian’s movements, nor could they stop the Red Storm warriors following behind him. All they could do was chase after them once they passed by.

Some of the valiant Wikaly warriors tried to get in between them, but they just ended up injured or dead for no reason.

The saying that one hand cannot block ten hands did not apply to them.

Each of their greatswords had no problem overpowering ten shamshirs.

Runa, who was seeing Yulian and Red Storm’s might with his own eyes for the first time, could not hide his astonishment.

This must be why the Shuarei, as well as Ebinong, suffered terrible defeats. It was because they did not know about this overpowering strength and ability to charge forward.


Runa called out to Abham and Abham was finally about to take his eyes off of their power that he was seeing again.

“You must hand out orders! If we cannot handle them quickly, it will become a curse in our warriors’ minds. Please move the warriors. This might actually be a chance for us. If it is not today, who can catch them in battle?”

Abham looked back toward Yulian and Red Storm. They still did not seem to be having any trouble.

“All units, change to the Old Moon formation.”

The Wikaly warriors started to come together at their leader’s command. As long as they had an order, they must follow it even if it leads to their death.

At first they were shocked, and then it became chaotic, but as time went by, their fighting spirit started to burn and their movement started to become more agile.

And as layers after layers of encirclement surrounded Yulian and Red Storm, Yulian’s intuition started to awaken.

The enemy’s movements, location, where they were the strongest, where they were weakest, all of those images were drawn in his head. Most importantly, the exit route that he needed was drawn as well.

“I am the Glow of Pareia!”

Yulian shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran forward to head toward that exit route.


The Red Storm warriors responded to Yulian’s shout and did their best to stick behind him.

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