Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 248: Advisor

"Young master, this way please." Eunuch Liao eld Xie Cheng Dong into a room. At once both of them felt much warmer, and comfortable. The windows were made of glass and the shelves were large and wide. Picture books lined the shelves, and there were chairs and tables which had teacups and pots atop. King Lu was seated down, and he looked very focused and alert. It was just that he had faint traces of eyebags, and his face was rather ashen. It seemed like he was disquieted. However, his voice retained the air of poise as he spoke, "Come in."

Both the eunuch and Xie Cheng Dong walked in. The three of them were in the same room as several guards stood outside.

Seeing that Xie Cheng Dong was being overtly formal, King Lu took a sip of tea and gave a strange expression. After some time, he sighed, "I have nowhere to go, and a dim future. I’ve even been demoted to Canton Prince, why are you still so courteous?"

There was a hint of gloominess within his tone, and yet his expression looked very normal. It was almost impossible to detect the extent of his despair on his face.

Hearing King Lu’s words, Xie Cheng Dong laughed out, "Of course. I am a Daoist, and I know about fates and fortunes. I even know about the will of heaven. I know that King Lu will eventually ascend the throne in future. Although there are several setbacks now, they are just minor obstacles, and have no major ramifications. The throne belongs to King Lu."

"Haha, your words make me feel very at ease, and yet how can the will of heavens be so simple? I’ve already lost my claim and title, how can I still lay claim on the will of heaven?"

King Lu laughed out, as he took a sip of tea and spoke. Despite his circumstances, he still bore an air of nobility.

Xie Cheng Dong looked at King Lu and nodded his head subtly, as though affirming the judgement he had made about King Lu. He realized that his demeanor was truly that of a majestic dragon, and that he was worth investing in. Xie Cheng Dong then whispered, "King Lu probably feels like the future is bleak, but that’s not necessarily so. The sun will rise again, and you shall have your day."

King Lu regarded Xie Cheng Dong with enthusiasm. With eyes like burning coal, he asked, "What do you mean? Do you have a plan?"

"King Lu, I shall explain slowly." Xie Cheng Dong then bowed, "This matter is pretty simple, and can reverse all the setbacks you’ve endured. I wonder if there’s anyone under your payroll who speaks well?"

"I do have people who are able to speak well, with a voice that would be heard. It’s just that after this ordeal, many of my subjects are starting to leave my service and refuse to work for me." King Lu looked rather downcast as he spoke. "As for people who are able to speak, what’s the use? The Crown Prince is set to acquire the throne."

"King Lu is right for now. But these people will not be speaking on your behalf. Instead, they will speak about killing and plotting to harm you. Are you able to convince people to do this?" Xie Cheng Dong asked.

Hearing these words, eunuch Liao shouted out, "How dare you. You wish to harm King Lu?"

"Let him speak." King Lu was intrigued as he raised his hand to stop the eunuch.

"King Lu, this person is a bandit." Eunuch Liao glared at Xie Cheng Dong with repulsion before he spoke, "King Lu is already in such a poor state, and he wishes to pile more snow above you and bury you deeper?"

Xie Cheng Dong heard this, but didn’t rush to explain himself. He swept a glance at King Lu and noticed that he was smiling. However, it was tough to discern the emotions in his eyes. Was it hatred or suspicion? Or was it hope?

Xie Cheng Dong then gradually spoke again, "

"Although King Lu has committed a crime towards the dynasty, his majesty has already punished you. If someone were to start speaking on behalf of the Crown Prince, saying that the Crown Prince wished to kill you. Think, wouldn\'t the Emperor feel like the Crown Prince was going overboard? The Emperor would feel like he was too vicious and vile, acting this way against his brother."

"Could it also be that the Crown Prince didn’t wish to have the guilt of killing is own brother on his conscience, and thus wanted the officials to do it? As long as the Emperor starts to have these suspicions, King Lu would find easier days ahead."

"Doing this would hurt the Crown Prince’s chances?" Eunuch Liao asked excitedly. "This Daoist is filled with clever ploys, I’ve misunderstood you."

"Of course the Emperor won’t sit for it. The Crown Prince has many noble officials by his side. If one of them were to come out and expose the Crown Prince’s intent to have King Lu murdered, the Emperor might be persuaded to restore your title."

"Since the Crown Prince is putting on a magnanimous and forgiving front, the Emperor is relaxed and isn’t worried at all." Speaking up to this point, Xie Cheng Dong sighed, "After this incident, if we leave the situation as it is, the Crown Prince’s position will fortify itself, and nothing we can do will turn his situation around."

"Besides, the longer we wait, more officials will become loyal to the Crown Prince, and it would be hard to convince them to act against him. After all, if the Emperor were to dispose of the Crown Prince’s title and succession, he would have to consider to opinions of all the imperial court officials."

"If the Crown Prince is magnanimous, abides by the rules and innocent, why would the Emperor ever take him out of the line of succession?"

"Your foundations within the capital city has already been destroyed. King Lu needs to live the capital city in order to have a chance to restore your capabilities." Xie Cheng Dong spoke, "Because the first step is to appear weak, and give the impression that you’re severely affected by the incident. Next, we will convince several officials to speak of killing King Lu. Even without the participation of the Crown Prince, it would create suspicions around him."

"This would cause the Emperor to feel uneasy. However, this alone wouldn’t be enough. We have to do more."

"Oh, please continue mister." King Lu addressed Xie Cheng Dong as mister as a show of his change in attitude towards him. He straightened himself and looked towards Xie Cheng Dong in anticipation.

"Hurting yourself in order to boost the confidence of the enemy. King Lu should start to become thinner and appear weaker. After hearing and seeing evidences that someone wants to have you killed, you would spit out several mouthfuls of blood. Everyone knows that once you fall sick in such situations, chances of survival are extremely slim. It would be best if you feigned illness to the point of near death. In fact, all you have to do is to start spreading a rumour, or even send a note saying that you are severely ill as a result of a sorrowful heart. King Lu, how do you think the Emperor will feel?"

"We have to take another step in order to force the Emperor to pay you a visit."

"King Lu should then say something along the lines of, Emperor, I won’t be able to serve you any longer. This would cause the Emperor to feel pain in his heart."

"A father and son are joined by blood. How do you think the Emperor will feel after seeing King Lu reduced to such a state? Would he feel like he went overboard in his punishment?" Xie Cheng Dong spoke up as he picked up a teacup.

When King Lu heard this, he looked at Xie Cheng Dong and sighed, "Good plan. Just hearing you say this fills me with relief and admiration."

Xie Cheng Dong then laughed out, "King Lu, I haven’t finished."

King Lu paused in shock as he suppressed his eagerness, "Mister, please continue."

Eunuch Liao saw how the tides had turned and he stretched out a hand to wipe the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"This plan might deviate away from our expectations. The Emperor could also be very consoled and confident in the Crown Prince’s magnanimity and tell you that the Crown Prince is a kind man, and won’t do anything to harm you. He might instead just ask you to recover well."

Hearing these words, King Lu immediately knew that this was a possibility as well. He looked to Xie Cheng Dong and asked, "Mister, how should I deal with the situation then?"

"King Lu, you must not speak out against him. Instead, you have to reply that you know it’s true."

"When the Emperor decided to leave, you should lose yourself and cry and start saying that the Crown Prince is a magnanimous person, and that you’ve know this all along. On the other hand, everyone thinks of you as an evil person. When many people think the same way, it becomes true. You should also say that you might not have much longer to live."

"I believe that the Emperor knows how the rest of his subjects feel about you. Even if he doesn’t, we can ensure that he knows."

"Father and son are linked by blood, and everyone knows that you have always been the Emperor’s delight. He’s praised you in court on numerous occasions. Seeing you decline to such an extent, do you not think he will feel utmost sympathy and sorrow?"

"As long as we can incite some sympathy within the Emperor, there are many things we can do from there."

"At this point, we shall then send someone to ask the Emperor to allow you to leave the capital city and rebuild elsewhere. The Emperor would be inclined to agree at this point."

"The capital city is too big, and yet it is also too small. You have to leave in order to get a lifeline. As long as you move to somewhere else, you can build your army and accumulate more wealth and resources. This would be your lifeline." Xie Cheng Dong said.

"Hu!" King Lu was trembling as he heard this, unable to control his emotions. After a long time, he sighed, "Mister Xie, this is a good plan. It’s just that, am I not able to openly fight for the throne at this point?"

King Lu was still dissatisfied.

"King Lu, I maintain my stance. As long as the Crown Prince is perceived by the Emperor to be overly aggressive and overbearing, you would gain the upper hand and have the opportunity to turn the tables once more."

"Although the Crown Prince had already won this battle, he’s still putting on a magnanimous front. Although the imperial officials are already drawn to his cause, they still refuse to reveal their every moeves to him."

"The Crown Prince is magnanimous, eager to learn, modest and a good leader. The Emperor would only impede his succession to the throne if he were crazy."

"At first, there was still the option of using military might to get what you want. However, the Crown Prince has already weeded out your military foundations from within the capital city. This capital city is now a cage, trapping you in."

"If King Lu insists on staying here, your position would gradually solidify, and you will no longer have any chance to make a redeeming move."

"Only by leaving the capital city would you be able to have more freedom away from watchful eyes." Xie Cheng Dong spoke earnestly. He knew that if King Lu refused to heed his advice, he was going to give up. At this point, he bowed, and didn’t speak further.

King Lu fell into silence for a long time. It was true that he found it very hard to give up the capital city and move off to somewhere more remote. However, he realized that Xie Cheng Dong was absolutely right. At last, he spoke out, "After mister said this, I came to a realization. Once I ascend to my throne, I will certainly award you with the imperial court’s True Sovereign to show my immense gratitude."

"King Lu’s destiny is to become the monarch. This humble servant is only doing the little that he can." Xie Cheng Dong bowed once more as he sighed in relief.

"Alright alright. Liao Ban, arrange for the note to be written. This note must state that there are plans to attack me. This is a good plan, and time is not on our side. We have to make haste." King Lu had decided on following Xie Cheng Dong’s recommendation, and thus acted like lightning and hurriedly instructed eunuch Liao to see to it.

King Lu seemed to think about something for a little while before he asked Xie Cheng Dong, "mister Xie, are there further plans down the line?"

Xie Cheng Dong laughed and looked down, "Of course there are."

"King Lu should wait until he’s given expressed permission to relocate. When he does, you can start to recover before bidding farewell to the Emperor. You have to be extremely genuine in your words. Halfway through you can even arrange for someone at a relay station to serve stale fish for you to eat!"

"Stale fish?" King Lu’s eyes gleamed.

"Yes. King Lu’s travel expenditure will be footed for by the imperial court, and many relay stations will be reimbursed after.."

"Reducing the amount of food you would receive would be unimaginable, and the relay stations wouldn’t ever do that as well, for that would warrant a death sentence. However, there are no guidelines for serving stale food and thus the relay station might be persuaded to do that, since there are no explicit consequences for them.

"You can even convince the waiter to tell you that you’re no longer an heir to the Crown. In fact, you’re just a mere Canton Prince, and might not remain that way for long. It’s thus only fitting that you should eat stale food."

"King Lu wouldn’t be able to reject the food, and you mustn’t show anger. Instead, you have to eat this stale fish and sigh out. It would be best if you could add, "I wonder if my children would be able to stomach such stale food!"

"When word gets out to the Emperor, he would feel immensely sorrowful, and reconsider restoring your title. He might even give you additional military might out of pity. When that happens, you at least have some soldiers to fortify your defences. Should there be any changes, you can at least be ready to take these troops back and retake your throne."

King Lu fell into deep silence as he sighed, "Looks like this is the only way. What’s a little hardships? I can still swallow it."

After he spoke out, King Lu stood up and bowed deeply, "When mister Xie first came to my palace, I must admit that I underestimated you. Now I can see, you are an excellent advisor. The present situation is tense, and we still have plenty to do. MIster Xie is intelligent and full of excellent ideas. I wonder if you would agree to plan my battles for me."

"Since King Lu asked, I wouldn’t dare to refuse." Xie Cheng Dong returned the bow, his heart was filled with elation.

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