Silent Crown

Chapter 711 The Perfection in Theory

Chapter 711 The Perfection in Theory

The Mountain of Nomadism!

Rommel\'s eyes widened as he recognized Ye Qingxuan\'s legendary ship!

Among the Silence Governance, Rommel had a famous nickname besides "Sharp Knife" and "Executioner."

Soul Eater.

No matter what kind of Dark Musician one was, once they were on his list of people to capture it was like you were being haunted by a ghost. Even if they could shake him off a couple of times, in the end, they wouldn\'t be able to escape him.

It was as if, during the pursuit, their soul was eaten away little by little.

This was the ability granted after the sound of heart awakening. After becoming a Master it was elevated to its limit. As long as he had data and rumors about his enemy he could understand and control them. The more time he had to prepare, the smaller the enemy\'s chances of winning, until in the end he would thoroughly understand them, and they would become nothing more than another meal.

In a few short days, he had already thoroughly familiarized himself with all the data the Silence Governance had accumulated about Ye Qingxuan. Sometimes he would even have a flash of insight that would let him guess Ye Qingxuan\'s thoughts.

It was through this power of "substitution" that he could clearly understand how strange and terrifying Ye Qingxuan was. Sometimes he even had the impression that it was not that he understood Ye Qingxuan, but that Ye Qingxuan\'s will was controlling him! It was because of this unprecedented pressure and threat that he felt an uncontrollable desire to kill Ye Qingxuan.

And after several days of pondering in seclusion, he already knew Ye Qingxuan\'s character like the back of his hand. This guy would not move except to make a lightning strike!

Like now, for example...

"All ships defend!" shouted Rommel. He placed the silver rod in his hands on the floor and bent his emaciated body as he leaned on it. Suddenly he straightened up, and a beam of light shot out of his thin body. It was like God was working through a mortal body. A light like the blazing sun shone out in all directions. Bright and majestic, it descended from heaven!

Ever since the Mountain of Nomadism had come from above the sea fortress, everyone felt their mind swaying, as if their consciousness had been assimilated by that divine light, and they wanted to bow their heads involuntarily.

Within the void, it seemed as if the Holy Spirit was singing.

"But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner\'s fire or a launderer\'s soap.

"He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver, he will purify mortals and refine them like gold and silver."

As the Scepter of Messiah slowly rose, a pair of blazing white wings slowly opened from Rommel\'s back. The wings of light expanded wildly, making it seem like the entire sea fortress would be covered.

"Messiah"—the inheritance of Hendel.

The will of God in motion, descending upon humanity! He had all of the music theory under his command, just like God shepherding human souls. When he came, the whole world was redeemed, and wherever he went became firm and unbreakable.

On the Mountain of Nomadism, Ye Qingxuan was suddenly put in a bad mood when he saw those wings slowly closing.

"Oh great! It would have only taken two more minutes to complete it!" He slapped the armrests of his seat on the bridge. "Nevermind, don\'t wait for the overdrive. Fire! Fire! Now stop firing, the daylilies are shining!"

Egor heard Ye Qingxuan\'s voice and suddenly felt helpless. He looked at the priest in the corner and waved at him. "Open fire!"

The purifying musician frantically made the sign of the cross. "God wills it!"

Boom! It was not an ear-piercing roar, but a muffled sound that made people uncomfortable all over. The low sound resounded throughout the whole North Sea in an instant, and it was followed by a frightful field of static electricity.

The glaring electric light overflowed from the main gun and spread out in all directions, dancing across wave crests and through wind gaps like a blanket of electric light descending from the sky and covering the whole world.

At that moment, the aether engine that had just climbed to the fifth drive was running with loud bangs, and the Third Petitioner main gun\'s bore suddenly burned red hot. In the core of the ship\'s hull, the heart that was being poured into the dragon\'s bestial nature was beating wildly, and the gold dragon\'s roars rang out from within.

In a flash, the endless Firebird gathered above the Mountain of Nomadism along with the crazily beating heart engine. It poured into the main gun, turning into a grand light.

Although it had not reached its limits, the dangerous atmosphere that it emitted instantly made everyone tremble.

If this thing had stored up all its power to fire at the sea fortress, the catastrophic consequences would be simply unimaginable.

In an instant, the sea fortress\'s defensive enchantments were torn through like thin paper, creating a huge gap in them. Next, the light cut through the sea fortress like a hot knife through butter, rushing through to the core...

"It\'s...dragon\'s breath!" Revelation Scepter Klein instantly recognized the light\'s essence and was shocked by the terrifying power held within the dragon\'s breath.

"And Dies Irae!" he cried.

After incorporating purifying music theory, Ye Qingxuan had also added disciplinary music theory into Dies Irae. All non-Church music theory had no hope in the face of this.

A few hundred meters away, the horrible temperature in the light was burning the top of the sea fortress.

"Stop dreaming!" Rommel yelled. The Scepter of Messiah suddenly fell, and the wings of light closed, blocking the front of the dragon breath gun.

Among the Holy Spirit\'s praises, a sound like the crashing of a blazing sun rang out, and a fiery light stung everyone\'s eyes. An invisible whip descended from the sky. The bestial nature contained in the dragon\'s breath was destroyed in an instant, utterly beaten.

In the face of the Scepter of Messiah, which controlled all spirituality in the movements, even the Chapter of the Golden Victory would have trouble exerting its power. The bestial nature that had just been accumulated scattered. After losing the music theory\'s spirituality, the movement was nothing more than a zombie.

It was Dies Irae that was putting such great pressure on Rommel!

If he was not the Saint\'s heir, he would have been pronounced a heretic on the spot.

The collision ended in an instant.

After the light on the main gun dissipated, the pair of wings that shrouded the sea fortress was unbroken. The miraculous scene made all the Asgardians cheer in unison, raising their morale instantaneously. But when no one noticed, Rommel\'s expression fell, and the hand that gripped the Scepter of Messiah was twitching like he was holding a red hot iron.

What had just happened was like he had rushed barehanded to take on the attack that had been prepared for a long time by the Mountain of Nomadism that Ye Qingxuan had turned into a weapon. Although all was not hopeless yet, his Scepter had been shaken by the massive attack. And the Mountain of Nomadism did not even stick around to see the results of its attack; it just turned around incredibly quickly and prepared to leave.

"You want to leave?" Rommel grinned like a wolf. "It\'s not that easy!" Before he had finished speaking, Klein\'s Eye of God rose above the sea fortress and slowly covered the steel warship that was about to slip into the sea and disappear without a trace. Then another Scepter rose from the sea fortress.

Eternal Glory.

It was like a four-bladed flaming sword hanging in the sky. Everyone felt the fear of impending destruction.

The other Scepter on the sea fortress had finally gotten involved. Once its elements were revealed, it triggered the Scepter of Messiah\'s response.

This was the element based on the collected scriptures, the essence of which was the sword of the eudaemon\'s dwelling. Once it began, not only would it launch a fierce offensive, but would put up a defense with no gaps.

Having just nearly overturned a boat in Ye Qingxuan\'s hands, the Scepter was now filled with anger and was ready to give him a good seeing to.

At the moment there were three Scepters on the sea fortress: one for insight, one for simultaneous offense and defense, and Rommel, the Saint. Combined with hundreds of aether engines and a huge instrument of harmonious melody to assist, it was simply impregnable.

Rommel sneered to himself. Ye Qingxuan liked to take risks. With his mastery of timing, he liked to try these sorts of all-out gambles. If he won he would reap great rewards; if he lost, he\'d be trapped.

Now after his unsuccessful attack, Ye Qingxuan had exposed his position, and could not get away. Did he think that the sea fortress was just a restaurant that you could come to or go from as he pleased?

In a flash, the four-edged flame sword extracted its majestic power from the sea fortress and soared, spreading out to hundreds of times its original size in a flash, like it was running through the sea and the sky.

The crimson line burned everyone\'s eyes, and they did not dare to look straight at it.

The flame sword spun wildly, sending out a massive hurricane. The wind fed the flames, and the fire increased the power of the wind. It changed from a narrow line into a tall pillar of flame that fell towards the Mountain of Nomadism.

In that moment, the hymn of the flame echoed between heaven and earth.

It was like the world was burning.

This was a real battlefield movement. It drew upon the aether reserves of the sea fortress and hundreds of instruments of harmonious melody shared its pressure. The flame sword\'s majesty expanded without limit, making the hot and humid sea breeze boil. The ocean surged and roared, foehn winds shrieked by one after another.

Before the sword had fallen, the sea under its shadow sank down several dozen meters, as if a crack had been torn by the wind.

The Mountain of Nomadism roared.

The ear-splitting sound of thunder rang out. Amid the roar, music theory as luxuriant as a giant tree burst forth, instantly evolving to a jaw-dropping scale. Scepter Klein saw it the most clearly, and was the most shocked by it, as he was nearly stunned.


How could this be? This was not something that humans could do!

It would be difficult for even thousands of people to support such a huge and complicated movement. It was not that they wouldn\'t have enough power, but that they would have no way to evolve it to such a complex scale.

It was like a massively tall building had risen up in an instant, as gorgeous as a heavenly palace. Even if a skilled craftsman spent decades creating a magnificent palace, there would still be mistakes and blemishes. So how could this magnificent movement, this endless music theory, have turned into something so perfect?

The skill was inconceivable! Like a domino being knocked down, it triggered a chain reaction of perfect craftsmanship.

In the birth and death of the music theory, countless notes played in harmony with each other, just like God had arranged everything perfectly.

This was clearly an incomparably dangerous gamble, if there was even a single flaw it would all be a waste of effort.

Obviously, a wrong note would lead to it failing halfway through, but this movement was so perfect as to make people despair. It was magnificent yet delicate, and without any mistakes.

Was this the realm that humans could reach?

Among the numerous musicians, even those who had reached perfection could not ensure that every note of theirs would be perfect, every rhythm would be just right, every segment perfectly linked, and mold the whole movement into a coherent whole.

If even one in 100,000 notes was wrong, it would not be perfect. Moreover, in the huge movement on display now, were there not more than 100,000 notes? And could the music theory that was being born and dying be only from a single school?

Amid the evolving music theory, a huge mass of seawater swept up into the sky. As if the ocean was overhanging the sky, hundreds of millions of tons of seawater fell into the sky. On the horizon, a crack that was so dark nothing could be seen within slowly opened, swallowing everything and leading it to its end.

The School of Modifications?

No! Klein was stunned. There was also illusory music theory within it! And it was enough to condense the elements, limiting the illusion into a true horror.

The Ocean Abyss Symphony!

After Ye Qingxuan had integrated the movement that elucidated the essence of the Abyss into the School of Modifications, he had completed the actual conversion. With limitless water pressure and the deep ocean as a fulcrum, he defended this illusory sea. Under the impetus of Leviathan\'s blood, it seemed as if the avatars of Hyakume and Leviathan were working together perfectly to achieve this miracle.

The perfect movement brought a perfect outcome.

The Staff of Fate pried at the sea of aether, and under the Firebird\'s furiously beating heart the Mountain of Nomadism reached the limit of its overdrive, turning it into a jaw-droppingly huge instrument that urged on this movement.

An illusion with no falsehood and an unshaken modifying movement combined together would the increase in power stop at ten times as much?

But was this really something that humans could do?

In theory, an orangutan jumping up and down continuously on a piano would one day play the perfect movement, but how long would the orangutan have to dance? A hundred years? A thousand? Or would he have to continue until the end of a time so long it would lead people to despair?

But now, this one in a million chance had happened right before Klein, throwing him into confusion instantly.

Was God standing before him?

His mind was in turmoil for a moment, and he was driven to distraction, completely lost in confusion. When a musician shook him, even his Scepter became blurred...

"Don\'t be fooled by him, Master." A hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, pressing down on him firmly. The pain snapped him out of it. He turned around and saw the ashen-faced Rommel.

"That\'s his Scepter!" Rommel gritted his teeth and stared at the illusion of the sea with wild eyes.

"The Land of Dreams!"


The Land of Dreams!

On the condition that one achieved it themselves, this was the Scepter achieved by elements granted by the Originator itself. It had no power, no real feeling. It was like a dream, not even seeming to exist in the Physical World or the realm of aether.

Its essence was the projection of a new era. The elements that reflected an illusory future were a lighthouse that guided Ye Qingxuan towards his goal, a grand blueprint that did not exist at all.

In the past half month, it had spread madly across the whole world. While everyone feared Ye Qingxuan\'s ambition, at the same time they admired his determination. He gave up his great future and created the weakest Scepter in history for this illusory future.

But Rommel did not think that way.

For an ambitious and ruthless person like Ye Qingxuan he for every step he took planned out the next ten, who had drafted a plan to swallow up all of Avalon before he had even set foot there, how could he let himself get such a worthless Scepter?

He had once madly collected all the data on it, but he could not imagine what this non-existent Scepter could be used for. In the end, he could only give up and chalk it up to one of Ye Qingxuan\'s incidental mistakes. But nowadays, everyone was a fool in the palm of Ye Qingxuan\'s hand.

Rommel was being laughed at.

In what way was this the weakest Scepter in the world?

This was clearly a trump card that Ye Qingxuan had made himself!

You could tell just by looking at its name—the Land of Dreams, the ideal state, Utopia... It was a place that only existed in the realm of fantasy, a country where everything was perfect.

This was the road to perfection!

How had he not seen it?

This was a stranger and more terrible Scepter than that of the old musician of Asgard!

The lens could freeze time, and clearly understand any situation, but it was difficult to achieve such results. As long as his Scepter was blessed, the theoretically achievable effects of any Scepter could be realized by Ye Qingxuan.

He didn\'t need any practice or adaptation, and did not need to spend any time. As long as it was theoretically possible, even if it was only a one in a million chance, he could do it.

This was not just limited to movements, but also the fundamental changes of aether, all alchemy arrays, and the music theory of other schools. As long as he mastered them, he could instantly push them to their theoretical peak.

There would be no omissions and no errors.

It was as if God had arranged everything, and everything was perfect.

A perfect enemy...

Just thinking about this made Rommel grit his teeth furiously. This would be a nightmare for anyone!

"I suppose this is why Ye Qingxuan dared to come alone," he whispered hoarsely. "Unfortunately, he\'s too cocky. Even in theory, the possibility of one man resisting an entire Empire is nonexistent!"

Although the Mountain of Nomadism was terrifying, how could it compare to the sea fortress made by Asgard\'s centuries-old national power?

16 giant pools of aether, hundreds of large-scale instruments of harmonious melody, more than a thousand musicians, 12 Masters, three Scepters; this was enough power to overthrow a country, what tricks did Ye Qingxuan think he could play in front of all that?

Even a perfect movement would not be able to the flame sword that brought together the power of the entire sea fortress! What was more, after the enemy merged superior elements together it would evolve into the ultimate modification movement!

In an instant, all the sea water disintegrated under the flame sword\'s strike, numerous fulcrums were destroyed, and the Ocean Abyss illusion was broken into countless pieces of ice and snow which drifted down.

The flame sword was like a waterfall. The sky and the ocean roared, and a hurricane swept out, and in an instant had screamed forward thousands of miles, cutting through the thick fog and transforming into a burning red cloud. The Royal Navy, which was hundreds of miles away, was also slightly shaken by this turbulent aftermath.

A huge crack opened up in the deep ocean, the seabed was burning red as countless huge fish were burnt to ash. But its primary target had escaped the horror of the blade\'s strike in the moment that the flame sword had come up against the Ocean Abyss Symphony\'s stiff resistance. Even so, the armored hull on one side was burning red, and warning alarms blared throughout the battleship.

Taking advantage of this precious opportunity, the Mountain of Nomadism\'s outer shield was opened again. After the Asgardians\' vicious attack it took the chance to open up the distance between them and prepare to flee.

"Enough!" Rommel whispered. The Scepter of Messiah fell, and countless beams of light descended from the sky, covering the Mountain of Nomadism, instantly freezing it. It was sealed in like an insect in amber.

After a brief preparation period, the Messiah movement played, the will of God operated, twisting reality and fixing the Mountain of Nomadism in place.

It took control in an instant, grabbing the Mountain of Nomadism as it fled at full speed. Then, perfected abstinence music theory replaced reality, sealing the Mountain of Nomadism in its own field.

"You can\'t resist!" Rommel\'s eyes blazed as he glared at the Mountain of Nomadism as if he could see Ye Qingxuan\'s shocked expression. His movement rang out. He seized the opportunity, not giving Ye Qingxuan any chances, completely sealing him in there.

"The School of Abstinence?" Ye Qingxuan felt the music theory. First, he was a bit surprised, then he laughed. "Are you sure you want to play with abstinence in front of me?"

He closed his eyes and gave a mocking smile.

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