Peerless Genius System

Chapter 377 - Learn to Appreciate Your Man

Chapter 377: Learn to Appreciate Your Man

“Tsk... Su Canye, what’s wrong with you?”

Over on the other end of the line, Su Li frowned as she listened to Su Canye’s far-fetched account of the incident, which sounded like a movie plot. She was well aware of Su Canye’s propensity for sensationalizing anything he saw or heard.

“Sis, he’s a weirdo —he can speak Japanese and English fluently, and he’s also an excellent fighter. You should’ve seen him completely demolished the kendo gym. And he...”

Du... Du... Du...

Su Canye stopped talking as Su Li abruptly hung up on him, and all he heard was the disconnected tone on his receiver.

“What the f*ck!”

Su Canye swore and was tempted to throw his phone to the ground.

“Daddy... yay, you’re here!”

Su Xiaobei suddenly cheered joyfully.

Su Canye froze. He slowly turned around and shivered as Xiao Luo was standing right behind him and coldly glaring at him.

He somehow managed to squeeze out an innocent smile and asked, “Oh, Ice... err, B-brother-in-law, when did you reach?”

“A long time ago.”

Xiao Luo replied sternly and added, “I caught every word you said to your sister.”


Su Canye’s phone slipped from his hand to the ground as he trembled in trepidation, and he suddenly felt the world collapsing around him.

At that moment, Xiao Luo’s handphone rang, and when he glanced at the screen, it was Su Li.

He swiped and answered the call.

“Where are you, Xiao Luo?” Su Li asked, curt and cold, as usual.

“I’m with Bei Bei at the entrance of Chang Mangu Amusement Park.”

“Okay, got it. And, tell Su Canye, on my behalf, that his allowance would be cut by half if he ever tells me that kind of nonsense again,” Su Li responded, letting out a sigh of relief though she was sure that the police did not take Xiao Luo away at any point.


Xiao Luo acknowledged.

The conversation ended there, and there were no exchanges of any pleasantries whatsoever.

“Err, did my sis call you?” Su Canye asked.

“Of course, that was her.”

Xiao Luo looked askance at Su Canye, and he really felt like sending him flying with a kick for breaking his promise to remain silent on the incident.

“So, what did she say?”

“She said that if you were to spew such nonsense about me again, you wouldn’t be getting any more allowance from her, and you will have to survive on your own,” Xiao Luo replied, increasing the severity of her threat intentionally.

“Oh, no, without sis’s allowance, I will starve to death within three days! Brother-in-law, I am sorry for reporting on you to my sister, I shouldn’t have.”

Su Canye kneeled on the ground and clung on to Xiao Luo’s thigh, groveling unashamedly without even considering his image as a man.

“Canye, let go, please.”

Xiao Luo frowned as everyone at the amusement park entrance was staring at them, and while Su Canye had no qualms about his dignity, Xiao Luo couldn’t help feeling ashamed for him.

“I won’t, not unless you forgive me and defend me in front of my sister; if not, I will not get up,” Su Canye pleaded, hugging Xiao Luo’s thigh even more tightly and crying like a baby, even wiping his snot on Xiao Luo’s pants.

Unable to tolerate such behavior any longer, Xiao Luo pushed him away with his leg, but it still sent him flying like he was kicked.

Su Canye tumbled a short distance away, and weirdly, he let out a moan of pleasure. Xiao Luo cringed, and it sent a shiver down his spine. He quickly grabbed Su Xiaobei, and they made their way into the amusement park.



Su Xiaobei was still a toddler, her age on the Lunar calendar was four, but in fact, she was a month shy of turning three. Therefore, she could not get into most of the installations at the park.

Xiao Luo brought her to the merry-go-round, the “Little choo-choo Train” ride, the bumper car rink, and even the giant horse ride. The little girl was thrilled and instantly forgot about everything that had happened in the Star Cloud Kendo Gym. Her laughter could be heard everywhere they went around the amusement park.

When they got back to Star Cloud Bay Hotel after an eventful day, the little girl had fallen asleep in Xiao Luo’s arms. Su Canye went back to Silver Dragon Villa instead, and, of course, he went back obediently on condition that Xiao Luo would go to Mountain Wolf to win back his Bentley. Had Xiao Luo not promised him, he would definitely have continued to grovel before Xiao Luo, like a sticky piece of discarded bubble gum.

Upon entering the house, he saw Su Li reading on the sofa with the giant LED television turned on.

She was in a brilliant white shirt with a patterned collar, complemented by a black mini skirt and white stockings, and they showed off her long legs clearly. When she realized that Su Xiaobei had fallen asleep in Xiao Luo’s arms, she put down the book and took Su Xiaobei from Xiao Luo, giving her an affectionate hug. The little girl greeted her mother sweetly and went back to sleep in her arms.

Xiao Luo did not utter a word and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute, I have a task for you.”

Su Li stopped him before she quickly brought Su Xiaobei to the bedroom located on the second floor, then placed her on the giant bed gently.

A task for me?

Xiao Luo felt very surprised as this request was very unusual.

It did not take too long for Su Li to come down, and she had a hundred bucks in hand that she duly passed to Xiao Luo.

“What’s this for?” Xiao Luo was quite confused, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind about an online meme he’d seen—”you won’t even give me a hundred bucks[1].”

“Get me a pack of Yangzhou Fried Rice downstairs.”

It was an awkward situation for Su Li, who somehow felt embarrassed about asking Xiao Luo to buy her fried rice.

“You haven’t eaten?” Xiao Luo asked.

As if answering the question on her behalf, her tummy suddenly growled.

She blushed and tried to ignore the moment and explained, “Aunty Lee is on leave today. I was too busy with work and forgot to have my meal earlier.”

“Oh, I see.”

Xiao Luo nodded and did not ask further, and all he knew was that had she any other options, Su Li would not have asked him to help. Evidently, Su Li did not know how to cook, or she would not have starved herself until this late.

He asked, “Are there any ingredients left in the fridge?”

“I don’t know, Aunty Lee is in charge of everything in the kitchen,” Su Li said.

Xiao Luo was speechless and rolled his eyes.

He went to the kitchen to check the fridge for himself. The chiller was filled with a variety of perishables such as tomatoes, pak choi, yam, and much more. Without delay, he took out some of them and started washing them in the sink.

“What are you doing?” Su Li asked.

“I’m cooking you something.”

Su Li was stunned, but still unconvinced, she asked, “Are you sure?”

She doubted if Xiao Luo could actually cook well, that was for sure.

“Just give me about half an hour,” Xiao Luo replied. He got right to work and did not even look up, for Su Li had bought him a cupboard full of clothes, and it was totally justified to make her a dish or two.

Su Li thought about it and concluded that anything freshly prepared would be better than a pack of fried rice, so she decided to let him cook in the kitchen. With her doubts out of the way, she promptly went back to the sofa and continued reading.

However, curiosity got the better of her, and she started to check on Xiao Luo from time to time. He looked very comfortable in the kitchen, appearing rather skilled and experienced, which fascinated her somewhat. She stood there watching for some time, and at that moment, he was more attractive than reading a book.

It’s pretty good to have a guy who can cook, at least he’s useful for something, she thought with much relief.

As she watched him, the final line of the last page in the book she was reading flashed in her mind: “learn to appreciate your man, discover his other side.”

[1] you won’t even give me a hundred bucks: a phrase in a 2014 meme that went viral over an incident of two people having a dispute over payment of the booking fee for a hotel room in China.


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