Peerless Genius System

Chapter 465 - Havent Found A Lawyer

Xiao Luo read through it grumpily, and he could not help but sneer. “This is the language standard of a professional talk show host? A middle schooler could write this!”

Then, in the next second, a palm landed squarely on Jia Zhengyi’s face.


The palm was not as big as a palm-leaf fan, but it still packed quite a punch! A sharp, crisp sound accompanied the slap as it landed hard on the soft, sensitive skin of Jia Zhengyi’s face, sending him crashing to the floor as he screamed in pain. One could tell with just one glance that the left side of his face was swelling up quickly.

Xiao Luo tossed the phone back to him. “Rewrite it. Make it more vivid this time,” he barked.

“Yes, yes...”

Jia Zhengyi was on the verge of tears, but he did not dare decline. He promptly held the phone and continued to write once again.

The thin man by the side looked on in fear. There were still teacup fragments aplenty lodged in his mouth, and the blood was flowing freely, but they did not dare make another sound or move.

After 10 minutes, Jia Zhengyi finally and painstakingly managed to draft another apology letter.


Xiao Luo looked over it again and then landed another slap on Jia Zhengyi’s face. “Not meaningful enough. Write it again!” he roared.

After that, Jia Zhengyi wrote a whole chain of apology letters, but not a single one of them made it past Xiao Luo’s inspection. His face had taken quite the number of slaps by then.

Every slap was delivered with immense force, and the strength behind each blow only got stronger and stronger. The thin man’s face was drained of blood, and he started quaking violently. Cold sweat was pouring out from the millions of pores on his body, out of his control, when he saw that both sides of Jia Zhengyi’s face had swollen to an extreme state—even his eyelids were swollen. He looked every bit like a decapitated pig head. Strewn on the floor were several bloodstained teeth that had flown out from Jia Zhengyi’s mouth.

Too vicious! Too cruel!

The thin man’s soul was trembling. How he wished that he had never stepped foot into Jia Zhengyi’s house on this day, that this experience was nothing more than a hyperrealistic nightmare. When he looked at the enigmatic young man who sat by the side elegantly sipping tea, all he saw was a demon who came straight from hell.

Jia Zhengyi drafted yet another apology letter with trembling fingers, and then he shakily handed the phone to Xiao Luo.

When Xiao Luo took the phone for inspection, Jia Zhengyi kneeled on the ground in front of him, kowtowing pleadingly. “Big Brother, please, I beg you... Please don’t hit me anymore. I’ve learned my lesson. I really have...” he begged.

He could not bear it any longer. He was being tortured, both physically and mentally, and it was utterly destroying his psychological state. He howled and cried pitifully, snot and tears alike pouring down his face, and from his mouth flowed a nasty-looking mixture of saliva and fresh blood. This pain was just too much to bear—any more, and he would not be able to feel his face.

Xiao Luo paid him no mind as he sipped his tea leisurely with one hand, picking up the phone to read the post with the other.

“To the beautiful Miss Su Li, I express my deepest apologies to you regarding the rude incident on Weibo of the 7th. In the past few days, I have been tormented by my rash behavior. Those vulgar and unbecoming words had sufficiently exposed me as barbaric, uneducated, and uncultured. Those were the words and actions of an animal.”

“As a public figure, I failed to set an example. On the contrary, I had led the mob against you, and the numerous insults had made me realize the extent of my atrocities. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me, and I seek the apologies of everyone as well!”

After reading this apology letter, Xiao Luo’s lips slowly curled up in a cold smile.

Jia Zhengyi and the thin man did not dare make a single peep. They were so nervous they could barely breathe. The two of them looked exactly like ghosts who had fallen into the afterlife, waiting for the king of the netherworld to pass his judgment and decide whether they would be reincarnated into animals or people. They were beside themselves with fear.

“Publish this as it is!”

Xiao Luo threw the phone back to Jia Zhengyi. It was not to say that this letter was exceptionally well-written, but rather, it was because he thought that he had punished Jia Zhengyi sufficiently.

Upon hearing these words, Jia Zhengyi felt as if he had been granted amnesty. He kowtowed twice again, overwhelmed with relief and gratefulness. “Thank you! Thank you...”

Then he hurriedly sent the post.

“Keep your mouth shut about everything that happened here today. If a fourth person learns about whatever happened today, I will come looking for you two again. By that time, I won’t let you off with a light punishment like this time. I’ll be coming after your head!” Xiao Luo scowled.

Jia Zhengyi and the thin man met eyes with Xiao Luo, and then they felt a chill run down their spines.

Xiao Luo knocked his glass back, downing the tea in one go, and then he slapped the sturdy wooden tea table with his palm.


The teacup in his hand instantly shattered into a million pieces flying in every direction, as if it had exploded. Jia Zhengyi and the thin man huddled together and shaking, now collapsed into a heap on the floor. By the time they sat up and looked around the hall, Xiao Luo was nowhere to be seen. The chair he had been sitting on was empty. It was as if there had never been another person in the hall with them.

After experiencing such a terrifying incident, the two of them were so shocked that they remained sitting on the floor, paralyzed in fear, with their eyes and mouths wide open. They were so traumatized that it was difficult to return to their senses. Neither of them called for the police. There was no point in calling the cops against someone as terrifying as Xiao Luo. On the contrary, they would only endanger themselves.

After ten or so seconds, the two of them started crying. Tears of terror poured down from their faces!



After Jia Zhengyi published his apology letter, Weibo quickly came alive with chaotic chatter.

“F*ck! Wasn’t he just saying yesterday that he wasn’t afraid of a subpoena or something? Why is he already making a public apology today?”

“He’s given up. He’s thrown in the towel!”

“Why is this cracking me up? Jia Zhengyi, did you stage all of this as an elaborate joke?”

“This is amazing. As expected, the law is the best weapon.”

“There’s a good boy. Make your apology, and our Goddess Su will forgive you! Haha...”

Below his post were thousands of comments, and many people had shared this post via its link. This apology letter had swept through Weibo’s space like a hurricane and filled Su Li’s diehard fans with glee. The people who were insulting and ridiculing Su Li were thoroughly disappointed, and those who were sitting on the fence and were just here for the show had been treated to quite the wild ride.

Su Li, who was still in quite a frail condition, had heard from Luo Pingxiang about Jia Zhengyi’s apology...

“Sister, that Jia Zhengyi seems to be afraid of a subpoena after all, and now he’s apologizing to you publicly on Weibo. He insulted you like that yesterday, but he’s apologizing to you today. What a joke!” Luo Pingxiang said gleefully as she kneaded Su Li’s shoulders.

Su Li had a book propped open as she read carefully. When she heard the news, she felt a lot better.

At this moment, Chai Zhiying pushed open the door and stormed in. Paying no mind to anything else, she poured herself a cup of water and released the fatigue from her body before she said, “Lili, the press conference has been arranged. It will be held in the Venice Hotel tomorrow afternoon, and all the reporters from the big media outlets will be in attendance. We’ll start preparing now and do our best to brainstorm and think of what questions the reporters might ask. And then we’ll move forward with the least impactful questions.”


Su Li nodded and then followed up quickly by saying, “Since Jia Zhengyi has already apologized, then let’s withdraw the lawsuit we filed against him. These days, it’s better to avoid trouble.”

“Sue Jia Zhengyi? But I’ve been so busy with organizing the press conference the past few days that I haven’t contacted the lawyers yet,” Chai Zhiying said.

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