Starting from Zero

Chapter Book 4 - 22 – The Wild Hunt (Part 2)


Hawk is going to find a buyer soon so I need to make it fast. Companions eggs are expensive as of now but not to the extent where you can buy a Nation Treasure with just one egg. And this lion I caught is not really a high end monster, it won\'t be enough.

I guess quantity works better than quality in this situation. I just need to capture more eggs.

Our team found the second target soon. It\'s a bulky creature covered in armored skin. I thought it was a rhino first got no legs? It just, stays there, like a giant black rock. Anyone would have missed it if not for that vibrating part on its side.

I took out a random bow from my bracelet and shot at the target. It won\'t do much damage but I can see its status with the attack.

The arrow didn\'t hit where I aimed at but it\'s still a hit. A red "-1" floated up. That shot didn\'t break its defense. I\'m not an Archer, and the bow is a common junk but...I still have a high general damage. I should be able to do more than that.

The attack succeeded so my Star Gaze showed its status.

"[Iron Beetle], level 650, Physical Attack 900-1800, Physical Defense 3000, Speed (ground) 72, Speed (airborne) 132. Skill: Flamethrower, Acid Spit, Tackle. All attacks carry strong poison effect."

I read that out aloud. Someone gasped.

Violet gave me an uncertain look. "We should find something else. I don\'t think we can take it down. Your Phantom Knights may kill it eventually but it\'s pretty much impossible to capture it."

Big Pot joined us. "That shell looks too smooth. The rope\'s not gonna work."

"Difficult target means more money. I\'m not going to let up the chance." The sitting black object is made of gold in my eyes! "Let me try it out."

"Wait, I\'ll do it!"

Our female Warrior charged with her sword raised. It doesn\'t seem the black creature can avoid the attack at all, or, it isn\'t planning to dodge in the first place.


That sounded like a hammer rather than a sword strike. The Warrior is bounced flying, and her sword stuck into Big Pot\'s left foot. Now he\'s hopping single-legged while yelling in pain. We got Priest here so his foot is not a problem, but...

"That\'s hard like shit." I looked at the unmoving creature in worry. "How much damage?"

The Warrior spoke with a thick tongue. I think she bit her tongue back there.

"Didn\' b-break the-defense. 1 point."

"No kidding? So even a Warrior can\'t hurt it?"

Big Pot proposed himself when his foot is healed. "I\'ll try it!"

He took out his weapon...A nine-tooth spike rake!

Shite. That looks badass!

He roared and charged at the monster. A metal clash, then he flew back just like the Warrior.

"So how did it go?" The female Warrior asked in a challenging attitude.

"Just...just, a little, better!"

I pinched his head to help him stop vibrating.

"Thanks for that. At least I broke through its defense. 43 damage."

"Not bad buddy!" I looked at the monster again.

It\'s moving??

Phantom alerted: "Get away master! Rosa told me the monster\'s body underground is way bigger!"


It already looked like a mini van. So that\'s not all of it? This will look ugly.

"Get back you all! It\'s coming out big!"

We didn\'t react in time. The ground collapsed below us, involving everyone except the agile Violet.

A pan-shaped crater the size of half a football ground appeared. I managed to run up the edge, then me and Violet helped drag everyone up.

"Is everyone here?" I asked the team leaders.

"We\'re good!" They answered.

But Violet found something amiss. "Where is Big Pot?"

"Oops. Anyone saw him?"

No answer. They all shook their heads.

"Help!! Up here!!"

I looked towards the center of the pit. The beetle looks like a small island, and Big Pot is standing on its back!

"But how did you get there?" I yelled to him.

"The ground is sinking and this is the only solid point! So I jumped!" Big Pot answered while trying to keep himself stable. It looks really hard because the monster\'s back is slippery like a mirror!

Before we can figure out how to save him, the "island" moved. It stood up. The body slowly showed itself in full, maybe even bigger than Lucky. When it finally lifted itself using its six insect legs, it reminded me of those tanker bugs in Starship Troopers, just a bit smaller.

However the smaller size doesn\'t necessarily mean it\'s any less powerful!

"Eh?... Ahhhhhh!!"

Big Pot lost his footing due to the sudden movement. Luckily he slipped towards behind the bug\'s head, and grabbed onto it\'s giant horn.

"What in the name of the god is that?..."

The Priest stared at the gigantic creature while drawing cross in front of his chest. The dude took his game role for real!


I noticed the beetle drawing breath. Of course I know what that means! That\'s exactly the same move when Lucky tries to breathe fire. Step 1: a deep breath; 2: force up a pressure; 3: let it out! The monster is taking in air now, which means bad stuff is coming!

The beetle opened its maw and released a purple flame beam at us. It looks like military napalm bomb rather than regular flame throwers! Thanks to my warning, no one is caught in the attack.

The beetle stared at us with its two pairs of green eyes. The four creepy light bulbs are making our hair stand.

"Phantom Knights! Attack!"

Forget it. I do need eggs but obviously my life is more important. If I die here I\'ll need much more time to get back. I should just kill it and find other targets.

The knights took my order and turned towards the bug.

They first used their signature javelin attack. Perfect hit. Level 850 is no joke, every lance pinned into the bug\'s body, causing green fluid to come out.

But the lances all began to smoke, then melted and disappeared under the liquid!

The knights looked at each other, and me, in shock. Looks like they\'re not expecting to lose their weapons like that either.

So my Phantom Knights won\'t work here.

"Lucky! Ready your fire!"

"Got it!"

Lucky took aim at the bug and draw breath. The monster did the same. I think they\'re going to have a clash at it. But Big Pot is still on the beetle. I don\'t know if dragon fire can kill the bug but surely Big Pot\'s not going to survive that!

"Rosa! Now! Get that guy off the beetle!"

Rosa caught Big Pot with a tentacle in the next second and dragged him underground. Then Lucky and the monster released their attacks at the same time. Lucky\'s dragon fire is powerful because of nature talent and all kinds of species bonuses, while the beetle\'s currently level is too high. The two fire beams don\'t have an apparent winner.

They are both enclosed in intense fire. We already kept distance but the heat still caused us to back away further.

Lucky is the first one to give up. His current level is too low. The beetle is no better. The ten holes on its shell were enlarged into ten big hollows, and its shiny shell lost its luster. Now it looks like burnt plastic.

Lucky\'s scales stayed intact against the fire. The beetle\'s attack must be corrosive because Lucky\'s body is smoking while giving out some irritating smell.

I took the ropes and gave them to everyone. "Circle it around. Bind up its legs!"

They moved. While the beetle is confused by so many targets, we successfully got the ropes around its legs. When it discovered what\'s going on, it lifted its back shell, revealing a pair of transparent insect wings.

Violet mumbled to herself. "It can fly?..."

Then the heavy creature left the ground for real!

I shouted to the Phantom Knights when the beetle has already gained some altitude. "Knights, another round of lance attack. And use something explosive if you can!"

"Yes sir!" The leader ordered. "Ready up! Blaster lance array! Release!"

10 lances were hurled away almost the same moment as he finished that order. They all hit again, and this time they hit the bug\'s soft belly part.

The weapons exploded on impact. Ten fireballs erupted below the creature. Then the beetle tumbled down like a plane hit by a missile, while leaking out fuel. I mean bug juice.

It\'s dying. I quickly began to use [Capture] when there\'s still time. I succeeded after thirty tries! A big, winter melon shaped egg fell into my hands.

Somehow I don\'t want to sell it. The bug can be a really nice companion.

Too bad, the Nation Treasure is first priority now, so I still contacted Hawk.

"We got a new product. Watch this video!" I waited him to finish. "How does it look? "

"Good stuff! You really did it!"

"Got any buyers?"

"Yes but he\'s still on his way. I\'ll contact you once we settle the details. It\'s 1 o\'clock in the morning! Not much time left!"

"I know I know!"

I put away the egg and asked them to continue. The next target showed up in our sights soon. I think we\'re getting experienced.

"Get down! A Thunder Eagle!"

Someone alerted us so we all followed. Well, except for Big Pot. I don\'t know why he decided to be the only one standing.

The eagle swept down past our heads. After a strong gust, Big Pot is gone. He\'s carried away by the monster!

"Archers! Aim!" I ordered. "Watch where you shoot!"

"I got it!" One of the Archers gave me a confident respond, then he released his skill.

The arrow flew towards the bird with a beautiful star track trailing behind it. That\'s the effect of a Frost Arrow.


It hit something. But I don\'t think the eagle can scream like that.

Under the moonlight, we noticed that the human figure hanging on the eagle now have a "tail" on its bottom.

The Archer scratched his head. "Sorry. Heh heh heh... Accident. It\'s too dark."

"Booo." Someone gave him a middle finger.

"Sigh. I\'ll do it again I guess."

I raised my right hand and rolled up the wizard robe sleeve.

"Dragon cord hook out!"

Pom! The hook was launched towards the eagle. The bird obviously saw my attack, and avoided it with a brief mid-air halt.

I raised my left hand and shot again. I caught its leg this time.

Then I found another problem. I\'m not strong enough to pull it alone! The cord is going away fast like fishing wire, which means--


I\'m flying too!

"Rosa! A little help!"

When I\'m still within reach, a tentacle came up and wrapped around my waist.

The strong stopping power almost split me in half!

The Thunder Eagle is in no better condition. It got dragged down by the sudden force and crashed on the ground. Phantom Knights and my mercenaries immediately rushed to the bird and did their work. The knights pinned its wings on the ground using their lances, while the players packed it up for good.

It\'s level 517. But a flightless eagle is just a meat chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

Big Pot crawled away from below the eagle with stars in his eyes.

"Med..medic! Help..."

Thud. He walked several steps and fell face-first.

That\'s not my job. I need to capture the monster fast.

It took less time. Only 13 tries.

"Ziri come here!" That\'s Violet.

"What\'s wrong?"

"Just look!"

I looked where she\'s pointing to, and my mind stopped!

"A nest??"

A dirt pit about a meter in diameter is in front of us. From those dry grasses and scattered eagle feather, it must be a bird nest!

"Wait, so that means--"

I didn\'t finish my sentence when Violet disappeared.

Crap. We got another one in the air!


Big Pot shouted but I stuffed his mouth.

"Phiona! Take care of the eagle!"

Surely a phoenix is enough to get rid of a common beast.

"Lucky, catch Violet when she\'s free."

Phiona\'s currently level is a lot lower than the eagle, but a legendary avian is still legendary.

The two flying creatures brawled in the air. The Thunder Eagle cannot keep it\'s hold on Violet while fighting so it dropped her off without hesitating. And Lucky is already there to catch her.

"Phiona! Retreat!"

I told Phiona to get away, then ordered towards my back. "Archers, do it!"

A round of arrows went up. They all used area skills, probably because no one is confident in hitting something that far away.

Now I really hope Elfy is here.

The arrows hit. In fact it will be a real joke if that kind of area attack misses. But the less impressive.

"Leave it to me!!"

Big Pot grabbed a javelin somewhere, performed a short run-up and threw it like an Olympic athlete. The javelin moved towards the eagle real fast. It won\'t do much damage but I noticed something different.

There\'s a thin, metal wire attached behind the javelin. So this guy is not all blockhead!

The weapon pierced one of the eagle\'s wings. There\'s no significant damage but our plan is to use the wire to drag it down.

The Thunder Eagle looks enraged. It turned to Big Pot, who\'s holding the other end of the wire.

Violet muttered to herself: "Oh no..."

"Hm? What\'s wrong?"

"It\'s called [Thunder Eagle], right?"



Big Pot is already trembling. The eagle used its skill. A visible blue electric wave traveled down from the metal wire, and Big Pot is the last part of conductor on the ground. Now we\'re looking at a shining blue skeleton figure holding onto the electric wire while performing an impressive break dance.

Violet face-palmed. While the Priest is drawing cross again. As for me...I sighed in relief for how my dragon cord isn\'t conductive.

The electricity lasted for a dozen seconds. Then Big Pot opened his mouth and let out a smoke puff, before going down again. He\'s all black, and some parts are still giving out blue smoke.

The Priest and Priestesses finally got the chance to go help him. Big Pot is a Warrior class so he had enough HP to survive it.

I still need to do something about the eagle. I turned to the Phantom Knights:

"Someone shoot it down. And mind how much power you use, it didn\'t have much HP left."

The leader stepped ahead and threw his lance at lightening speed. The heavy-looking polearm precisely pierced the eagle\'s wing base.

The wing was broken apart as it was just hit by a mortar shell. From the scattering feathers and blood, I realized that the lances they unleash are actually rotating, like drills. So that\'s why they got so much piercing power!

The eagle crashed on the ground. It was hurt even worse than the last one and I only used my skill six times to capture it.

"Over here!!" Violet called me again from the nest.

"Don\'t tell me there are more thunder eagles!"

"Well no," She pushed some grass aside. "I was going to show you this."

She took out an...eagle egg.

"The two birds must be a couple. This is their nest. I think there are more eggs down there."


I fished around the nest.


I found five eggs, which means we just got another six eggs without fighting.

"Wah-hahaha! Rich I\'m rich!!"

They say misfortunes never come single, I guess fortunes also love to pile up together!

Since I got enough outcome, I decided to dismiss my team early. I paid them what I promised and they\'re also happy to be able to rest early.

Me, Violet and Big Pot teleported back to the Goddess City. Hawk and the others are already waiting.

"There you are!! How did it go?"

I gave him my loot. "Level 517 Thunder Eagles, eight of them. A level 650 Iron Beetle. A level 512 Lion King."

"Wowzah. How did you--brilliant!" He gave them back to me. Well he doesn\'t have enough inventory to keep all these eggs.

"The buyer is in the Moonpeak restaurant. Just waiting for you!"

"Who\'s the buyer anyway?" I asked on the way. "I\'m not selling the eggs to anyone suspicious. I\'m protecting our nation treasure, it will cause another problem if I sell powerful companions to enemies."

"Don\'t worry. He\'s called [Shadow Gale], the boss of Righteous League."

"Righteous League?" I looked at the sky. "I heard the name somewhere. "

"Of course you heard it!" Elfy jumped out. "They\'re the biggest guild in China region, and Gale is Red Moon\'s big brother!"

"Oh right!" Hawk explained, "Speaking of Red Moon, she helped me contact Gale."

"What??" That\'s a blow to my head. A terrible scene appeared inside my mind: I kneel before Red Moon, pinned down by all the companions I sold her, while an unknown man snickers at me: "So how do you feel, getting rekt by your own companions?"

"NO!!" I stopped in my track. "I can\'t sell to them! Red Moon is trying to get back on me. How can you sell weapons to your enemy when there\'s a war going on??"

"Come on stop it." Hawk slapped my head. "I don\'t know about his sister but I can assure you Gale is a good man. We talked. He\'s kind enough, and wise. Somewhat mysterious though."

"...Let\'s go and see."

I trust Hawk. And besides I don\'t have time to worry about something like that anymore. He\'s the leader of the number one Chinese guild, so he\'s probably going to lead all players to fight with intruders. He can\'t be bad.

We reached the Moonpeak restaurant. The name didn\'t lie, it looks like the moon is just on top of the building when we looked from below.

Hawk led us into a private room on the 9th floor. It\'s a big one designed for such large scale meetings.

A line of chairs sit across the front door, and a knight about the age of 20 is sitting in the middle one. He wears full silver glimmering equipment, he can pretty much act as a light bulb in here. A row of beautiful girls are standing behind him. Each one of them has the face of super star!

Hawk dragged me in front. "I\'ll introduce. This is Ziri, he\'s the one getting the eggs, so speak to him for prices and other details."

The knight stood up to me and politely stretched a hand.

"Greeting. I\'m Shadow Gale, I came to buy your companions. Before we start, may I ask how you get them? I\'m willing to pay a million crystal for your secret technique!"

I smile. "A lot of people have seen it so it isn\'t really a secret. But you probably can\'t copy it because it relies on my attributes. I\'m the only one who can do it now. Shall we begin?"

"Of course, take a seat."

We walked the long conference table. Gale walked to the window side while we took the other.

I lined up all the eggs on the table. "Eight Thunder Eagles, level 517. An Iron Beetle, level 650. A Lion King, level 512. Do you need to review the videos for their abilities?"

"There\'s no need," he kept calm but I can still see the excitement in his eyes. "I know these monsters, all good ones. Especially the beetle, it has always been a terrifying target." He carefully checked each egg. "Thunder Eagles...They\'re not strong but can be really fast. however did you capture them? No one succeeded before!"

"That\'s...a secret." I just smile. As Hawk said, this man feels comfortable to talk with.

Unlike Red Moon.

"How much can you offer?" That\'s my main concern now.

"100 thousand crystals for the lion, is that alright?"

"Deal!" I put the number in my mind. The Nation Treasure should worth at least 500 thousand. And I\'m expecting it to raise to 550 or even 600 in the auction. The lion is the lowest leveled one. If I can get 100 thousand out of it I\'ll definitely earn over 1.2 million out of all the eggs. More than enough!

"How about the others? Do you need them?"

"Of course I need them!"

I was worrying he won\'t buy them all but it seems he\'s even worrying more. Companions eggs are still extremely rare on the market, he waited here since the early morning!

"110 thousand for each of the eagles."

Elfy wrote a "120" behind my back before I can respond. I immediately changed my tongue.


Gale nodded without hesitation. "Deal. 120 thousand that is. The beetle is too rare for an offer. You can give me a price!"

I looked towards Elfy for help. I know nothing about market prices!

Elfy wrote a "200" this time. But isn\'t that a little...?

I still spoke. "200 thousand Crystals."

Gale hesitated this time. Only for several seconds.

"Alright. I\'ll take it!"

He opened up the trade window and put 1.26 million in it. I quickly stuffed all the eggs in.


My actual income is 1.159 million, since the system would take away 8% as tax.

"I\'ll be off then. Until next time." I stood up.

But Gale stopped me.

"One moment. Are you interested in joining the number one guild in China?"

Sigh. Brother and sister.

I pointed at the emblem on my chest. "I\'ll have to decline, for I\'m already in a guild."

He didn\'t persist like his sister though. He just chuckled.

"Too bad then! Red Moon told me about it. And she was right. But! Please kindly contact me first the next time you sell eggs!"

"That\'s no problem."

I shook hands with him and left the restaurant. Then I handed the money to Hawk.

"I need to rest. I\'m not sure I can come to the auction, so don\'t wait for me. I\'ll message you if I come."

"Okay." He nodded. "I\'m off too. But you\'d better come, just in case. Don\'t push yourself though."

"I\'ll try!"

I said goodbye and logged off. It\'s 4 in the morning! I\'m having trouble keeping my eyelids open. I can only hope I wake up before the auction tomorrow. I mean, today.

I left my Iron Unit and looked around the dorm room. Empty. So Wayne didn\'t come back the whole night. Where did he run off to?

Nevermind. Sleeping time.

I was woken up by a series of hysterical cries. I opened my eyes to see Wayne dancing around beside my bed.

"Why the hell are you losing your mind in the morning??"

"The- I mean, the??"

"The what? Slowly!"

"What what what\'s that robot? Gundam??"

The Iron Unit.

"It\'s just my new toy! Now keep it down I\'m trying to have some rest!"

"Toy? That thing\'s a toy??"

He won\'t let go. I can only spend some time to explain.

"I want a father like that!!"

I kicked him away. "You\'re already richer than most people here!"

Not as good as my family but he also have several billions in his pocket.

"What\'s the time?"

"Four. Why are you still sleeping?"

"FOUR PM??" I jumped. "I\'m late!! Get into the game NOW!"

"Late for what?" Wayne has no idea what\'s happening.

I don\'t have time to talk anymore so I just pressed his helmet onto his head.

"Get in there and I\'ll explain! Go to the Goddess City!"

I jumped into my Iron Unit and activated the system.

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