The Overlord of Blood and Iron

Chapter 53


Even while getting beat up, Sledge endured .

After all, his dwarven pride would not allow him to make any sounds after getting beaten up by a mere human .



Kang Chul-in’s fists flashed by like lightning and hit all over Sledge’s body, like the full force of a waterfall .


Out of Sledge’s sealed mouth came a small whimper .

“So you’re saying that your bones are quite tough, eh?” Kang Chul-in smirked as if he was proud of Sledge . It was a gesture to admit that Sledge wasn’t all that bad .

“Kuh… Do you think someone like you will truly be able to control me? Huhu, there’s no way, THERE’S NO WAY! HAHAHA!” Sledge started laughing maniacally at Kang Chul-in .

“Oh, is that so?” replied Kang Chul-in, as he started showcasing hits that couldn’t be expressed in just words . To him, there existed methods to make these tough dwarves scream with every hit he landed .

“Kuk… Argh… AGHH… GUHH… With just this… You cannot…Defe…ARGHH! P-P-PLEASE!”

As soon as Kang Chul-in started using some of his real force behind the hits, Sledge’s mouth begged for mercy .


And they were soon replaced by ear-splitting screams .



“ARGH! S-stop… KUGH…Hitting…Stop…Please…”

Not even 5 minutes later, a crying Sledge started to beg Kang Chul-in .

‘How the hell does he hit like that?’

‘Wow, I really shouldn’t mess with our leader . Yep, definitely . ’

The adventurers watching themselves started trembling with fear . That was how terrifying the hits were . He truly showed how killing someone quickly and cleanly was actually a type of mercy .

“As expected of a dwarf, it actually feels quite good . ” While in the middle of torturing Sledge, Kang Chul-in muttered . If there was anyone that heard him at this moment, they would surely stare at him like a freak .

“M-mr . Chul-in?” Lee Chae-rin cautiously spoke . After all, who wouldn’t after seeing such a scene?

If a normal person saw Kang Chul-in beating up and torturing Sledge until the point where he couldn’t even speak properly, they would surely be terrified .

“What do we do with him then? Will we kill him now?”

“No . ” Kang Chul-in shook his head .


“We make an example out of him . ”


“Tomorrow, I plan on publicly executing him, in front of all of your civilians . Then, they would probably what happens to the ones that rebel against you . They need to see with their own eyes what happened if they think about some things they shouldn’t against their leader . ”

“Oh……!” Realizing Kang Chul-in’s thought process, Lee Chae-rin gasped in enlightenment .

“That’s right . If I killed Sledge after losing control of my emotions, it would have been bad . I just needed to wait one more day… Then I would also be able to reinstate my authority…” She nodded her head .

“You’ve improved . ” Kang Chul-in had a rare smile on his mouth . He could finally communicate to Lee Chae-rin like another Lord . It was almost unknowingly teaching a disciple .

“The death won’t be pretty . ”

“… It’ll be a gruesome execution . ”

“Do you not want to do it?”

“No . I also hate this man . Although I could maybe forgive the other dwarves, he is the only one I won’t be able to . ”

“Well, the execution will be very bloody . Something that would instill the fears into the hearts of the ones watching . ”

“I only hope that I can withstand that then . ” Lee Chae-rin’s body unwittingly shook after Kang Chul-in described the events that would take place . She couldn’t imagine an execution that even Kang Chul-in said was gruesome .

“Podolski . ” Kang Chul-in called Podolski .

“Yes, milord . ”

“Wrap him up and put him in the dungeons . You have to wrap him up very tightly, so that he isn’t able to kill himself . ”

“Understood, milord . ”

Kang Chul-in didn’t know anyone as experienced and trustworthy as Podolski when it came to the ways of tying someone up as Podolski .

“Hmm . ” After taking a glance at the unconscious Sledge, Podolski began to work .

And as expected of him, he tied up Sledge as if he was a piece of ham . Looking at it maked one feel amazed, it seemed impossible for Sledge to even move his eyebrows .

“Mr . Chul-in . ”

“What do we do? If the news is leaked to the dwarves, they will begin a protest . ” Lee Chae-rin’s worries were well founded .

“There’s a method . ” But to Kang Chul-in, it was no problem .

“Don’t tell me… You plan on massacring the dwarves?”

“As if . ”

“The working rate of the dwarves is insane . They are the number one among all the races in working . If we kill all of them, it’ll be a loss to you . It’ll also be a loss to me, since we are allied together . ”

“Then what are we… . ”

“We use him . ”

Kang Chul-in pointed at the Sage Majestic that was trembling in fear right now .


“When you wrote the Death List, what was the reason that you wanted to spare him?”

“That’s because… he’s the leader of the religious group . Although he did try and betray me, I was afraid of the rebellion and protests that the dwarves would do . ”

“Exactly . ”

“Excuse me?”

“If we just use him, it won’t be hard to get the respect and authority that you so needed from the dwarves . ”

“Oh…” She sighed in enlightenment .

“And… that dwarf . ” Kang Chul-in pointed at workforce leader Urad .

“That man still has loyalty towards you . If you are able to control him well, you will be able to earn the hearts and respect of the dwarven miners . ” Kang Chul-in had already calculated what to do after the purging .

“60-70 people at max? We only need to kill around that much . The ones that had actively helped the rebellion . ”

“I understand . ”

“Well if you do, you should start moving . ” Lee Chae-rin started moving towards Urad .

“Workforce leader Urad . ”

“Yes… milord . ”

“I had no choice . If I didn’t do this, my life would be severely endangered .

“I… understand . ”

“I want you, Urad . Although you did stand by their side, I know it was because of your wish to take back Nidavellir . ”

“You mean… . !”

“Yes . I have no intention on giving up Nidavellir . Just that I was planning on taking it back after taking care of the invaders in our territory . Can you just wait until then? I promise, we will be able to take it back after just a month . ”

“Just a month?”

“Yes, no matter what . ”

Lee Chae-rin showed her steely determination .

“Milord!” And Urad kneeled down to Lee Chae-rin

“This Urad, I will definitely remain loyal to milord until the day I die . Please forgive my disloyalty of before!!!” And thanks to this, Urad as well as his 150 miners that followed him were now under Lee Chae-rin’s control .

“You’re a sage?” Kang Chul-in asked .

Sage Majestic was Kang Chul-in’s task .


“Will you make a speech debasing and vilifying Sledge tomorrow or not?”

He wanted to make Sledge the ‘biggest son of a b*tch’ after the speech .

“Do it! I’ll do it! Of course I’ll do it! I will also tell the civilians on how much I support our Lord Lee Chae-rin! Just leave it to me!”

The Sage even promised that he would support Lee Chae-rin from now . It seemed like he definitely wanted to live .

“And if you speak nonsense?”

“No, no . Never . Please, just spare my life…!”

“I’ll watch and see how things play out then . ”

“Yes sir, just leave it to me! Oh, milord! Would you please forgive this unloyal idiot of a sage?” He emotionally said, before running and kneeling before Lee Chae-rin .

‘It seems like all the high-ranked people are cleaned up for now . After just a few more, the authority of this territory will be completely by hers . ’

Now it was time to get rid some of the rotten parts .

“Urad . ”

“Can you take some of your underlings to get rid of the trash of this territory?”

“”T-the thing is…” Urad hesitated, as he still had no idea who Kang Chul-in was . Kang Chul-in had popped up and single-handedly turned the tables against the Iron Hammer group, so he was cautious of him .

“Urad . ” Lee Chae-rin spoke .

“This is another Lord from a different territory that allied us . ”

“Is… Is that so?”

“And he is also the one who will act as the commander of the army until the day we conquer and take back Nidavellir . You should think of his orders as mine . ”

Only then did the suspicion and caution on Urad’s face disappear .

“Then of course I will, commander . ” Urad took Kang Chul-in’s orders .

“Good . If you do well on this, I will spare you and your miners, as well the ‘good’ dwarves that did not participate in the rebellion . I’m not telling you to kill them all . Just think of it as getting rid of the trash . I will leave it to you on who should and should not be killed . ”

“Ok . Go now . Prove your loyalty to your Lord . But don’t make it too obvious . You have to get rid of them slowly, and quietly . ”

“Yes, sir!”

“Billy, take twenty adventurers and assist Urad . ”

“Yes, leader . ”

Urad and Billy as well as the twenty adventurers left the Lord’s hall soon after . With this, all of the ‘bad guys’ of the Dorado territory had been taken care of . ”

“It’s finally… over . The only thing that’s left now it the execution of Sledge tomorrow, and how I use that as an opportunity to get the civilian’s respect and loyalty . ”

“Well, that guy’s role will be important . ” Kang Chul-in glanced at the Sage .

“But I believe in him . He has a lot of fear after all . Because he’s afraid, he won’t be able to think of anything else . ”

“Lee Chae-rin . ”


“You have an eye for people . ”

“What… do you mean?”

“It’s just as I said . It’s a good talent so make sure you hone it even more . It’s something that I don’t possess . ”

After saying it this far, Kang Chul-in made Lee Chae-rin follow him .

“Let’s go . ”


“We need to make you a personal guard . ”

He meant for her to use the ‘Lord’s shop’ .

After the purging she was left without guards, and so he wanted her to have a new group that protected her .

She needed a steady grip on her control of this territory, and the guards would play a big role in that .


In the deepest area of Dorado was a dome-shaped gym . It was ironic that Kang Chul-in brought Lee Chae-rin here, as the Lord of this territory had not been here before .

“I don’t know what sort of units you’ve used before, nor do I want to know . ” Kang Chul-in spoke .

“You need to differentiate the units that will be used as guards, and those that will be used in a war . Units that are good at fighting in groups normally shouldn’t be used as guards . ” Lee Chae-rin carefully listened to Kang Chul-in’s words, afraid that she would miss a single word .

“The most useful unit to you is one that you can control even with your lacking charisma . They need to be easy to control . ”

“You’re right . I can’t control the units whenever I summon them . ”

“Well, there’s a good unit on sale right now . Open the Lord’s shop .

“Yes . ”

Listening to Kang Chul-in’s words, she held her Soul Core in her hands and opened the [Unit] menu of the Lord’s shop .

-Unit Shop-

— D, E, F Rank units are purchasable .

— The rank of the units sold will change depending on the Lord’s level .

[Land Unit]

[Mobile Unit]

[Water Unit]

[Air Unit]

[Special Unit]

[Named Unit] (Locked . Only available for Overlords . )

[Items related to Units]

Unit purchases require gold, jewellery or Lord points etc . Units from the S rank and above cannot be purchased in the shop .

“It’s open . ” Lee Chae-rin spoke .

“Click on the sub-menu of the ‘Land Units’ to demi-humans . ”

“Yes . ”

“Then purchase the ‘Dog-men’(half dog/half human as the name suggests) of the ones in the D rank . ”


“Dog-men guards . ”

“It’s quite expensive . 80 gold . ”

“But they’re definitely worth it . Long story short, they’re the best choice for the current you . ”

“I’ll buy it . If you say so, then I definitely will . ” She nodded her head and then moved her fingers to click the purchase button .


As soon as she hit the purchase button, a gigantic ‘Magical Formation’ appeared, and many of the ‘dog-men’ appeared .

Surprisingly enough, they looked quite majestic and imposing .

Wearing black tuxedos and hats that made them seem like English policemen, and they were armed with a 1 . 1m long staff each . Not only that, each of these guards had different heads, that were of different dog breeds .


Staring at this scene, Kang Chul-in shook as he thought of the price of his Laputa territory .

Because he had no money, he couldn’t even think of expanding his own territory, let alone buying 30 units that costed 80 gold each . So watching this scene, his stomach felt bitter .

But he wasn’t jealous .

After the deal with Lee Chae-rin, he knew that he himself would become rich over time .

While Kang Chul-in was thinking of the future, the leader of the dog-men walked in front of Lee Chae-rin . This specific dog-man had the head of a ‘Doberman’, and had a muscular build .

Then the leader greeted her, doing a salute that only the dog-men did .

“It’s an honor to meet you, sire! This one’s name is Anubis, and I will use my heart and soul to serve you from now!”

As expected of a dog-man, Anubis seemed reliable, and loyal .

“Nice to meet you, Anubis . ” She nodded her head .

“I will now appoint you and your squad as the elite group and force of this Dorado territory . ”

“Yes sir!”

“I will give you your first mission now . Please guard the place while me and commander Kang Chul-in talk . ”

“We will do so immediately, sir!”

And as soon as her orders were given, the dog-men all started rushing towards the ends of the gym, guarding the place perfectly .

“My orders… are working . ”

“Dog-men start of with a max loyalty of 100 . But whether you are able to keep it that way is up to you . ”

“Oh . Thank you, Mr . Chul-in . ”

“No need to thank me . It’s in the contract . ”

“Oh, but… what’s this ‘random unit’ in the middle of the special units? What costs 500 gold?”

“That…” Abruptly, Kang Chul-in’s face stiffened .

“That… I advise that you just leave it alone . ”


“That’s a rigged gamble . ”


“And that’s a very low quality gamble . As it suggests, the units are completely random . You don’t know what unit comes out but… in my experience… one hundred times out of a hundred… . ”

“Something like a goblin scout comes out . ”

Kang Chul-in’s brain thought of a past memory that he didn’t want to remember .

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