The Overlord of Blood and Iron

Chapter 113

At the same time in a different location:

“Mr . Billy~!”

Kang Chul-In’s mother, Park Sun-ja, motioned over to Billy Halford .

“Yes, mistress!”

“Please move that big table over there for me, please!”

“Got it!”

Billy, who stood 190cm, moved the large table at the order of Park Sun-ja .

“Haha, how are you so strong?”

“Kuhahaha~! Mistress is very humorous!”

It seemed that Park Sun-ja and Billy were pretty close now .

“Hello, mistress!”

“Ah, Mr . Kwak-Jung is here too?”

“Yes, this is…”

“Haha, you didn’t need to buy a present like that! Take a seat . ”

“Milord… I mean, how could I come into Director Kang’s house with empty hands?”

Kwak-Jung laughed, and gave a bag of fruit to Park Sun-ja .

“Hello~ . ”

And Kwak Jung-mi, from behind Kwak-Jung, also said hello .

“Oh, you’re the little sister of Mr . Jung? You look very pretty!”

“Thank you, mistress . ”

“Now, come and take a seat over there . ”

Park Sun-ja pointed towards the living room, where there was a large table . There were already over 40 people gathered around the table .

That’s right .

When Kang Chul-In had left Earth in order to visit the Valhalla dungeon, Park Sun-ja called the ‘employees’ of the Galaxy Corporation to come have dinner together .

It was in order to ask the people in the corporation to take good care of her son, Kang Chul-In, and also to have some liveliness within the Kang house, which was normally empty except for her .


Park Sun-ja, who had left the living room and went to the kitchen to get food, sighed… with tears flowing down her face .

“Sob… to think a day like this would come…”

Park Sun-ja felt as if she was dreaming for the past few months .

It seemed so much like a dream that every morning, when she woke up, Park Sun-ja would once again check in order to make sure this was not a dream .

She was very… very happy .

For her, who had no one but Kang Chul-In left as her family, it was very special to have a bunch of people like this over in their house to have dinner together .

Who could have guessed?

That her son would suddenly become rich and buy her a new house, buy her a good car, give her guards to take care of her, as well as set up a cafe and a flower shop for her?

And though it was very sudden, she had suddenly received an extremely cute granddaughter, so Park Sun-ja had nothing, or no one, to be envious of anymore .

Just one thing, Kang Chul-In…

“If my son got married…”

If her son got married, Park Sun-ja would feel as if she could die happy .


Lee Chae-rin, who had gone to find Park Sun-ja, saw the tears on her face, and quickly pulled out a handkerchief .

“W-Why are you crying?”

“N-No, it’s nothing . ”


Lee Chae-rin wordlessly held Park Sun-ja’s hands . She felt as though she could empathize with her, because…

Mistress, I’m happy too . Because… I also have no family to speak of .

Though she had gotten rich due to her powers as a Lord, she was also without family members . She had also felt extremely happy to see all of these people gather up due to Kang Chul-In .


“Omega clan, those bastards…”

While Park Sun-ja and Lee Chae-rin were together, the employees of the Galaxy Corporation were talking about the recent ongoings in their company .

“Hey, why are you talking about that, when we’re here to eat?”

“That’s true… But those bastards, what the hell are they? I don’t know why the CCTVs and cameras all break when those bastards come out . Do they have control over EMPs or something?”

This was the reason why they still couldn’t take care of the Omega Clan .

“Haha, as if . Even though they may be adventurers, they’re still human, not antennas . ”

“That’s true…”

“Whatever, whatever . I don’t want to talk about that while we’re eating . I’m just here to eat all the good food . ”

While conversations went around the table, the phone in the living room rang .


Billy Halford called Park Sun-ja .

“The phone’s ringing!”

“Oh~ . I’m coming, Billy!”

Park Sun-ja, who was busy having a conversation in the kitchen with Lee Chae-rin, immediately ran towards the phone .


-Hello, this is the grandmother of Arshelly, right?”

“Oh, yes . Hello . ”

-I… think you should come here…

“What? I thought there was still 1 hour left before the lesson ended today…”

-There… is a problem, so I think you should get here as soon as possible, Miss .

“What happened?”

-Arshelly… Arshelly .

Listening to the teacher speak, Park Sun-ja quickly hung up the call, and rushed out the door .



The S class Benz stopped suddenly in front of the Piano Academy .

“Open it, quickly!”

Cho Eun-Sil shouted at the driver as if she didn’t have hands or legs . It seemed like she didn’t want to open the door by herself no matter how much of a rush she was in .

“Yes, yes!”

The driver quickly ran, opened the door, and…


Got slapped in the face . The pissed-off Cho Eun-Sil did it .

“Why can’t you move quicker? Huh?”

Saying that Cho Eun-Sil opened her wallet and handed several 50,000 won bills to the driver .

“Stay here and ready the car . Don’t turn off the engine . ”

“Yes, mistre… Argh!”

The driver screamed in pain . It was because using her high-heel, Cho Eun-Sil had intentionally stepped on his foot .

Soon afterwards, around 500,000 Won worth of bills was thrown at the face of the driver .

“Which b*tch is it… Who touched my daughter?”

Cho Eun-Sil left the driver without a care, and walked menacingly towards the academy .

“S-Seul-gi’s mother…”

The piano teacher greeted Cho Eun-Sil with a nervous face . And…


It was another slap to the face .


Cho Eun-Sil shouted at the teacher .

“You think it’s everything if you graduated from that Berkeley or something? Is that it?”

And again…


The piano teacher’s face was slapped .

“What are you doing, huh? I thought you were supposed to be taking care of the children here! Do you think I sent Seul-Gi here to get treated like that, huh?”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry . . . ”

The piano teacher could only apologize after getting slapped in the face .

It made sense .

After the great summoning, adventurers and the family of the adventurers became part of the elite class--- the nobles of the new era .

No one knew what would happen if one touched the family of an adventurer .

Not only that but, Park Seul-Gi’s father was an adventurer who had enough force to terrify a crime syndicate member . To get over this by just receiving a few slaps in the face was something that the piano teacher could live with .

“Where is she!!”

“ . . . Sorry?”“Are you deaf or something? Where’s Seul-Gi?”

“S-She’s in the office over there…”

“Lead the way . ”


The piano teacher had to lead the way, pushed by Cho Eun-Sil, to where Arshelly and Park Seul-Gi were .


The scheming and cheeky Park Seul-Gi immediately burst into tears when she saw her mother .

“Daughter! Daughter!”

Cho Eun-Sil hugged Park Seul-gi, and tried to calm her down .

“Wahhh… M-Mom… It hurts… It hurts…”

“Okay, okay . It’s alright now, Seul-Gi . How much did it hurt? Oh, my daughter…”

“Sob… Sob… It hurts… Mom…”

“Who did it? Who hit my daughter?!”

Cho Eun-Sil looked around the room, her eyes red .

“Who was…”

Looking for the one that had hit Park Seul-gi, Cho Eun-Sil found a small girl next to Park Seul-gi, with a sad expression on her face .

“It’s you, isn’t it . ”

Cho Eun-Sil let go of Park Seul-Gi, and walked towards Arshelly .

“You… You’re the b*tch who hit our Seul-Gi?”

“ . . . Yes . ”

“So it was you, huh . You…”

The body of Cho Eun-Sil started to shiver .

You, you’re screwed now! Ha!

My mom is terrifying, did you know that? You’re soooo screwed now .

You don’t have a strong mom like this, huh? Do you?

Behind Cho Eun-Sil, Park Seul-Gi looked at Arshelly with a laughing expression .

Seul-Gi… Is a terrible person .

Arshelly could read her thoughts from her expression .

For an S rank psychic like Arshelly, it was all too easy to read the emotions of a little girl like Park Seul-Gi .

“You . ”

Cho Eun-Sil poked a finger at Arshelly’s forehead .

“You… You…”

Kuk . Kuk .

“You hit my daughter?!”

Arshelly was pushed back due to the poking of Cho Eun-Sil .

“I’m sorry, ma’m . ”

“You’re sorry?”


“This b*tch . Do you think it’s okay if you’re sorry, huh? After you break the teeth of my beautiful child?”

“Seul-Gi… Seul-gi was the one that first pulled my hair and teased me… it was because I got angry… I’m sorry . ”

“Teased you? Our Seul-gi?”

“Yes… she said that I didn’t have a father… and also belittled me by saying that my family is poor…”

“Your family is poor?”

Cho Eun-Sil didn’t seem to care about anything that Arshelly had said before .

“Hey . ”

Instead, Cho Eun-Sil called the piano teacher .

“This girl, is her family poor?”


“Are you deaf? I asked, is this girl’s family poor?”

“W-What do you mean by that…”

“What does her father do? Does she really not have one?”

“I’ve heard that he is a businessman… But he’s never come here in person, so…”

“How about her mother?”

“I’ve heard… that she doesn’t have a mother, so normally her grandmother comes to pick her up . Or sometimes a woman…”

“Is that so?”

Making the judgment that Arshelly had a poor and weak family, Cho Eun-Sil smirked evilly .

“Hmmm? So… a girl who doesn’t have any backing and isn’t properly educated hit my daughter? I mean, for someone who doesn’t have a mother, I guess it makes sense because she wouldn’t have ever gotten education about manners and everything . Well, I wonder how the father who taught her for her to grow up like this is…”

“Seul-gi’s mother . ”

And at that, Arshelly spoke back clearly . She wasn’t one to just go down like this, not after Cho Eun-Sil had cursed about her family .

“Though it is true that I hit Seul-gi, she was the one that first pulled my hair, and then teased me . Of course… it’s my fault for hitting her so hard . I apologize for that . ”

After bowing towards Cho Eun-Sil…

“But… to talk about my family like that, doesn’t that seem a little bit rude? I’m not poor . And even if I were poor, I don’t think that you should be speaking to me like that . ”

Arshelly spoke her thoughts .


The piano teacher rushed to stop Arshelly from speaking .


“It makes sense that I am getting punished for hitting Seul-Gi . It makes sense, so I admit my fault for that . But please don’t speak like that about my family . ”

“T-This… look how this b*tch is speaking!”

Cho Eun-Sil couldn’t speak back because of how dumbstruck she was . She didn’t think that she would get retorted like that by a 9-year-old child .

“They said you don’t have a mother… It seems like you don’t have manners too, huh?”

“That seems a little bit rude . ”

“What? Shut up, you little b*tch!”

Unable to repress her anger, Cho Eun-Sil’s hand went up . It was in preparation to slap Arshelly’s face . But…

Suddenly, someone grabbed the hands of Cho Eun-Sil .

“This woman, you don’t seem to have good manners, eh? How dare you try to raise your filthy hands against my grand-daughter!”

It was the appearance of Arshelly’s grandmother, Park Sun-ja!


Cho Eun-Sil screamed as if she were in pain .

“Let go! Let go of my hand!”

“Shall we talk it out, or talk with our fists now?”

The strength of Park Sun-ja who had worked in the market for 20 years was not something that Cho Eun-Sil could handle .

“A-Alright, alright . Let go first . ”

“I’ll trust you . ”

Park Sun-ja finally let go of Cho Eun-Sil’s hands .

“I’m warning you right now, but if you touch a single hair on my beautiful grand-daughter, it won’t end with just your wrist . You hear me?”

“You… you’re just a woman who’s a little bit strong . Do you really think that you can handle my husband? Huh?”

. . . Is what Cho Eun-Sil shouted, but Park Sun-ja didn’t listen, as she was busy hugging Arshelly .

“G-Grandma… sorry for making a mess . ”

“It’s alright, you can just apologize to each other and be friends again, right?”


“Were you lonely, Arshelly?”

“ . . . A little…”

It seemed that even the Royal Princess was just a little girl at times .

“Y-You guys… Pissing me off . You don’t have money, but you’re strong . Is that it? When my husband gets here… Just you wait for what happens…”

As soon as she finished those words, a black Rolls Royce appeared outside . Park Seul-Gi’s father, the adventurer Park Chul-Hwan, had come!


At the same time .

Finally returning from Pangaea, Kang Chul-In hopped into his Bugatti Veyron supersport, and turned on the engine .

The destination was supposed to be home, but…

Arshelly .

Since it was also about time that Arshelly’s piano academy finished, Kang Chul-In had the urge to see his daughter . He also felt somewhat guilty due to the fact that he had never picked her up from the academy after registering her .

I’m coming, Arshelly .

Thinking that, Kang Chul-In changed his destination to the Piano Academy . Off to pick up Arshelly!

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