Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 471: Surrounded

Everyone held their breath and waited until the flying Zergs passed through the valley below. After a while, the ground trembled more violently; the cargo was almost there.

Guan Dongyang pressed his ear to the ground and listened to the din attentively, and was surprised to realize the size of the transport fleet was much bigger than what he was told. He stood up and looked at the distant valley. It took him only one glance to know that it was not a small force; the entire valley was filled to the brim with swarms of Zergs. Guan Dongyang estimated the number to be at least five thousand. Among those five thousand Zergs, he wagered that there would be at least a couple high tier hybrid Zergs, the so-called dark ones.

As doubt about the mission sprout in Guan Dongyang\'s mind, he was painfully aware that he had no choice but to carry on. Once the bulk of the Zerg army pressed close enough to them, it was only a matter of time until their ambush was discovered.

Leaders of the other two factions also sensed the urgency, and were caught off guard by how inaccurate the information was. As one of the leaders took a closer look at the swarms of Zergs, he was surprised to find out that amidst the sea of Zergs stood a giant, emerald colored monstrosity: the Nestor Zerg. And on the back of the Nestor stood a dark one. Behind the monstrosity was a file of Spider Zergs, each carrying a giant cargo box on their back.

The infighting and competition between Patroclus and Moye had been fierce. Although Patroclus had adopted the humans\' technology, the Dark Lord had outright banned the use of any human tools. In the eyes of the dark lord, science and technology was the reason that human had become so weak in both mind and bodies.

Guan Dongyang zoomed the view on to the dark one and was astonished to find out that his power was at least at par with a level seventeen human warrior. Everyone\'s attention was caught by the marching Zergs, and no one had noticed a lonely figure and a robot standing on the top of a distant hill.

Charcoal never liked this barren and dusty red planet. He preferred the lush greens on Norton. After the war, even the very little vegetation inside the doomed greenhouses was destroyed by the Dark Lord. However manipulative Moye was, his plan of turning Patroclus into another one of his puppets had failed miserably. Five years later, Patroclus had successfully turned the tables, and as his influence grew at every nook and cranny of the universe. Moye now found himself at the risk of being substituted by his former apprentice.

The schism between the two most influential warlords was quite pervasive. One would only need to look at the architectural styles of their colonies to see their profound differences. The structures built on Earth and the Moon under Patroclus\' occupation was a combination of humans\' conventional architectural style and Patroclus\' personal tastes, which was elegant according to human standards. However, the buildings commissioned by the dark lord on the Mars were an amalgamation of various alien building styles and Zergs\' burrow-like accommodations.

Ever since the birth of the hybrid Zergs, the Zergs realized the importance of assimilating the human culture to completely root out the resistance. The power of the Blade Warrior also spurred the Zergs to crave the secrets locked inside humans\' mortal coil. The goal of the Zergs was simple, to consume everything in their way. And to do that, they would need to constantly improve themselves to stay at the top of the food chain. Ever since the Zergs entered the milky way galaxy, Blade Warrior became the only roadblock they had encountered. The threat that the Blade Warrior had posed to the Zerg race was not only due to his immense power, but also the well-played move of cutting off the communication between the Zergs.

One of Moye\'s main task was to find out the source of Blade Warrior\'s power and reopen the portal that led to the Zerg headquarters.

However menacing the Zergs seemed to the human, mother nature was rather indifferent to their existence. Perhaps in the eyes of the universe itself, it was humans who were the source of all malice and evil, and Zergs were merely a tool to root out the human race, much like the immune system in the human body.

Wang Tong watched the swarms of Zergs in the distance and reckoned that being a hero was already a thing of the past. It was only a matter of time before either Patroclus or Moye gained the key to the Blade Warrior\'s secrets, and Wang Tong hopped that it was Patroclus who could do it first.

"Charcoal, run a scan for me."

"Master, there are six thousand and one hundred Zergs on the surface, and another nine hundred and twenty underneath the earth. One hundred of those Zergs are level fifteen and above, fifty-three dark ones, and eighteen commander level dark ones." Charcoal announced the numbers mechanically.

"They won\'t be able to fend off the attack. Get ready!"

"Yes, Master."

Before Charcoal\'s voice faded, Wang Tong disappeared into thin air.

Meanwhile, at the ambush spot, Guan Dongyang was still hesitant about carrying out the original plan.

The massive escort team was a telltale sign of the item\'s significance. If it eventually made its way into the city, it would likely make taking over the city an even harder task than it already was. Plus, there was a high concentration of dark ones among the Zergs, so it would be easier to get rid of them now than picking them off one by one during the chaotic siege.

"Bothers and sisters of the Battle Wolf, our time has come! We will stop them right here! No Zerg would be able to walk cross us and enter the city!" Guan Dongyang encouraged his fighters and let out a battle cry.

On the other side of the hill and among the fighters from the Thunder Fire and Rock Busters, the battle spirit was not wavering either. They knew that once these Zergs made their way into the city, it would be even harder to get rid of them. They had arrived at the make or break moment!

The Zerg army was fast approaching as the stench in the air grew in intensity by the seconds. Everyone held their breath and waited for the order from Guan Dongyang.

Guan Dongyang locked his eyes on a throng of high-level dark ones: those were his real targets. If the first surprise attack were able to kill the leader of the pack, they would have already won half of the battle.


Fifty mastery users cranked up their soul energy at the same time and followed Guan Dongyang\'s lead to start chanting. This spell was a group mastery that was created by Michaux.

The appearance of the massive amount of soul energy quickly attacked the Zerg\'s attention. As swarms of low-level Zergs charged toward the mastery fighters out of mindless instinct, the leader of the dark ones on the Nestor Zerg cast a chilling glance toward the hill.

Ross rushed out of his hiding spot and charged toward the incoming attackers.

"Follow me! F*ck all these bugs! KILL! CHARGE! CHARGE!"

"Super Fire Drake!"


A fire drake appeared in the air and charged at the center of the Zerg Army, carrying the power of fifty mastery casters.

Suddenly, a pair of giant wings spread behind the back of the dark one and lifted it up into the air, leaving the rest of the Zerg Army to the gaping mouth of the fiery dragon.

Wang Tong\'s face darkened. The Zerg he knew would never have dodged such attack; the dark ones fought more like humans than Zergs.

Seeing the surprise attack miss its target, Guan Dongyang let out a sharp gasp. His heart sank at the thought of the remainder of the fight.


Leaders of the Thunder Fire and Rock Buster led their troops into the clearing. Captain of the Thunder Fire Marcos was charging from the frontline. He was a level seventeen fighter, one of Guan Dongyang\'s competitors. However, at this critical moment, he had put away differences and thrown himself into the danger.

The Zergs on the surface weren\'t in a hurry to charge at the attackers. Instead, the ground under the human soldier\'s feet caved in, and hundreds of Zergs emerged out from under the ground. Those were Kamikaze Zergs. In a blink, flames of all colors painted the battleground as the Kamikaze Zergs exploded.

The leader of the dark ones hovered high above the ground, its deadly eyes locked onto one person: Guan Dongyang.

Every powerful human was a precious specimen for study. The dark one swooped down at Guan Dongyang, and the latter quickly removed himself from the crowd of mastery casters.

The other mastery fighters reacted quickly, and their fireballs streaked the sky, but none hit the charging enemy. Guan Dongyang furrowed his brow as he realized that the leader of the dark one was on the same level as him. It was going to be an uphill battle, since the dark one was guaranteed to have a better defense than a human fighter of the same level.

Despite the difficulty ahead, Guan Dongyang knew he had to press forward and succeed. The METAL fighters were already wavering under the attacks from all sides. Ten percent of the METAL fighters were dead before they made their way to the bulk of the Zerg force.

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