Black Iron's Glory

Chapter 131: Search

Chapter 131: Search

Today was the last day of Year 575 of the sacred light calendar. After that day, Claude would be considered eighteen by the kingdom’s laws and even though his birthday was on the 18th day of the 3rd month, it wouldn’t make a difference.

Starting next year, Claude would be considered a peasant of Aueras. He would have to pay his own head tax and other duties to the kingdom as expected from peasants. He would no longer be able to enjoy the benefits of a dignitarian which extended to him. Then again, Morssen was locked up in the military encampment and treated as a felon that threatened national security, so whether he would be able to keep his dignity was still uncertain.

So this must be like the lunar new year’s eve from my previous life when families gather together and have a grand meal to make merry… However, that year, the mood at his home was sullen. There were only four people there. His mother was bedridden and consumed less, allegedly due to a lack of appetite. His father was in the military encampment, and Arbeit wouldn’t dare return home that night either.

Angelina took care of the chores during the afternoon without being prompted, cleaning even the stairs and floorboards until there wasn’t a single speck. After that night, she would be fourteen. She finally finished her third year at elementary school and would be able to go to middle school the next year. But ever since her father was arrested, she was worried whether she’d be able to continue school as usual next year. If her father didn’t return, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the student fee benefits Morssen’s position in the administration afforded him and the 12 thales of school fees would prove to be a huge burden on the household.

Even if Claude swore that he would definitely send his sister to middle school next year and even settle the fees himself, his sister still stared at him with a pitiful look. She understood that the house had run out of money. Claude had to reassure her once more to stop her from worrying.

Bloweyk would be eight next year and the bear of a child was growing more sensible as time passed. Apart from taking care of the snowhound that had its legs injured, he would often go upstairs to check on his mother and no longer pestered Claude to play with him. That touched Claude quite a lot and he brought out his self-made tangram puzzle to teach Bloweyk how to play it.

During the night, Claude cooked a plentiful meal, but the three of them feasted away in silence. Claude sent his mother her food to her bedside. But due to her worry for her apprehended husband and the shock from being robbed by Arbeit, her own son, caused her to lose all appetite. As Claude tried to console her, he made a mental note that he would definitely make sure Arbeit didn’t leave his grasp before he was half dead.

There were many people walking about on the main street at night. It was incredibly busy and every house was decorated with bright lanterns of varying designs and colors by their entrances.

Claude went to the storeroom and took out some old lanterns from last year, lit two candles and put them inside before hanging the lanterns out. The events that transpired near the end of this year caught them completely off guard. The family was ill-equipped to celebrate the new year’s, for instance, they didn’t have any of the usual new year’s snacks they served guests. Though, Claude didn’t really mind it either way, since he believed that not many people would bother to visit now that his father was captured.

Last year around that time, Claude was brought to the wargod’s shrine to await the ringing of the new year’s bell. He later went to the moon goddess’s shrine with Eriksson. His mother on the other hand brought Bloweyk and Angelina to the earth goddess’s shrine. This year, the three shrines might be the same as they used to be, but Claude had lost all interest in participating in the festivities. He wasn’t going to the three shrines to make merry.

Claude brought his siblings to the study on the first floor. His sister liked reading and would often look for something to dig her mind into from the bookshelves. Claude on the other hand would read some stories to his little brother. However, most of the children’s books Morssen bought were already torn to shreds by Bloweyk; the little destroyer insisted that Claude tell him some new stories and was very picky about its type. He preferred stories with knights and dragons in them.

Having no other choice, Claude could only pick a popular chivalric romance from the shelf and read it to his brother as he added his own twist to the story.

Time flowed by quickly and the new year’s bell from the wargod shrine could finally be heard. His sister put down her book and yawned. She stood up and said, “Happy new year, Brother.”

“Happy new year to you too, Anna.” Claude looked at his brother, who was sound asleep in his embrace, and said lovingly, “Go to sleep. It’s the new year and I’m sure you are barely holding on too. Just look. Blowk’s already sound asleep and even the ringing of the bell wasn’t able to wake him.”

“Okay. I want to sleep too, but I heard everyone say that wishing during the new year’s bell is the most effective. I managed to stay awake to see it through.”

“Oh, is that so? What did you wish for?”

“I can’t say, Brother. Don’t you know that wishes lose their magic when you tell others about them? I’m going to sleep now.”

His sister began to wash up. Claude carried Bloweyk to his bed and went to check on his mother. She was still awake, lying in her bed quietly. Claude saw two streams of tears on her face.

“Mom, do you want something to eat?”

She shook her head. “There’s no need. I can’t eat. It’s the new year, Claude. You’ve already grown to become an adult. Time really flies. You’re all grown up now in the blink of an eye.”

Claude went to the washroom and got some warm water. He squeezed a cloth dry of water and handed it to her. “Wipe your face down, mom. Happy new year and stay healthy. Don’t worry about Father. Our family will be fine. I’m still here, and I’ll take care of Blowk and Anna. All you have to do is to rest up and recover.”

Madam Ferd squeezed out a smile with much difficulty. “Thank you, Claude. Happy new year to you too. I wish you to have a bright future ahead. I guess our family can only count on you now.”

“Don’t worry, mom. We’re family. Take some rest, I’ll be going downstairs now. Just pull the rope bell if you need anything. I’ll come up when I hear it.”

When he got downstairs, Claude added some more water and food for Jemmy, who was within the stable. Perhaps because of the sudden ringing of the bell, Jemmy was startled and it was circling within the stable anxiously. When it saw Claude, it poked its snout out and Claude proceeded to calm it down. When it finally settled, Claude started feeding it and refilling its water.

He went back inside and went to the first floor to blow out the oil lamp. Claude sat on the couch within the study alone and let his mental sense flow to the second floor.

His siblings were sound asleep and his mother also had her eyes closed. But she had only just entered sleep and it was still light. The slightest sound could still wake her.

After half an hour, Madam Ferd’s breathing finally slowed to a regular pace, a sign of deep sleep. Claude lightly got up of the couch and changed into the clothes he had prepared.

As most of the townsfolk would head to the three main shrines for celebration, the keepers called off the soldiers that guarded the streets within town and instead reinforced their security at the entrances to town. Claude wouldn’t have to worry about being searched by the soldiers as he moved about.

Snow was falling and a substantial layer of it had piled up on the ground.

Claude pulled his robes and cap tight, tightened the shawl on his face, and closed the door softly. Soon, he faded into the crowds that moved about on the streets.

There were still a lot of people there, most of them being people who were returning from their shrine visit. There were a few drunks howling and crying out loud in the middle of the road from time to time and quite a number of men headed to the old street together.

Perhaps for many men, that night was the only night when they could let themselves lose. The harlots on the old street continued to accost customers as usual. The brothels didn’t cease operations; instead, they worked even busier than usual. Naturally, the usual prices were doubled, and that was also one reason the service women didn’t want to take a rest.

The old street looked rather merry, which was quite out of the ordinary. Red and green flags were hung up all over. Many food stalls lined the street, which was swarming with people, many among them were keepers dressed in dark blue uniforms. It was said that they received a bonus payment that night, so they were the prime clients of the harlots.

Claude walked through the entire street and didn’t spot the one he was looking for. When one wanted information in the old street, the harlots were one of the main sources, apart from the little teenage pickpockets and Blacksnake gang members. Those three types of people were the ones who could readily access information there.

Oddly, Claude didn’t find any pickpockets on the old street. Crowded streets should be prime hunting grounds for their sort, yet not a single one could be spotted coursing their way through the crowds that night.

So, he decided to find some harlots to ask for information, though, he gave up soon after. The harlots were far too busy that night and the moment they left their rooms, other men would be lining up and haggling for the price for their services. Business was booming.

So, he thought of asking the gang members, only to discover that most of them were grouped together to maintain order on the street, without a single one of them left alone. Claude couldn’t approach them.

After some pondering, he bought a bottle of gran wine from a stall and spilled some on his clothes, before using some for a gargle to make it seem like he had a bottle too many. Then, he leaned on a nearby wall and glared intently at the passers-by.

As expected, two Blacksnakes soon approached him.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

Claude replied with a hoarse voice, “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m waiting for someone… Those two fools said they’d bring me to a fun place for a gamble or two, but they ended up getting dragged into the rooms by those whores. So I took a walk around and lost my way after that. I’m waiting for them here, and I’m not sure whether they’re still on this street.”

“Then why don’t you find a woman to have some fun with?” a gang member asked.

“I’m not interested. How can women be more fun than cards? The moment when the cards open is truly anxious and exciting! Whatever, I won’t wait for them anymore. I better go back to get some sleep.”

“Eh, wait. Friend, do you want me to introduce you to a good place?” the other lankier Blacksnake said.

“A good place?” Claude looked at him with a doubting gaze, before he shook his head. “It’s alright, it’s not like you know me well, so I ought not to trouble you. It’s better if I go to the tavern to share a table with someone.”

If Claude agreed on the spot, the gang members might doubt him. It was his refusal that convinced them that Claude was a real-deal gambler, causing them to let their guard down.

“Friend, just go and check it out with us. Look at you, all tough and huge. Do you think we’d dare try anything on you? It’s just up ahead nearby. If you think something’s wrong, just call for help. The town’s filled with keepers from the prefectural capital now, so none of us dare to cause trouble. We’re put in charge of the old street after all. Once you see it for yourself, you’ll know that we, Blacksnake, only do honest business.”

The gang member was quite the talented promoter and almost convinced Claude to get into gambling himself. Claude took two steps forward before feigning hesitation and turning back. “Alright, I’ll follow you. I’ll tell you beforehand that I’ll turn to leave if I’m not happy with it. Anyone who dares to stop me will be doomed…”

The two men were glad to see him turn around. “Don’t worry, the Blacksnakes call the shots on this street and nobody will dare mess with you. Friend, let us escort you there. I only fear that you’d love it too much to leave when you arrive.”

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