Genius Detective

Chapter 970: The Origin of Everything

Chapter 970: The Origin of Everything

The recording was still playing.

Gu You: What was the result of the test?

Patient: Several experiments have verified the accuracy of this mathematical model. I applied it to myself. The model predicted that my second boyfriend would cheat on me half a year later. It turned out just as expected. When I found out about him falling in love with another girl, not only was I not sad, but I was very excited. When choosing boyfriends again, I was very cautious, collecting their variables and putting them into this model to see if they were worthy of trust. Regrettably, all men are very unreliable.

Gu You: I also feel the same about this point. A good man is really one in a million.

Patient: Miss Gu, will you keep everything I say here confidential?

Gu You: Of course!

Patient: Even if it violates social boundaries and in the eyes of outsiders, it is... illegal? Will you keep it a secret? Or will you tell the police as soon as you turn around?

Gu You: I will definitely keep it secret. This is part of the basic professional ethics of psychological counselors.

Patient: Well, I believe you! My third boyfriend later became my husband. The model predicted that he was a very reliable person. Our relationship was also full of romance and sweetness. A few years later, we got married. At this time, I found out about something. A childhood sweetheart of his had died in a car accident. This may not sound like a big deal, but this created a new variable. When I put this variable into the model and recalculated, I got a shocking result. He... would kill me three years after our wedding day! I was anxious and uneasy day and night. The better he treated me, the more afraid I was. I didn\'t have the courage to file a divorce because I couldn\'t explain it all. He would treat me as a lunatic. Finally, I really couldn\'t bear this kind of suffering anymore and killed him!

There was a long silence, and one could tell that Gu You was very shocked. She said slowly, "You were worried that he would kill you, so you killed him?"

"No, no, no! I\'ve already said so much, yet you still don\'t understand? This was not a worry. My model is perfect, and predicted things will definitely happen. He would have definitely killed me!" She cried.

Gu You said, "Okay, I understand. I will definitely keep this matter secret. We’ve almost run out of time today. Next time, can you show me this model of yours?"

"Ok... I feel better now that I was able to tell you this secret. Thank you."

"You\'re welcome."

The recording ended here and Chen Shi exclaimed in shock, "Who is this patient?!"

Peng Sijue picked up a document and glanced at it. "It should be a woman named Chen Anhe, who is highly-educated. She’s a graduate student."

"I\'ve heard this name before! Chen Anhe, a female graduate student who killed her husband, was released in court because of insufficient evidence! Who would have thought of such a motive? She’s the one who created the Life Functions!"

"I have been pondering these samples these past two days." Peng Sijue stood up and walked outside.

Chen Shi followed him. "Did you figure it out?"

"More or less!" Peng Sijue picked up a sample. "This mathematical model was very ingeniously designed. It is based on using calculus to quantify the psychological characteristics of human beings in order to predict future actions... I used you as an experiment."


"Your life function shows that you will cheat in the seventh year of your marriage."

"Insane. What kind of mathematical fortune telling is this?"

"No, it\'s very scientific."

"No matter how scientific it is, I don\'t believe it. Life is full of variables, could you predict the future just with some mathematics? You just said that I will cheat in the seventh year of my marriage. What if I die in the line of duty in the sixth year? Besides, my relationship with Dongxue is very good. My cheating is simply sheer nonsense!"

"You aren’t going to die in the line of duty. This is what your life function told me. However, for example, if you’re on a mission and Xiaodong accidentally shot you down because he didn\'t sleep well last night, this kind of accident is unpredictable. The life function can only predict what must happen, because everyone has their own rules of behavior."

Chen Shi was speechless. "If I believe it’s true, it’s equivalent to acknowledging that the observer of humanity is correct."

"Since you’re limited by your position, you’d rather die than admit that it’s accurate?"

"We’ll leave this aside for the moment, everyone is busy with this case right now. You should come back and help too!"

After a moment of silence, Peng Sijue said, "I\'ll take these recordings away."

Chen Shi watched Peng Sijue copy the recordings onto a USB flash drive and said, "You can miss her, but don\'t put her on a pedestal, otherwise you won\'t be able to get over it. You have to start your own life again."

"I still need some time."

Chen Shi sighed. "You must have used that life function to predict your future, right?"

"Yes, I’m destined to be all alone."

"All alone? Well, I will prove how unreliable this thing is!"

The two got into the car and Chen Shi said, "Don\'t you think this is a paradox? Killing the person who wants to kill in advance, but the person who was killed didn’t commit a crime at all!"

"If you could time-travel to before World War II and have the opportunity to end Hitler\'s life with your own hands, would you do it?"

"This assumption doesn’t work. Even if someone can kill Hitler in childhood, the tide of history will not change, and Hitler II or Hitler III will appear!"

"Isn\'t history the result of human actions? You both deny the inevitability of fate and claim that history cannot be changed. That’s a contradiction."

"Why do I feel like you’re speaking on behalf of the observer of humanity?"

"If you can\'t win an argument, you’ll use your position to suppress others? I’m not helping anyone. I\'m just debating with you!"

Chen Shi made a helpless gesture. "Okay, okay, I surrender, whether fate is inevitable or accidental, it will only happen once."

Peng Sijue sneered. Chen Shi was very happy that his old friend was back to normal again.

At this time, Chen Shi\'s cell phone rang and Lin Dongxue asked, "Where are you?"

"I’m about to come back with Old Peng."

"A murder by injection has happened again. We’re now rushing to the scene. Come over quickly!"

"What?!" Chen Shi couldn\'t believe it. He believed that the murderer who used injections was just another executor. Since the observer of humanity had announced the cessation of all criminal activities, why was this person still committing crimes?

"Tell me the address!" Chen Shi said.

The two rushed to the scene. The police who arrived earlier had already cordoned off the scene. It was a public toilet in a deserted shopping street. The deceased was a male plopped down in a cubicle. His belt had yet to be fastened and there was white foam at the mouth.

The forensic officer who was examining the corpse fished out an envelope from the deceased\'s bosom and handed it to Chen Shi so he could have a look. It contained a new life function.

He couldn\'t understand it, so he handed it to Peng Sijue, who frowned over it for a long time. "This isn’t a life function at all!"

"Then what is it?"

"It\'s nothing. The above deduction process is a mess. It\'s just a poor imitation!"

Chen Shi looked at the body in shock. "In other words, the murderer who uses injections is just a copycat?!"

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