NPC Town-building Game

Chapter 105

Edited by X-treme

C105: I’m a little hesitant to attack the tunnel

After safely exiting the tunnel, the villagers concentrated on escaping without stopping. There was no monster chasing them, as I had feared, and it wasn’t until five minutes later that the villagers, who had been running for a while, stopped.

“The enemy doesn’t seem to be following us. Chem, are you all right?”

“Yes, brother. I managed.”

Chem, the least physically strong of the group, repeatedly took deep breaths in an attempt to regulate her erratic breathing.

“So, what are you going to do, bro? You’re the representative of the Village of Destiny, after all.”

Gams closed his eyes and pondered as the leader of the hunters urged him on.

“The God of Fate has seen the series of events and has instructed us to retreat. I would like to ask God’s decision on what to do after this.”

“That’s right. I’m sure the God of Fate will show us the right path.”

There you go, asking for help from the gods in times of trouble. The villagers, including Gams and Chem, have put all their trust in me, the……God of Fate. I’d like to live up to their expectations, but I guess I’ll have to take this situation into consideration. I can’t help but watch the people returning to the village, so I contacted Makoto while keeping an eye out for any pursuers.


“Oh, Yoshio-senpai! I’d like to continue where I left off!”

I could tell from her ragged breathing and the way she spoke that she was excited.

“First of all, calm down. We need to find out why they’re here and decide what to do about it. We also need to keep an eye on the entrance and exit of that tunnel and the abandoned village where the monsters are gathering.”

“You’re right. This time, we can see the monster pool in the abandoned village…….That’s weird. I don’t know why…….”

The excitement in his voice had subsided a bit, but this time he seemed confused and whispered something to himself.

“What’s going on?”

“Well, you see. I can see the entrance to the tunnel, but I can’t see the abandoned village anymore.”

“That’s ridiculous…….”

I moved my mouse to take a look at the abandoned village, but I could see the entrance to the tunnel, but from there on it was all black.

“I can’t see anything. I don’t understand.”

The only thing I can think of is that there is an ability to obstruct the opponent’s vision in the miracles and specifications of the……evil side player.

If that’s the case, I have my doubts. Maybe he was just underestimating me, but what if there was a reason why he couldn’t use it? A miracle that can only be used by certain evil gods, or an ability that can be used by high level players?

Maybe it’s like my 《Territory》, which can only be used if you exceed a certain level. When I think about it, it makes sense that Chosokabe couldn’t use it.

“Maybe it’s a miracle on the evil side or something that’s interfering?”

“Oh, I see. I’m sure there’s a miracle to obstruct the opponent’s vision.”

“I can’t be sure, though. More importantly, those are the streamers in that village, right?”

“But why are those people in the other world? Did they cross over to the other world like Yoshio-senpai?”

That’s what I thought too, but God of Fate said that the hole was closed. No human will ever pass through it again. I don’t want to think that God was lying to me. If that were the case, wouldn’t it be possible that there is something that even God doesn’t know about?

“If you think about it, the tunnel that was broadcasted was connected to another world, right?”

“That’s all I can think of. But we can’t go to the other world now, can we?”

“That’s what I heard. However, the route of the tunnel may not be known even to the God of Fate. That’s why the evil gods are keeping it a secret.”

“It’s possible.”

I just randomly said something that came to mind, but maybe I guessed right?

“Either way, I’ll ask the God of Fate. I’ll get back to you when I know the results.”

“Okay. I’ll try to find out more.”

“Please do. See you later.”

“Okay, excuse me.”

I finished my call with Makoto and let out a breath. The other world and Japan are connected again. I don’t know what the purpose is or why it happened, but what I need to do now is to contact God. After the phone rang three times, I heard a voice from the other side.

“Hello. What’s up? Did you want to hear my voice?”

The usual cheerful voice. She doesn’t seem to be aware of our situation. She said she’s watching what I’m doing online, but not always because of her job as a game manager.

“Actually, something like this has happened.”

When I told her what had actually happened, she listened quietly until the end.

‘Such a thing. Hmm, but no, then that would be……”

She was mumbling something, as if she had some idea of what was going on. I thought it would be rude to interrupt her thoughts, so I waited in silence with the phone to my ear.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just thinking about it. I think it’s probably something to do with the evil gods, but I can’t be sure. Didn’t I tell you before that there’s a hole in Hokkaido?”

“It’s the same hole that Carol and I passed through.”

“Yes, that. It is reasonable to think that there are more holes in other parts of Japan and the evil gods are taking advantage of it.”

I see. There was more than one “hole” in the invisible wall between the worlds. If the holes were created in the aftermath of the fierce battle between the Lord God and the Evil God, it would be more natural to be more than one.

“So, the Iryu Mujin Village may be the halfway point. The hole is smaller than this one, and we can’t get back and forth, so they’re adjusting things in that village. Or they’re experimenting to see if they can lure in unrelated Japanese people and send them to the other world?”

She said it jokingly, but the explanation seemed to fit.

“The streamers couldn’t get out of the village; I thought it was a ward or something similar.

“I’m not sure if it’s because the village is in a space between the other world and Japan, so you can get in there, but you can’t go to the other world yet. They were captured and are being experimented on in order to make it possible for them to go there somehow. If that’s the case, it’s safe to assume that their safety has been secured.”

“If that’s the case, is it impossible to free them from the village?”

“I’m not sure if that’s possible…….If someone who can adapt to that mixed space of the other world and Japan can go there and take them out, there is a high probability that they can return to Japan.”

Someone who can adapt. Does that mean God? Or perhaps there is someone else who fits the bill……I can think of only one person.

“Um, I have a really bad feeling about this.”

“Bingo. I think Japanese people who have been to other worlds can interfere with the village. And you know that……don’t you?”

I didn’t want to answer that question, but I had to say it, didn’t I?

“Is it me?”

I’m a precious Japanese with experience in other worlds. I’m the only one who can do that.

“That’s right!”

Why does the voice coming from my phone sound so happy?

Probably, originally, you can’t enter the village unless they invite you in. But you, Yoshio, have been exposed to the divine aura of the other world through your life in the other world. I’m sure you’ll be able to get inside easily because the conditions are similar to those of the otherworldly village. Of course, I’ll back you up.”

“So, you’re saying I should check out the village?”

“Yes. But it’s not mandatory. If you want to help them, that is. I don’t have any sympathy for them because they are strangers and they deserve it.”

It’s true that I can’t be blamed for abandoning them. But when I remember the way they were crying, I want to help them as a human being.

“By the way, what is the purpose of connecting the other world and Japan?”

“I think the ultimate goal is for the followers to return to the other world. However, there are some dangerous people on the evil god side who genuinely like confusion and fear. There’s no guarantee that these people won’t summon monsters from other worlds to run rampant in Japan.”

A pack of monsters coming in from another world. I tried to imagine the scene of those green kobolds and single-eyed red devils running rampant in Japan…….crazy. I’m sure it will be a hellish scene with people screaming and hollering. If that happens, it won’t just be chaos. It would be a massacre.

“Are the followers of the Evil God dangerous people?”

“It’s hard to say in general. You know that some of the followers of the Evil God are former main gods, and vice versa.”

Are you saying that not all police officers have a sense of justice, or that not all politicians want to improve the country? If that’s the case, I can understand it.

“Whatever it is, it’s definitely a crisis. If the place is as we feared, we have to do something about it. For that reason, I hope that someone will go and check it out…”

Only at the end did she make a sweet sound. I want to repay the God of Destiny for all the help she has given me. However, I was reluctant to go to such a dangerous place to investigate.

When I remembered the scene of zombies and skeletons, I was so scared that I shuddered. There was no way I could resist if I was attacked by one of those things. The only equipment I have for killing monsters is a wooden bat.

“Wouldn’t it be unreliable if all we had was a lousy ex-neet?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell you to go alone.”

Whoa, could it be that God is going to accompany me? If so, that’s quite reassuring.

“You see Yoshio’s partner there? Here, next to you.”

The words prompted me to look beside me, and I saw Destiny looking up at me.


“He was born in a different world and raised in Japan, and since he passed through the Hole, he fits the bill perfectly. There’s no choice but to go!”

That being said, the conditions are certainly not a problem. The most suitable person for that place……me. And with my partner, I feel like I can do it. The most important thing is that we have a bond that has helped us overcome difficulties together until now.

“All right. I’ll go investigate.”

“What, you don’t want me to go along with this?”

“No, I don’t. If I refuse, I’ll probably lose sleep worrying about it. If that’s the case, I thought it would be better to take the plunge and move on. I’m tired of spending my days doing nothing.”

I know from first-hand experience that if you don’t take the first step, nothing will happen. It’s better to have the courage to move than to stay stuck in regret. That’s what I promised myself to do.

“However, I don’t want to do anything reckless, so I’ll wait until I’ve gathered a little more information and prepared myself.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll look into it, and nail it down to the evil gods as to what will happen if they harm my player.”

It seems that the attendant gods on the Lord God side work on the third floor of the same building, and the attendant gods on the Evil God side work on the second floor.

I can’t think of any other word than surreal when I imagine the work scene, but I’d like to visit the company. I wonder what God’s workplace……is like.

“Don’t be reckless. If you’re in danger, run.”

“Of course. I don’t have the courage to be reckless or do anything crazy.”

“Hmm, you seem like the type to do something rash, Yoshio. I’m counting on you. I’ll be in touch.”

The God of Destiny hung up the call in a voice that sounded cheerful.

“Since that’s the case, will you go to the island with me sometime?”

When I asked my trusty partner, he nodded with a wide bend of his upper body. Now that I’ve gotten my companion’s approval, I’ll do my best to prepare for the trip and gather information.

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