Rise of Humanity

Chapter 723 - Great Feng

Chapter 723: Great Feng

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Monarch-level presences that fought here?”

The crowd looked out from the deck of the ship where the scenes before them changed abruptly.

Mountains and rivers, winds and clouds, trees and grasses, a world was formed right in front of them in just the blink of an eye.

And the stars shone bright high up in the sky, followed shortly by a blinding sun and cold moon.

“This… the Creator-level skill?”

The crowd were out of words. Creating a world, sun and moon, and stars just like that, perhaps even Creators like Realm Monarch Yunshan wouldn’t be able to do it so easily.

Furthermore, the skill was cast a hundred thousand years ago yet it still left a deep mark in this place. Who knew just how terrifyingly strong the skill was when it was cast.

“Don’t worry, the skill’s power has long since eroded,” Heavenly King Shang said, “Else, not to mention that the whole fleet would be reduced to ashes before we noticed it, even the Realm Monarchs would be diminished instantly as well.”

They sailed past the world, and indeed, other than the picturesque scenes, nothing else happened.

Soon, they sailed into another skill like that. This time, it was a sword that laid horizontally and the light coming from it brightened the endless space. When the fleet of ships sailed above the sword, the ships were reduced into the tiniest atoms!

Even the reflections on the sword were all disintegrated into tiny particles.

When the crowd tried to find their shadows, they could only barely recognize the shadows based on their positions.

“The power of this sword is beyond perception, but its nature evokes the origin of the Dao,” Heavenly King Shang praised.

The crowd nodded togetherly. Although it was just a skill, the sword reflected everything on it in their true nature. Which meant that whoever stood against it would be disintegrated into the tiny particles that formed them.

Only those whose nature wasn’t reflected by the sword had a chance to fight back.

One after another, the fleet of ships sailed past the skills that never failed to amaze the crowd.

However, the power of these skills was wiped away by the ancient figures; making them only deadly in appearance.

Not only was the potency of the skills gone, but the information within the skills was also wiped away as well. Zhong Yue thought, No one other than the witnesses would know why, who, and how everything happened. A hundred thousand years ago, the Earth Order Era was ended, the Fuxi was sealed, and every recordings about it were covered away. Could this ancient battlefield be one of those that are related to the end of the Earth Order Era?

Heavenly King Shang said, “But there is only little to none of the recordings on the ancient days, making it extremely hard to glean the truth. I’ve once asked the Realm Monarch, but even he doesn’t know what happened.”

“The skills here, some felt like it’s from the Fuxi Clan,” Xin Huo said.

Zhong Yue was surprised and he thought, The Fuxi Clan’s skills? Could it be the Fuxi Clan’s Monarch?

Heavenly King Shang picked up the fluctuations Zhong Yue’s psyche, and he glanced around curiously before finally locking onto a group of ten of them. His gaze then narrowed to only Zhong Yue and Yu Bochuan.

After this, the Heavenly King mulled for seconds before finally locking his sights onto Zhong Yue.

Back when in the Ancient Land of God Graves, he had already picked up the same strange fluctuation of psyche. Initially, he thought it was an ancient treasure but couldn’t find whose hand it was in. But ever since then, he has been nonstop thinking about it. Now that he sensed it again from Zhong Yue’s body, greed immediately overcame his heart.

Zhong Yue looked back, he smiled and his psyche rumbled as he said, “Heavenly King, think of the presence behind me.”

Heavenly King Shang tightened his heart and stamped on his greed as he thought of the times when Goddess Shen Hou’s aura alone trapped him in the Ancient Land of God Graves for a whole year.

Zhong Yue furtively heaved a breath of relief, he looked around and ask, “Which one are the Fuxi Clan’s skills?”

“That sword!” Xin Huo answered, “The sword is a skill formed from the Fuxi’s innate dragon scales of the highest level. It is a skill that reflects the origin of Dao. Other than that, there are some other ones scattered around the battlefield! Whatever happened here, it was heavily linked to the fall of the Fuxi.”

All of a sudden, the space in front of them trembled vigorously. Heavenly King Shang’s face changed drastically, he shouted, “Be careful! There is still a skill’s remnant that hasn’t been wiped away by the ancient figures! Generals, generals! Power the ships and form a formation!”

As he spoke, a deafening loud boom cracked the space in front of them like a mirror!

It felt like the end of the universe, but just a second later, ships larger than the Heaven Court’s fleet of ships sailed out from the void. Even when the Heaven Court’s ships were each thousands of miles long, they were just as small as sharks met with a group of Kun Peng in front of the ships that sailed out of the void.

The crowd looked up and stared dumbly at the ships sized like planets. There were lanterns made from suns placed along the sides, casting darkness away from every corner of the deck.

However, the ships were in bad shape, shabby and worn out as if they were on the verge of shattering into pieces. Deep and long marks were left on the ship body by the incredible skills and divine weapons; the metals on the ship were heavily rusted, and the wood was rotten.

The Wei Shen Six Paths World’s fleet looked at the incoming ships in terror. Giant skeletons stood on the shabby ships’ decks, their armors full of holes and the weapons they held were mostly broken as well. Despite that, the giant skeletons stood with their back ramrod straight and their heads high up.

On the elevated stage, a giant stood held two drumsticks in his hands, one was on the huge drum in front of him and the other was raised high in the sky. The giant too was just left with bones.

Those onboard these warships were skeletons, an armada that somehow escaped from the ancient figures from wiping them away and lingered still in the ancient battlefield.

As they came out of the void, the air of the ancient days filled the space.

Heavenly King Shang shuddered in extreme excitement, even his voice was quivering, “This is… an ancient vault of treasures! Hahahaha, we are so darn lucky, how else in the heavens can we have met with the royal armada of an ancient monarch. Each and every piece of items in this armada are treasures to us!”

But before he was able to order his people to scavenge the ancient armada, a huge light beam abruptly blasted out from the shattered space in front of them.

The light beam shot across the universe, its source was not known to anyone nor was its destination.

The light beam appeared just like a river that flowed through the mountains.

As the light beam shone on the shabby ships, the armada grew lively. The rusts fell off from the ships, and the battle marks were recovered as if they were nonexistent; even the skeletons started to revert back into vivid living beings with meat and flesh!

The crowd was utterly dazed.

Just seconds ago, the whole armada and the skeletons on it appeared just like a black and white scene, and now the whole scene had come to life as if time flowed backward and brought them back to the ancient days.

“It’s the Imperial Road of the Heavenly Monarch!” Xin Huo exclaimed, “Brat Yue, this is the pathway of the Imperial Road!”

Zhong Yue was shocked. The light beam was none other than the Imperial Road’s teleportal beam. It linked the Celestial Fire Star and the Zi Wei Imperial Star!

If this is the Imperial Road of the Heavenly Monarch, then there must be the Fuxi Clan’s Heavenly Monarch somewhere in the armada! Zhong Yue quickly looked at the warships; but there were thousands of them clustering together, it was impossible to locate the Heavenly Monarch’s warship.


Dong— Dong—

Deep and low sounds of drums rumbled from the warships, they were thrummed by the giants with drumsticks and resounded in the desolate space. The war drums excited their blood and pumped their hearts with intense battle spirit.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

As the war drums continued, the ancient ships released their flags to flutter in the breeze.


As the flesh, and nerves, and veins, and blood grew back on skeletons, the gods of war were brought back to lives. The dragon scales glossed like mirrors covered their bodies, reflecting the lights into the dark space.

The divine third eye opened on their foreheads with shining light rays. They stomped their weapons on the ground and roared loudly.


“Great Feng! Great Feng! Great Feng!”

Sadness, pain, anger, fire burning will, Zhong Yue could hear all kinds of emotions mixed in the voices as the soldiers chanted. It sounded like the combination of a war song and a mournful dirge.

As the chant goes on, a warship glaze in golden rays flew in the center of the huge light beam. On the golden ship, lies a coffin, one that belongs to the supreme ruler of the universe!

“Great Feng! Great Feng!”

The ancient voices chanted unceasingly, trembled the worlds and shuddered the universe. They were the royal armada that that was tasked to sent the Heavenly Monarch’s coffin back to be buried in the Ancestral Star.

The Fuxi gods of war were determined to return their Heavenly Monarch back to the root of the Fuxi Celestial Race.

Immediately, tears rolled in Zhong Yue’s eyes as he understood why the armada was chanting.

Feng was the original surname of all humans and also the Fuxi Clan. But it wasn’t just a surname, it was at the same time, the honor and symbol of the Fuxi Celestial Race. There was no doubt that this Fuxi Heavenly Monarch carried Feng as his surname.

“Great Feng…” Zhong Yue mumbled.

All of a sudden, a drastic change took place right before their eyes. Half of the light beam disappeared abruptly without a sign, and a shadow darker than black covered the world in front of the armada.

In the shadow, emerged countless strong figures whose identities were all well hidden; so strong that even Heavenly King Shang shivered like a cattle under their auras. Despite him being a celestial emperor, he knew he stood no chance to any single one of the entities.

Then unsurprisingly, the outbreak of a bloody war erupted.

Within the shadow, a huge hand surrounded by an evil air clawed onto the golden warship, rusting the warship in just the matter of a split second. It was then at that exact moment, another terrifying aura pounced out from the Heavenly Monarch’s coffin.

A golden sword shone in blinding light was lashed out and slashed on the evil hand.

Then, the coffin lid shattered apart, revealing an old man with grey hair who slowly sat up in the coffin. As the three eyes on his wrinkled face opened tardily, the calm air and godly rays in his eyes cast aside the darkness in this universe.

“You are already dead, and you still want to stop me?” An evil voice sounded from all around the battlefield, laughing as it continued, “What can you do even when your soul has descended from the Void World? Heavenly Monarch of the Fuxi Clan, a dead man shall always remain, dead!”

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