Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1163 - Enter Green Mountain Base

Lan Lu blinked his eyes when he saw Lin Kui, Yan Huiguang, and the other few who were new to him. His eyes lingered on Yan Huiguang for a short while. That man had shown up together with the zombie lady, meaning that the problem of the leaked secret should have been solved already.

While thinking, he smiled at Lin Qiao and greeted, “I wasn’t expecting to have you guys as guests. Why didn’t you tell us that you’re coming here? I thought you’d leave after finishing off that wolf king.”

Lin Qiao understood that he was just trying to be nice, so she responded to him with a smile, “This is your territory after all. I’ll surely come here to say goodbye to you before leaving. Am I not welcomed?”

Lan Lu knew she was joking. He waved a hand, then guided Lin Qiao and her friends into the base, “That’s impossible! I’m just worried that my place might be a little too humble for you. Since you’re here already, please come in!”

“I wonder if you’ll still welcome me when I told you that I’m here to collect a debt. When will you give me my level-eight energy nucleus?” While walking into the base, Lin Qiao said smilingly.

After walking into the gate of the base, the looks on the faces of Lin Qiao and her friends turned a little weird.

“You guys have built a base here. Can you at least get rid of the ‘mental institution’ signboard?” Seeing the huge signboard, Lin Qiao complained to Lan Lu. The people who followed behind her all looked at Lan Lu and his people, agreeing with her.

“Eh-hem…” On hearing her words, Lan Lu glanced at the signboard and coughed awkwardly, then explained, “Um, it’s because we were looking for a new site to build our base for a very long time. We didn’t plan to stay here for the long-run, so we didn’t pay attention to the signboard. But, we never found a suitable site to build our base, and later on we forgot about the signboard… By now, we’re too lazy to deal with it.”

Lin Qiao looked at him with a weird expression and said, “I feel we’ve come to somewhere we shouldn’t have… You have spirit power. Were you a patient in this place?”

Lan Lu looked at her without knowing what to say. Seeing the look on his face, Lin Qiao grinned, “Oh, I think I guessed right.”

Lan Lu stayed silent. He would never tell her that most of the superpower possessors in his base were patients of the mental institution. He just guided the guests into the reception room and offered them seats.

“I know you didn’t come all the way to our base to collect the debt. Tell me, is it about our base?” After sitting down, Lan Lu said to Lin Qiao with a smile. He, of course, wouldn’t believe what she said just now. He was a spirit power possessor after all. The zombie lady must have visited his base for a better reason.

“Hm… Northwest, about two-hundred miles from here near the border, some creatures showed up there. You better send your men over there to keep an eye on them. Don’t get too close, though. Those monsters are from deep underground and they emit a strong, acidic scent. Ten miles in radius around them, all the plants have died, and earth has turned black. That place has become a death zone by now. Those creatures eat rotten corpses, including zombies,” said Lin Qiao to Lan Lu with a serious look.

She didn’t seem to be joking. Hearing her description, Lan Lu realized that the situation was probably quite serious. “Monsters? What kind of monsters?” His heart even sank a little.

Lin Qiao felt a little chilly on the back when she thought about those creatures’ heads covered in eyes. “Well, they’re two or three meters long, with round heads the size of basins. But… they have so many eyes on their heads. They have two feet that look like forepaws, while the lower part of their bodies is flat and soft, like leeches or slugs. They are really disgusting!”

Based on her description, the others on the scene pictured those multiple-eyed, soft-bodies creatures in their heads and felt very uncomfortable.

“Why did such creatures suddenly show up?” Lan Lu looked at Lin Qiao and asked with confusion.

Lin Qiao thought for a moment and said, “I think there’s probably a world deep underground, and we don’t know about it yet. Aside from those creatures that we’ve seen in your territory, we’ve also found another type of strange creature near my base. They have no eyes and look like gorillas. They’re much larger than the ones we found near here though. Those gorillas are very aggressive. Thankfully, they have a weakness. I’ll leave you to find out the weakness of the monsters in your territory. I’m a little worried about my own monsters. I wonder if they will mutate at some point.”

She had a very bad feeling before she saw those multiple-eyed creatures. After seeing them, she started worrying that if anything was happening to Strong and his herd. Clearly, she was trying to tell Lan Lu that she wouldn’t stay in his territory for any longer.

“There’re monsters in your place too? Do you think they have anything in common? Are they connected somehow?” Lan Lu thought for a moment and then asked her.

“Things in common… The two types of creatures were both unseen in the world before, and they are both from the underground. Nothing else,” Lin Qiao spent a few seconds thinking and then responded.

“Alright,” said Lan Lu, “I’ll send my people there to take a look. We have found two different types of underground creatures now. Are there more in other places? Why did they suddenly show up? Perhaps something threatening to them is emerging underground.”

He always had sharp hunches. Hearing Lin Qiao say more than one type of underground creatures had shown up on the earth’s surface, he instantly grew nervous.

Lin Qiao gave him a glance and nodded. “I feel the same. I think we need to find out if the other bases have found something too.”

After talking to Lan Lu about those multiple-eyed creatures, Lin Qiao didn’t linger in Green Mountain Base for long. Instead, she and her friends soon left the remote mental institution.

Outside the base, Bowwow and his friends were playing with the little tiger. Sensing Lin Qiao’s vibe coming out of Green Mountain Base, they immediately moved toward her. The little tiger looked young, but it wasn’t weak at all. The mutated animals and zombies at or below level-three were no threats to it. It would need to run if it encountered a level-four one though.

The four caught up with Lin Qiao and her friends on the highway nearby. She laughed when she saw the little tiger lying on the mushroom’s head.

“Look at you! Does the little cat not like you two?” Lin Qiao looked at the mushroom who was carrying the little tiger on its head, then said to the other two. Black threw a cold glance at jer and then left. Meanwhile, Bowwow barked at the little tiger who was lying on the mushroom’s head with discontent.

“Ao…” The tiger responded with a bland howl.

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