The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 59 - Lightning Of Absolution III

Thousands of lightning bolt shaped knifes created out of electricity were moving at break neck speeds towards all the attacks that had been aimed at the Wizard.

A wide sh*t eating smile has spread from the once contorted face of the Wizard, making all of us grimace with self deprecating curses that we would not make verbal in front of the children.

"Run, all of you!" Said Elaina while looking back at the children and healer

"but aunti-" Tried to persist Zach before being slapped and pushed away to just be held by the already running healer

"Call reinforcements!" roared Alan while charging forwards with Throid to his side

\'F*ck it! This bastard is too strong! I really am weak!\' I though to myself while clenching my fist hard enough to allow my fingernails to intrude my skin and release blood.

I finally decided to get up from the place I had been sitting in for the last 45 seconds that I had spent contemplating the outcomes and chances we had, after seeing Throid and Alan jump into the line of fire.

\'Damn, they have commitment... Is this friendship? Where one would endanger their own life for another\'s? I know I did the same thing for Gen, but this is not the same position. There were many things I had thought of before helping her out, from my sister being sad to my family being discriminated against because I would have somehow been to blame. Yes, she is my friend, but I would always choose my own life over someone else\'s.\' I reminisced while looking at the two charging men in slow motion as my thought acceleration had been released from the suppression I had put it in.

I swiftly grabbed my sword that was covered in the blood that I had released while being smashed into trees, before being healed. The sword Started to slowly enlarge itself to finally become the side of half my body, and as wide as my torso from the thin rapier it was before.

Unbeknownst to me, in that moment, a huge wolf, 20 meters tall, stood on thin air watching the battle under him with keen eyes. Precisely, he was only keeping an eye on me and Keaurin while the rest felt like nothing more than a part of his peripheral vision.

"She really wont be able to improve her magic capacity or until she hits her adolescence. Refining her mana into anything more than the ethereal state is going to be hard for her too... Thankfully, her mana veins are still developing at a exceptional speed, but the rest might be a slight problem." Muttered the wolf.

Back on my side, I was remembering on of the conversations I had with Juilam;

"-and Just when I was about to leave my village onto my journey, my father told me to wait"

"can you get to the part about the divine being you met?" I snorted while practicing my swordsmanship on the mud dolls that Juilam had created.

"IM GETTING THERE!" Retorted Juilam while snarling at me.

"anyway" he continued "The day came a few months later when a little girl with blood red hair and crimson eyes landed on our land. I didn\'t think much of her until I felt the pure aura of power and suppression from her, which made me instantly kneel... According to my father, the divine beings only come to our continent/ lands when they want to check if everything is in order. The girl that had landed on our land was the Divine being of Bloodshed and had come to check on our continent to see if there is anything worthwhile."

"of course, my father\'s clan being one of the most powerful clans on the east side of the continent, she decided to visit us personally to have a quick check up. Even though I expecting someone powerful, her sheer presence created such a suppressive aura that it made everyone in the clan kneel, including my father. Yet the scent of death hit our nostrils like a knife to the septum."

"Every single one of us started shiver in fear, fear of the unknown... Fear of true power. Let me tell you something Atlas. Divine power is nothing like magic. It might use your mana, it might need your will to control it, but that\'s it. That is where the similarities end. Comparing divine energy to magic is like comparing a puddle to the ocean. The true power of divinity is that it transcends both time and space while breaking every natural law of this world. Divinity may use your mana, but it\'s true power comes from your flame of life! Divinity is the comprehension of your personality and soul, and using it to create powerful divine spells no normal magic could.-"

The memory came to an abrupt ending as I saw Throid being launched back by a thunderbolt to the center of his cross-armed chest. He crashed into the trees behind him like a meteor, and then promptly stood up almost immediately before launching towards the Wizard at his full speed.

From what I could feel, they were just as strong as my grandmother, if not a little stronger. But the one flaw of both Alan and Throid were that they were weak against long ranged archers or mages, therefore not giving them a good chance to fight against the long ranged Wizard that we had been fighting against for the last few hours.

Using my entire body weight and strength, I launched from ground towards the wizard like a rocket. The up-thrust was so powerful that it had uprooted some of the trees within the area of my launch, while leaving two footprints and a 2 meter radius of shattered earth.

Even though I was completely out of mana, I was still sure that due to my divine body, I could still be of help while avoiding most of the danger when fighting. Even though I was still not completely used to having 360 degree vision yet, it did come in handy when I needed it, and this was a situation where a single blind spot could cause you your death.

Clenching my sword even harder while I\'m mid air, I tensed my entire arm while moving my sword forwards to counter whatever I was about to encounter when getting within the radius of the Lightning of Absolution spell.

\'Think of the soul flame. How it works. How it flickers. How it speaks. Now transfer that power outside my body and create a power behind anything any human can create\' I thought to myself while smirking slightly

I could feel a power course through my veins, enveloping my body in a warm embrace. Yet, the moment I tried to use that power that had enveloped my body when I had gotten lose enough to attack, it disappeared like it had never even been there.

The Wizard took all his attention off the rest and fully focused on me, creating hundreds of spine chillingly sharp lighting blades, while created a bastard sword at his side.

\'SH*T\' I shouted within my mind as I tried to find the safest escape the moment my sword had gotten close to his.

I watched as my sword clashed with his, producing a powerful one sided shockwave that blue me and everyone else away.

I watched as my body was thrown towards the lightning blades, trying to find the best method and way to avoid them while using as little energy as possible. Clenching my teeth till my gums bled, I preformed a somersault while digging the 250kg 5 meter tall pole into the ground, using it to take advantage of my current momentum to grab the elongated pole to then spin around and go back to attacking the Wizard.

\'This will be a good fight\' I thought while using the accumulated mana to create two long swords. One was created out of pure light magic while the other was created out a pale blue fire.

\'These swords are constructs, so they wont take too much mana to keep, but a lot of mana to create. I should be able to keep their shape for at least 10 mins if I don\'t use any external spells.

I was not the only one thinking of fighting however, as I saw the silhouette of Throid, Alan, Granny and Keaurin moving at breakneck speeds towards the Wizard after seeing me charge forwards without a speck of fear within my eyes.

The "goblin Slaughterer", also known to me as the "plus one" started to run away with the healer long ago, not wanting to risk her life for mostly strangers, while grabbing Elaina with her due to the fact she was the weakest excluding the children. Consequently, I had become the weakest on the battle field almost instantly, both in magic and skill. The skills that Throid and Alan were showing with the axe and Saber exuded a flavour between experience and power, while the magic my grandma used wasn\'t skilful, but much more powerful than anything I could create.

"RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" We all roared as we closed in, throwing all our attacks at the wizard, at the same time.

No body had seemed to realised that my light sword was actually light magic, so when it turned into a blur and cut through many of the lighting blades in front of me, not only the Wizard was shocked, but everyone else except Keaurin.

"D-don\'t tell me" Muttered the bear chested Wizard, horror evident within his eyes... "A Holy knight!" He shouted with a shaky voice while stepping into on of Throid\'s axe swings, that was barely blocked by the electric barrier.

"You have no idea" Whispered Keaurin, loud enough for my enhanced hearing to pick up on.

Dozens of white and brown feathers appeared out of nowhere around the Wizard, and to his dismay, they completely destroyed the barrier he had created.

The feathers sharpened in a single breath of time, creating sharp small daggers to destroy anything within site. Every single feather pointed towards the wizard before zooming towards him after my final slash from my light sword had landed and I had leaped back.

Seeing he was about to turn into swiss cheese, the Wizard barked "Oh F*ck this!" and preformed a few hand seals while muttering a much of phrases and chants.

"That\'s a big spell he\'s making! It is at least at the supreme level!" My grandma warned

Unfortunately, before the feathers could reach him, he muttered the last chant of the spell "Lighting of Absolution; Zeus\' breath"

I instinctually opened my eyes on accident, allowing me to get bombarded with information about the scene in front of me. A few thoughts out the whole bombardment were tangible enough for me to pick up on for a few moments.

-"Air and Lightin-"-



-"-lication completion: 42%"

I clenched my head within my palms, waiting for the headache to subside

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