The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 62 - 5 Weeks Later

We later finished our little meeting after both my grandma and Juilam started to question each other about me. While Juilam wanted to see how much I trusted my family, by seeing how many secrets I would have told them by making them subconsciously bring it up, my grandmother instead just wanted to check if I was getting taken care of correctly. I knew that deep down, my grandmother really cared for me, But back then in my battle frenzy state, I couldn\'t help but get slightly angry at her for trying to forcefully take me away.

If she really wanted to take me away, she could have easily done herself, if not with the help of Throid and Alan who are around the same level as her. The one reason she didn\'t do that, was because she did not want to hurt me. Right now, I had such a low amount of mana compared to most adults, that I might as well not fight.

Even though I have enough of a proficiency to create a Lord level spells like \'Blue Flames\' Symphony\' series. Most of the spells there will become stronger the higher the proficiency of mana manipulation and elemental energy manipulation becomes. The amount of mana I have is also a big factor to determine how strong one of those spells would be, no matter which one of the series it was.

Since the say I had come to the forest and had awoken from my little slumber after the incident with the Black furred Lion, I had decided to increase my power and efficiency with the fire element. I had already created and theorize many spells that I could theoretically use with a little bit of practice. Sadly, practice is not available due to how much strain the spells put on my body, while another factor is that the spells are way too strong for anyone but Keaurin and Juilam to take it on.

There were a few wolfs much stronger than me in the tribe, but if I were to use one of the best fire spells I had, it would have not been too much of a problem to beat them fully.

After a few hours of speaking, my grandmother had decided it was probably a good time to leave, especially to inform the rest that were were fine and there was no need for another team to enter the forest. I had basically forced her to go back and apologize to my parents and Aroura for basically being an ass to all of them.

At the same time, she had forced to promise to come back a week before my birthday, or at least 3 days before it. I didn\'t know why, but if I would have to guess, I would guess it was because they would need to ask me a bit about the party they were going to make for me. Apparently they are forcing me to have a party, and while some have good intentions like my sister Aroura and my friend Gen, other\'s think the best thing for be is to get married really quickly, like my mother had apparently intended for Aroura.

Apparently my mother wanted to get Aroura married off to a rich family, but when she got the career in runesmithing and ForgeMastering, she had decided to leave the responsibility of marriage upon me.

I love my mother, but hearing that, most of my respect for her started to dwindle, as if it wasn\'t dwindling already. Sometimes I wonder if she is doing this little popularity contest with the nobles for our family or for herself, because almost no body agrees within our family, only that b*tch Elaina keeps pumping air up my mother\'s a*s about all her ideas, giving her an ego boost and making her think that she is right.

To be honest, I don\'t even blame Elaina anymore! Society itself in this world needs a little bit of reconstruction, and the materialization of society itself are no other than Gen\'s Grandmother and Grandfather. If I could kill one person without any consequences, I would be struggling to choose between these two.

I think the non-existent gods to this day that Gen is nothing like her parents or Grandparents.


For the next 5 weeks, I kept working in the outposts of the tribe. Nothing interesting had happened since the day that those bunch of humans attacked the tribe, and personally, I was getting bored enough that I hoped a group of that strength would attack us again. Of course, minus the Wizard stage mage.

To be honest, I had no idea what any of the stages of this empire meant, I\'ve seen them in many books but I was never able to tell their use. Apparently It was just a hierarchy, and according to Juilam, beasts usually just refer to people\'s power levels through the distinction between one\'s mana heart, and the size.

Mana heart quality and size doesnt usually tell you the power level of the person you are fighting, but apparently it is a good indication of what a person\'s power level would be, since most people stay in the same mana heart stage until the prefect a few moves here and there.

The one problem with this though is that, me, someone with divine mana, a mana that is at least 4 times more powerful than normal mana, most people would just underestimate me. This would cause more problems than it would solve, as it would mean I am more likely to get targeted, especially if I were to go to the academy.

Children are petty, really petty, so I wouldn\'t expect any less from them if they were to find out they were stronger than me. All I hope for is that the schools are strict about bullying and other sorts of abuse, because if they aren\'t, either I will have to suck it up and go through my school years or they might have a small massacre on their hands.

I hadn\'t really asked Aroura about her years in the academy much. Whenever she was home, she did not like to talk about the academy because home was the only thing that could keep her mind clear of any academic thoughts that might raise her stress levels. The only think I do know about though, is this that from all the complaining she does about the men in that academy, it seems like many women have it hard.

To be honest, seeing how this society functions, where it is normal for men to pester women and call it a "favour", I don\'t understand why the feminists of earth were complaining. I am no feminists, but that fact that I had turned into a women who can get degraded by any man for no reason other than their lust, it feels completely disgusting.

Anyway, away from all the feminist bullsh*t, one problem I did have in the next 5 weeks of being mentored by Juilam is that my swordsmanship, mana mastery and movements are bad at best. I had never learnt any swordsmanship back in my world, while my footwork might have been good, but due to my lack of experience I was never really able to exert it it\'s full potential back on earth. This created a fighting style with many holes, weaknesses and wasted movements that would make me both tire quickly and lose quickly.

I started to finally understand what Juilam meant when he said that my inability to advance in mana heart levels was a blessing in disguise, because if not for this, I would have been continuously relying on my enormous mana storage and also the uniqueness of my Divine mana. This would have caused many problems in the future, and due to those, I wouldn\'t be able to actually fight against anyone at the same strength as me.

For 5 weeks, I spent the days practicing my swordsmanship, foot work and breathing techniques back from earth to advance on and become stronger. Compared to the breathing techniques my father uses, the ones from earth were barely useful, but they were a good start.

From what Juilam had informed me, is that since my body is one of a divine being, normal human weapons and techniques are barely useful on my body, therefore also forcing me to create my own weapons later on, my own runes and my own techniques which I will eventually call the Divine Foundations.

In the last week of my patrol duty, I had to fight against 3 different elemental beasts at the same time, one being more specialized in silver lightning while the other two were air types. After fighting for a few hours, I was able to come on top and ate their mana hearts to advance my mana heart, even a little.

Apparently, the only way I could advance my mana heart right now was through eating mana hearts, which would usually make the normal human being explode but I was different. Since my body was able to digest the energies and mana, while also converting that mana into the same mana I use, I was able to increase my body\'s strength and the mana hearts size by a tiny bit in the last 5 weeks. Due to the fact I needed 5 times the amount of mana any normal person would need for all my 5 elements, normal mana heart energies aren\'t too useful due to both theory quantity and the differentiation.

My mana heart would only increase in size when I have equal amounts of elemental energies in every element I have an affinity towards to, which is every element except darkness. And while I can get the 4 base elements pretty easily, light mana hearts are really hard to come by.

Juilam would sometimes give me some of his own mana to filter and transform into my own, while occasionally (once so far), when an execution is put on trial, I get to have the mana heart.

The fact it also increases my body\'s power at the same time is the only reason it works, while absorbing the soul flame of the owner of the mana heart also stabilises the energies/ mana to then enhance the power of my body.

Finally after 5 weeks had gone, It was time for me to go back to the human settlements. Since I had promised my grandmother that I would come 3 days early, I decided to leave 4 days before my birthday so I can sleep on my bed without anyone pestering me for at least a day.

Walking to the entrance of the tribe settlement, me, Juilam and Keaurin started to converse about different topics before I would leave. I had a feeling that I wouldn\'t be able to see them in a long time, so I simply took part. It was one of the best conversations I had with a person since the day I was born, since there was nothing behind every word that was said. We all felt like we could speak freely, and even though beast aren\'t usually ones to converse, this was an exception. We didn\'t talk about training, nor did we talk about anything that would create a solemn mood.

When we finally got near the gate, our steps halted and we looked at each other. I took a few more steps forward before looking back and giving a deep bow to both Keaurin and Juilam.

"Thank you for everything you\'ve done for me! Without you guys I don\'t know what my life would have looked like by now. You gave me shelter, food, water and nice people like you guys to talk to every single day, and for that, I thank you." I said before finally lifting my self from the bow.

"The pleasure is all mine hahaha. Imagine all the stories I can tell in the future when you become strong. I can say I personally beat the crap out of you every single day! You are very good bragging material" Juilam replied which instead of getting angry at, I started to laugh while Keaurin joined me.

"Thank you for protecting our village in your patrol duty. You were an amazing guest, if not a part of our tribe.. You are welcome whenever you wish to visit and we will all welcome you with open arms" Said Keaurin with a small bow of the head.

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