Reincarnated With A System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 4 Three Months

Days passed. I never understood how novels talked about the days passing in a blink of an eye. In my case, it felt like an eternity. They were liars. Every second was like torture. The only thing that kept me going was that there was a world out there that I had yet to see, and it would probably be worth it. I kept going on a lie that I told myself.

If this was the world outside, then it was going to be one of murder and power struggles. I enjoy neither. But what could I do? Three months passed. The worst three months of my life. But that was all mental. Physically, my body was having a field day. It craved more exercise. It wanted to do more reps. It was like I was getting addicted to something that I hated having to deal with.

My body became only more well developed over these three months. The muscles were perfect. Not too bulky, but enough to show that I had quite the rugged body. I would say that I could probably pass off as a model, given how well my body looked to me.

And my stats went up a lot. I meant that for sure. I had so many stat points that I had yet to assign, and I was getting very close to leveling up. Just one more day, one more cycle, and I would be able to break through the barrier that kept me tied here.

I started the cycle. I did not even look at the wall. After doing the same thing for so many days, I did not even have to try and recall it. My body knew what to do. It did not need to be reminded. It went on its own flow, and I let it.

And it did not hurt me that much! It felt like a few ants bit me, but that was all. Nothing much. Nothing like the pain that I had to undergo during the first month. I did not even change my facial expressions while I was going through this one cycle.

I finished ten minutes later. This was also a factor that I had improved over the months of practice. It went down from half an hour to just ten minutes. And maybe it would decrease after a lot more practise. And this was all that it took.


User has gained 10 exp


User has leveled up. User is now level 5

"System homepage" I called out, expressionlessly.

Username - Gray Holton

Cultivation name - Liu Feng

Title - Young Master of the Liu Family

Level - 5

Strength - 25

Stamina - 20

Agility - 25

Cultivation - 1 year

Luck - 20

Skills - Heaven Devouring (Medium Proficiency)

Skill points - 10

Stat Points - 20

"What about the system features that I was supposed to unlock after I reached level 5? Don\'t tell me that you really are useless." I asked.

"Features will be available after System has gone through an update. Update will start in five minutes. User will be unable to access system for one day. It is suggested that User stay inside the cave until update is completed." the system said, and the blue box in front of me blanked out.

"Like hell, I am going to wait for you to update. I am going out. I waited three months for this. Do you really think that I am going to wait another day? I am way too bored for that." I grumbled.

Then, I looked at the wall that had the inscriptions of the Heaven Devouring art. This art truly changed my life, and I did not know what I would do without it. In just three months, it made my body so much stronger, and I knew that this was a secret worth killing over.

I clenched my fists and punched at the wall. A crisp sound came from the wall, but nothing happened. I smiled as I took a step back. Then, I bowed to the wall. I had to show my respect to whoever left this behind, but if I let it stay like this, then it would be the death of me. Then, I turned around to leave.

Crumble! Crumble!

Slowly, the cave started moving a little. The wall, just where I had struck it, started collapsing. It was like the punch happened a few seconds after I had turned around. But I knew that this would happen. The moment I grew this powerful, I started trying out how much strength I had. The results surprised me, to say the least. For one thing, I knew that I could move the boulder that was blocking the cave.

I faced the entrance, and put my hands on the curved and smooth surface of the boulder. Digging my heels into the ground, I pushed. And I pushed hard. Yet nothing happened. The boulder did not even budge.

"This does not make sense. The system said that if I reached level 5, I would be able to leave the place." I wondered.

Then, I realized. The stat points. I did not use any of them, and I would be able to leave if I put all of that into my strength. I knew that I had to be balanced, but my priority was leaving.

"System homepage."

Nothing happened.

"System homepage!" I shouted this time. Again, nothing happened.

"What the hell is wrong with you. Oh shit. You are updating. God, you must be kidding me. Why must god hate me so much!" I shouted.

As if God was listening to me, the boulder moved. And this time, I knew that this wasn\'t because of me. This was because someone was behind that boulder.


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