The Trembling World

Chapter 436

Liu Gan waited for the Crocodile to catch up, then a quick sidestep led to the Crocodile falling down on the floor once again.

"See how simple that was? Are there any volunteers willing to try?" Liu Gan shouted as he sidestepped the Crocodile.

Everyone looked at each other at least once, waiting for someone brave or stupid enough to raise their hand. This type of dangerous situation only needed one mistake to lose your life!

"I\'ll do it!" Ana shouted loudly while the others were still hesitating.

Perhaps it was Liu Gan\'s teasing that made it even angrier. The moment the Crocodile saw Ana walking closer, it lost interest in Liu Gan. Instead it tried to pick on an easier prey, one that it could catch. Was it angry that it couldn\'t catch Liu Gan, or that a female human was challenging its authority?

The moment the creature charged at Ana, she froze up. She stood in place without moving an inch. That was when Liu Gan started producing cold sweat… Over these few days of observing the Ana, he loved her personality. She had been brave from the very beginning; she was daring and active, which were much better qualities than Lin Shi Ya. He had plans to oversee her growth, so she can be a useful ally. Little did he expect that she would be the one to die from this small obstacle.

There was a dozen meters of distance in between Liu Gan and Ana, he wouldn\'t make it in time to save her from the attack.

The remaining people shrieked. When Sun Chao died, even if they didn\'t interact with him at a deeper level, they were still upset. If Ana died, they would certainly be depressed for a long time.

The Crocodile kept charging forward. The creature opened up its mouth wide apart and aimed at the most vulnerable spot, Ana\'s neck. Suddenly, Ana moved two meters to the side. The Crocodile fell over head first with a loud bang, and slid on the ground until it came to a stop. It missed Ana by half a meter, and actually fell harder than when it was chasing Liu Gan.

"Hahaha…!" Ana stood outside the range of attack, while chuckling loudly. She was a quick learner from the moment she witnessed Liu Gan perform the trick.

"Not bad! Just like that!" Liu Gan sighed a breath of relief and complimented Ana.

"Sister Ana, you scared all of us!" the bystanders all sighed.

"In the real world, I played bullfighting with my friends in Spain. The feeling for it is the same. I just have to time it correctly to sidestep," Ana said proudly after being praised.

The Crocodile got up off the floor, then chased after Ana again. By now, Ana had grasped the timing of the technique, so she was able to avoid contact. As for the Crocodile, every time it missed an attack, it would grow even angrier. No matter how hard it chased, it couldn\'t catch up with Ana.

Ana was a great starter. Since she was the only women in the group, the men felt ashamed that they had been bested by a girl. Whether it was to regain lost pride or to demonstrate who had the bigger balls, they all volunteered to tease around this Crocodile. Now that Liu Gan and Ana had demonstrated the technique to them, if they couldn\'t do it then it would show how incompetent they were.

Under Liu Gan\'s arrangement, they practiced in this order: Cai Hao Chen, Liu Kang, Johnny Fei, and Star Yu. Then, it was Stratos, Song Jiu, Saffron Ma, and Xu Ji Chao, as these were the quiet and shy bunch that hadn\'t played a role yet.

This energetic Crocodile dutifully completed its role as a training tool, charging toward every challenger without regard. It didn\'t complain about long working hours or constantly falling. It definitely didn\'t cry about how difficult the task was. It only knew how to continuously chase after its prey without feeling tired. In the meantime, the players practiced their sidestepping timing.

The aura that came off of the reptile was that of a cold-blooded abomination. Since it was simple-minded, it didn\'t have higher processing capabilities. It had enough brute strength to fulfill all its needs, so there was no need to evolve further.

Aside from Cai Hao Chen and Liu Kang, the rest of the players there played ring around the rosie with the Crocodile. They would surround the Crocodile and clap their hands to attract its attention. That would be the sign for the Crocodile to charge toward the people. Using the technique they had practiced, they would dance around the Crocodile as it fell to the floor.

After the intense training from Liu Gan, they weren\'t afraid of the creature anymore. Even if they couldn\'t kill it, they wouldn\'t die if they didn\'t get hit.

Even if they failed to get rid of the Crocodile, they could scream and Liu Gan would come to the rescue, since he would be in the vicinity. At his top speed, he could reach them in half a minute to provide support.

When the group were fed up with fooling around with the Crocodile, Liu Gan took that opportunity to lead the Crocodile somewhere several kilometers away and then abandoned it before returned to the group.

In the meantime, Cai Hao Chen and Liu Kang were tailing the young mother, while Liu Gan was telling the rest of the group key features of the daughter.

Cai Hao Chen and Liu Kang had to tail the young mother and leave behind detailed markings on the trees or buildings. The rest of the group was split up into pairs; if any of the pairs found Wan\'er, the daughter, they would return back to this starting point.

So there were a total of four pairs: Johnny Fei and Song Jiu were grouped up, while Ana and Star Yu were in another group. Then were was Saffron Ma and Xu Ji Chao, and Stratos was grouped with Liu Gan. Each of the pairs chose a cardinal direction to start their search for Wan\'er. Once they found Wan\'er, they would try their best to bring her back to the starting point so they could follow the markings left by Liu Kan and Cai Hao Chen.

As an incentive, Liu Gan promised them that the first pair that found Wan\'er, would receive his blessing. They would be gifted the last kill on an Advanced Zombie or Beast. This offer was equivalent to being able to reach level 10!

Now that Liu Gan was level 12, killing one or two of the Advanced Zombies or Beasts wouldn\'t help him significantly. He would need a few hundred of those kills before he could level up again. Itt was more useful to tempt the others into working harder to fulfill the mission.

Hearing that this tempting offer was up for grabs, team morale increased dramatically. This type of opportunity didn\'t come often!

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